Black Spartans

By H27_Venom

10.4K 235 88

They called him a traitor, He killed more then any. Command wanted him in chains, he broke them, He had train... More

Nothing like the Simulations
A Planets Ancient Secret
Blacked out
Meeting an Old Friend
Spartans...... Forever
Before and After
Battle Brothers
What would you do... For family?
One Big Family
Black Legion
A New Friend?
Reunited in the worst Way
Family of War
Family and Business, Don't Mix
Family's A Funny Thing
Declaration of War
Her Army
Calculated Risks
Let It Be Known
Hell To Pay
Summer Break

Heros of the people

477 8 0
By H27_Venom

Aimilios-727 and Havoc raced after the soldier as he led them down corridors, he hardly recognized where he was going until they reached a room, one room they hadn't entered in 2 months.

"The doctors are just inside Sargent, good luck." The soldier said, running off. Aimilios-727 looked at his team, they all nodded excitedly and Aimilios-727 slowly turned the handle and pushed the door in.

"Alright your diagnostics are normal, looks like your just going to need some rest.... oh hello 727." A doctor jumped looking back to see Aimilios-727 standing in the doorway.

"The process is complete." Alpha said moving to his helmet again.

"So it seems, welcome back brother." Aimilios-727 said moving forward and grasping Caiden's hand. Everyone else rushed forward and welcomed Yang back from the brink of death.

The A.I. slowly returned to their respectful carriers and they welcomed them back.

Asaroth stood by the door and entered, Caiden's eyes grew wide and he grabbed a magnum and pointed it, Aimilios-727 grabbed the pistol just as Caiden fired.

"Easy Yang, hes with us, a lot are with us." Aimilios-727 said smiling, Yang looked like Aimilios-727 was talking crazy, and he was... for him the last time he was awake the elites were trying to kill him. Yin informed his brother of the last few months and everyone chipped in at key points, they hadnt done any missions for 2 months but had trained and secured the colonies (Not in their armor of course).

"Attention on deck!" A voice called, Aimilios-727 turned to see Johnson walk into the room.

"Good to have you back Corporal." Johnson said saluting, Caiden saluted back slowly.

"Good to be back, im ready to go kick some ass!" he yelled sitting up, Aimilios-727 pushed him back down.

"Wars essentially over, we're securing colonies and making our way back to earth, you need to rest, recover and get ready for the next conflict that calls our name." Aimilios-727 said calmly, Caiden looked dejected but nodded sitting back and closed his eyes.

"We will arrive at a colony soon, I need you guys on the ground, there has been rumors of a high crime rate in the area." Johnson said turning to Aimilios-727, then Johnson turned and walked out of the room, leaving Aimilios-727 and Havoc over their friend.

"Alright, you heard the man, lets move!" Aimilios-727 said ushering everyone out, Corbin remained at his brothers side as if debating. Aimilios-727 laid a hand on his shoulder.

"He's going to be fine Corbin, and right now other people need our help." He said softly, Caiden nodded and turned moving out the door. Aimilios-727 looked at his sleeping friend.

"Get better Caiden, I dont want to lose another friend." Aimilios-727 said quietly then closed the door and walked out.

About a hour later Havoc was on the ground in fatigues, armed with simple rifles they felt out of place as they patrolled the streets, the UNSC had asked if they could check this colony, that meant that it had to be something serious.

The people around them seemed far too quiet, Aimilios-727 felt something was coming. He walked into the town hall and straight into the commanding office, two women jumped away from the man and he stared straight at Aimilios-727 in shock, Johnson paced in behind Aimilios-727 in his dress whites, as soon as he was inside Aimilios-727 raised his rifle, Havoc followed.

"Oh a UNSC officer, what do we owe this honor." The man said glancing to the two women, they tried to move towards the door but were cut off by Havoc.

"Your not going anywhere sweetie." Valkyrie said coldly. Johnson walked over to the desk and began speaking quietly to the man, Aimilios-727 looked around and spotted something, he lowered his rifle and moved over flicking a switch hidden in a bookshelf, the bookshelf moved to the side exposing a vault door.

"Well well well, why would you need a personnel vault if you share everything among the colony." Johnson said, standing straight.

"Open it." Aimilios-727 ordered, the man looked at him in disgust.

"Why would I obey the orders of some peasant grunt!?" The man sneered, Aimilios-727 lost his temper and moved forward and picked up the man throwing him into the door.

"Easy, dont kill him... that would make more trouble." Johnson said walking to his side. The man rubbed his throat and smiled.

