Dark Sides(Discontinued, May...

By TechnaLied713

64K 1.9K 760

What would have happened if the others kept bullying Virgil? Long answer short; A nightmare. Virgil grew bitt... More

Author's Note
Page One
Page Two
Page Three
Page Four
Page Five
Page Six
Page Seven
Author's Note 2
Page Eight
Page Nine
Page Ten
Page 11
Page Twelve
Page Thirteen (Really short, Sorry)
Serious Question.
In Which The Author Starts Naming The Chapters
In Which Deceit Gets a Hug.
In Which Virgil Has a Bad Feeling
In Which There is a Cliff Hanger
In Which the Author is Very Sorry
In Which Hell Breaks Lose
In Which There is a Lot of Running
In Which the Evil is Slain
In Which Ego is Poetic
I Got Tagged.
In Which There Is Intrusive Thot
In Which There is Hope
I'm So VERY Sorry

In Which Hatred is Hiss-tory (I'm sorry)

1.6K 60 84
By TechnaLied713

For a while we walked in silence. Until Logan broke it, "Are you sure we're going in the right direction Virgil?"

I nodded, "We're connected remember? In such an empty place we're naturally drawn to each other."

Suddenly we heard something that cemented the fact that we were going the right way: a thud followed by someone whimpering in pain. We all looked at each other, "Patton!" With that we sprinted off towards the noise.

Time seemed to slow for me as we made it to the scene. Patton was lying on the floor, bruises and small cuts covering his face and arms. Hatred stood above him, kicking him in the stomach. My blood ran cold as he turned to us. "Well, if it isn't the other three stooges." He growled and yanked Patton up by his collar, "Now, Patton, who would you cry the most for if I killed them? The stupid, slut Prince? Your evil, reject emo son who caused all this. Or maybe the emotionless robot you're in love with?"

Patton started crying, "Please, don't, they didn't do anything to you! Kill me instead, just please don't hurt them!" At this point I realized I was completely frozen in fear (or maybe just frozen), and by the lack of interference I guess the others were too.

"Do you think I care? They're all worthless runts, just like you.", Hatred sneered at him, "I'm not going to kill you yet." He dropped Patton again, "I'm going to make you watch as they all die in front of you."

We still couldn't move, we were sitting duck as he walked towards us, soon to be dead sitting ducks. He kicked Roman's legs out from under him, forcing him to kneel, then he grabbed Roman by his injured arm, forcing it out of the sling, "Stitches, huh?" Hatred asked, glaring into Roman's terrified eyes with a sadistic smirk as he dug his fingers into the wound, "I can't wait to kill all of you idiot rejects."

Roman cried out in pain as fresh blood trickled from the wound. Patton tried to push himself up, "NO! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" He screamed, falling back down with a dull whimper. If Logan or I could have moved we would have turned Hatred to dust, but unfortunately we weren't that lucky.

A knife appeared in Hatred's hand, and just as he was about to deliver a killing blow a flash of dark purple and yellow slammed into him. Hatred fell to the ground and we were able to see the culprit.

"Deceit?!" We all asked aloud. Then, with our ability to move back we rushed over to Patton and helped him up. We all then turned to Deceit, so we could see just what he was up to.

The half snake faced maniac sneered as he walked over to Hatred. Before he could get up Deceit dug his heel into his throat, and hissed, "Listen up you false emo fuck face, I am the ONLY one who gets to lie to these guys," He lifted Hatred up by his neck before delivering a hard punch to his face, "I am the ONLY one who gets to mess with them," Deceit threw him down, "And I WILL NOT let some mistakes masquerading as "Dark Sides" fuck up Thomas." Another hiss escaped his lips as he looked down at Hatred, whose nose was bleeding profusely.

I had never seen Deceit like this before; sure I've seen him mad before, but he was livid at this point. Rarely did he cuss, he preferred to speak a bit more "proper" I guess. Also, I had never seen him get physical, usually his appearance and threats were enough. He spoke in lies most of the time, but when he was angry he would basically shout whatever was on his mind. At this point he was in such a rage I thought he'd kill someone.

When he picked up Hatred's knife, which had slide a few feet away I was sure he was going to. Instead, he stepped on Hatred's throat again, keeping him in place, "Think fast." He told us and tossed the knife in our direction, Logan caught it and stepped forward before Deceit stopped him, "Patton has to be the one to kill him."

Patton, who was only standing cause Roman and I were supporting him, looked up at Deceit in horror, "Wha- what?! I can't kill anyone!" He looked at the ground sadly, "I just can't."

"Deceit, Patton can't even stand. You're insane if you think he's going to be able to kill Hatred." Logan told Deceit, stepping closer.

Deceit shook his head, and looked down at Hatred, who seemed to be choking as he weakly struggled, "You don't get it do you? Patton HAS to be the one to kill him. He's the only one who can. If the rules weren't like this then I would have killed them all before you even woke up." Then he looked at Patton, a faint glow coming from his snake eye, "Patton, you are not in pain."

Patton looked confused at first, then he let go of me and Roman and walked forward as if he wasn't just beaten up, "How- how did you do that?" He walked up and stood next to Logan, looking nervously at the knife in his hands.

Deceit smirked, "This is the "nightmare" part of Thomas's mind. The only things here are his deepest, darkest thoughts, fears, and secrets. Us dark sides have the most power here." he explained, eyeing me the moment he said "us dark sides".

"That wasn't an answer J.D-ceitful." Roman shot him an annoyed look, while he walked by to get his makeshift sling.

Deceit rolled his eyes, "I'm powerful enough to the point that people will believe whatever I want them to believe." He motioned to Patton, "Case in point."

Logan paused, deep in thought, then his "I figured it out look" appeared on his face, "If people will believe whatever lie you tell them," he paused, and suddenly looked terrified, his voice came out in barely a whisper, "You're going to make Patton kill him."

Patton gasped in horror, and almost cried. Deceit spoke up anyways, "Exactly, if he can't do it on his own I have to intervene. If even one of these mistakes survives there will be chaos. Now, Patton-"

Logan cut him off, "Wait." He grabbed Patton's hand, and placed the knife in his palm, forcing him to hold it, then he put his own hand over Patton's, "He has to die. Think of Thomas."

Patton looked Logan in the eyes and nodded. Deceit gave a disgusted look, and yanked Hatred up by his collar. "Stop with the lovey-dovey stalling and just stab the bastard would you?

Logan glared at Deceit, and the pair moved forward. Hatred gave one last look of disdain to all of us before Patton and Logan drove the knife into his chest. Patton had his eyes closed the entire time and immediately dropped the knife after the mistake was dead. 

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