"You'll never find anything on me!" The man yelled, Aimilios-727 snapped his fingers, Patches and Boom moved forward, Boom pushed the man back and they worked on the door, Jumper held a gun to the man's head.

The door swung open revealing a large amount of Metals, precious metals such as steel or Copper, also including a large amount of gold. "Well well well, this colony has low outcome, where did you get this?" Johnson asked turning to the man, he rushed forward with deadly intent, Aimilios-727 moved in front of Johnson and kicked the man sending him flying back into the other wall.

"Arrest him." Johnson said, Aimilios-727 nodded to Corbin and he cuffed him.

"HAHA you think you can get away with this! I control everything on this world!" The man said, the ground shook after he spoke, Aimilios-727 looked to Johnson. The door was kicked in revealing multiple men in suits with weapons pointed at them, military grade weapons. "Go!" Aimilios-727 yelled pushing Johnson into the vault and moving forward and disarming one of the men, he turned around and placed the magnum to the mans head and pulled the trigger, the feel of human blood on his face was odd but he kicked the man down to see his squad moving around like a tsunami, destroying everything they moved across.

Soon the floor was painted red with blood and Aimilios-727 wiped his face clean and looked back to the man. "That settles that." Johnson said walking back out. He grabbed the magnum from Aimilios-727 and shot the man in charge.

Aimilios-727 was taken back, Johnson had always believed in justice but never wished for unnecessary killings.

"Command had a hunch he was crooked, said if he put up a fight to kill him, the universe is a better place." Johnson said handing the gun back to Aimilios-727, who followed him out the door. Havoc moved into the main area when Aimilios-727 saw it, two kids peeking out at them from behind an alleyway.

"Hey I gotta do something real fast." Aimilios-727 said running over, the kids started to move away.

"Wait, Hey hold on a second!" Aimilios-727 said kneeling down at the corner, the kids turned slowly, a older girl and a younger boy, their clothes dirty and torn in several places. Aimilios-727 reached out a hand, the girl slowly approached and looked at Aimilios-727 with confusion.

"Wheres your parents?" Aimilios-727 asked kindly, the girl motioned for him to follow and they ran off.

Aimilios-727 approached the small house, tarps covering the roof, he guessed that they must be covering up holes. The kids opened the door and Aimilios-727 knocked. The girl whispered something to the man and he walked over.

"UNSC? What do you need sir? Some soup maybe?" the man asked kindly. Aimilios-727 shook his head.

"My name is Aimilios, and I want to help your family out sir." Aimilios-727 said smiling to the man, he looked back at him as if he had just mocked him.

"Why would you take care of us? We have nothing to give you?" The man said coldly.

"Well, I saw your kids sir, and they reminded me a lot of myself when I lived on the streets." Aimilios-727 said, the mans eyes lit up understandingly.

"Is there anything you need? Anything at all?" Aimilios-727 asked, the man shook his head slowly, he was a good man and Aimilios-727 knew this would be hard for him to take anything.

"How about I fix your roof?" Aimilios-727 said. The mans eyes lit up.

"You could fix the leak?" he asked, Aimilios-727 looked at the roof.

"Just looks like you need some more support, a few wooden planks should stop the water from piling up in that one area." Aimilios-727 said pointing. The man nodded. "Oh and here." Aimilios-727 said extending his chip, the man looked sad as he looked at the chip.

"The leader told the bank to not let us get credit chips, its too expensive." the man said, Aimilios-727 smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder. "UNSC controls this colony now, c'mon lets go get everyone some proper clothes." Aimilios-727 said smiling.

The man was absolutely stunned. He called everyone out the door, a woman and the two children ran out to the yard, the man explained to his wife as they walked, Aimilios-727 heard a gasp as he told her what he was going to do.

They got to the store and everyone looked out of place, Aimilios-727 urged them in. The clerk looked at them in disgust.

"UNSC, get this filth out of my store." A voice said, Aimilios-727 pulled the pistol on him. "Say that again... I dare you." Aimilios-727 growled, the clerk looked astonished and silenced himself. Everyone picked out a set of clothes and set them at the register. Aimilios-727 paid and they left, making sure everyone changed into their new clothes. Aimilios-727 looked at the boy growing tired and looked to the man.

"May I?" He asked the man nodded. Aimilios-727 picked the boy up and set him on his shoulders, Aimilios-727 ran around the street making the boy laugh. He ran up next to the family and smiled.

"Do you have a brother too?!" The girl asked, smiling. Aimilios-727 smiled.

"Nah, I grew up with a girl, she wasn't family but is close to it." Aimilios-727 said thinking about it. The girl giggled.

"She waiting for you back home soldier?" the woman asked, speaking up for the first time.

"I hope so, its been almost 3 years since I've been to Earth." Aimilios-727 said, the woman's eyes filled with hope.

"I heard its beautiful there!" She said looking into the sky. Aimilios-727 nodded, then saw what he was looking for, a simple restaurant for food.

Hours later Aimilios-727 had helped out every way he could and he said his goodbyes, one last thing however. He took off his Patrol cap and tossed it to the kid. Waved to the family and ran back to the ship.

"Hey! 727!" A voice called. Aimilios-727 looked to see Havoc and Johnson walking towards him.

"We were thinking of going to Luies for dinner, you in?" Boom asked, Aimilios-727 smiled.

Luies was the best pizza in the milky way, or so Aimilios-727 had been told.

"Im in, what about Corbin?" Aimilios-727 said realizing he was missing.

"He's staying with his brother, he just wanted a dessert pan." Valkyrie said shaking her head.

"We'll leave them one piece!" Boom said as the door closed, everyone felt the jump and the ramp opened again showing a new colony, this one doing much better than most (Mostly because of a certain pizza place).

Aimilios-727 quickly changed into a light blue shirt and groomed his bright blonde hair.

"Ready to go Aimilios?" Valkyrie called from the door. Aimilios-727 threw on cologne and walked out.

"Yeah, last one to the door has to buy the drinks!" Aimilios-727 called as he ran out.

They all started off and heard a roar, Johnson drove past in a civilian warthog smiling. They all reached the place and bent down gasping.

Aimilios-727 looked to see Asaroth get out of the Warthog.

"Admiral! Are you sure about this?" Aimilios-727 asked in a shushed tone, Johnson nodded smiling.

"I dont think its fair that you get to go eat and he has to stay behind, besides if anyone dared to make a move what do you think would happen?" Johnson said smiling, Aimilios-727 shook his head laughing and clasped Asaroth on the shoulder walking inside, the woman at the front looked shocked to see a human and Elite walking like best friends but soon regained her composure. "Welcome to Luies, best pizza in the milky way!" She said happily.

"Table for 7 please." Aimilios-727 said smiling. The woman smiled and placed in the order, another woman took them to the corner booth and sat them down glancing nervously to Asaroth. Asaroth was between Johnson and Aimilios-727 near the end. A waitress came and took their orders, Asaroth copying Aimilios-727 in his order.

"I think eveyone would be willing to share if you want to try theirs." Aimilios-727 said laying his head back. After a few minutes Asaroth looked around.

"Is it meant to take this long? The SUS-Shi took only two minutes to deliver." Asaroth asked. Aimilios-727 looked to him and laughed.

"They make it fresh, and it has to cook fully so just wait a minute." Aimilios-727 said smiling. A few people looked twice at Asaroth but most just moved on, after a few more minutes their food arrived. She gave them all their foods happily.

"And here is the Pepperoni for the alien." The waitress said sliding the pan nearly knocking over cups.

"Excuse me?!" Aimilios-727 growled.

"Yes what is it sir?" She asked.

"Im sorry what the hell did you call my friend?" Aimilios-727 asked, Havoc's faces drained of blood, Aimilios-727 was on the edge of killing a human, again.

"Easy Sargent, she doesnt know and is afraid." Valkyrie said. The woman huffed as she walked away, then they all picked up a slice of their pizzas and ate.

Asaroth watched Aimilios-727 picked up a sliced and bite into it. He tried it the same way but with his jaws he had a hard time and the cheese slipped between them. Aimilios-727 laughed as he watched his friend scoop up the cheese and place it back into his mouth.

"Why dont you try cutting it?" Valkyrie said picking up his fork and slicing a piece off and stabbing it with a fork.

"There are many ways to eat this food, and it is quite delicious." Asaroth said.

"It is called Pizza? I must learn the secret to making it and bring it home with me." Asaroth added studying the slice of Pizza.

Everyone laughed and Aimilios-727 brought his cup to his mouth and took a sip, Asaroth had no idea of soda so had stuck with water, however he looked at Aimilios-727's drink with wonder.

"May I try that?" He asked. Aimilios-727 handed him the glass.

"Its called Root Beer, and you might want to try a straw." Aimilios-727 said laughing as Asaroth tried to make his jaws big enough to fit the cup through. Aimilios-727 motioned to the waitress and she walked over.

"Could you get me a straw please?" he asked keeping his emotions in check, she smiled and walked off returning with the small plastic tube. Asaroth fumbled with the paper and finally placed it into his drink, Aimilios-727 watched as the curious Elite pushed the straw back down, it popped back up and he pushed it down.

"Just drink it!" Aimilios-727 laughed.

Asaroth placed one end of the straw into his mouth and drank, his eyes lit up as he tasted it.

"Quite interesting, it feels like it burns but leaves no mark, its taste is quite defined.... I will no doubt study this drink and try to recreate it." Asaroth said, everyone laughed out loud at his words.

"Tell you what, when we get home you can come to my place and we can make our own home made." Aimilios-727 said laying an arm on Asaroths shoulder.

"Can I come?" Boom asked.

"Yeah, I think I'll just have a barbeque after this, you in, dad?" Aimilios-727 asked, looking at Johnson, he nodded.

"We can use my house, its bigger." Johnson said smiling. "Shut up! My house is big too!"Aimilios-727 said, smiling. Johnson shook his head at everyone.

"Big for an apartment." He said quietly, Aimilios-727 threw the paper from Asaroths straw at him.

"Everyone is invited?" Valkyrie asked, Aimilios-727 nodded.

"We probably wont be deployed for a while after, i'm going on my third year." Aimilios-727 said, shaking his head.

"You just jinxed it! Damn it Aimilios!" Boom laughed. Aimilios-727 shrugged and took a huge bite of his pizza.

A little while later Aimilios-727 stood up finished.

"Im going to make a call, see you in a minute, don't order dessert yet!" Aimilios-727 ordered as he walked out and pulled out his phone. He dialed the number and a face appeared.

"Hey Alice." Aimilios-727 said smiling. "Hey Aimi, hows it going?" She asked, Aimilios-727 explained what he had done today removing certain key points. She laughed when he told her what his new recruit was doing with the straw.

"How has he never eaten pizza before!" she asked, Aimilios-727 smiled, he didnt want to tell her what his friend was, they had discovered that her parents were killed in an attack, in fact the only reason she was on those streets is because she escaped from the hell of the orphanage.

"Well, can you promise you wont be mad?" Aimilios-727 asked sheepishly, she glared at him, sighed and nodded.

"Alright fine I promise, now how has he never eaten Pizza?" She asked, Aimilios-727 took a few steps back into the pizza place and waved to Asaroth, he got up and walked over, people around him looked scared but none moved. Asaroth approached and Aimilios-727 exited again.

"Alright, this is my new recruit, his name is Asaroth." Aimilios-727 said turning the picture to Asaroth, he waved shyly. Aimilios-727 turned the phone back, she was stunned.

"Your joking right! Those things can't be trusted!" She yelled.

"Alice, he saved my life from the flood."

"No you listen! You know exactly what those things can do! You... You idiot!" She screamed, Aimilios-727 looked to Asaroth. "I thought that my boyfriend, hell, my FIANCE, would understand not to trust the things that killed my parents, but-" "Chill the fuck out and listen for a second ok!?" Aimilios-727 snapped. Alice was taken aback, Aimilios-727 had never snapped at her before.

She had yelled at him excessively he enlisted in the ODST, they had just gotten away from the spartan program and here he was throwing himself back into it but even then he just nodded and left.

He regretted it instantly. "Fuck... FUCK." He hissed under his breath.

"Alice.... i'm sorry, just, please can we-" Aimilios-727 tried but Alice hung up, the screen going black. Aimilios-727 slid down the wall staring straight ahead. "I'm sorry that I got in the way." Asaroth said walking off. Aimilios-727 latched onto him with an iron grip.

"She needs to understand that you can't be held responsible for your kind, you didnt know what the truth was, and besides you're my squad now, she cant tell me off for that." Aimilios-727 said, Asaroth sat down next to Aimilios-727.

"Do you really think this war is over?" he asked, Aimilios-727 shook his head.

"I doubt it, from what I heard the brutes are trying to keep the covenant together. 2 of the Covenant high prophets were killed by the Chief, the last one disappeared through a portal." Aimilios-727 said, shaking his head, the Covenant were thrown into chaos, and the Flood were drawn to chaos that he knew. He slowly stood and sighed, then extended a hand down to Asaroth.

"Come on, we still have to show you dessert pies!" Aimilios-727 said happily, Asaroth took his hand and pulled himself up, then they walked into the restaurant and sat down.

"How is she?" Johnson asked, Aimilios-727 glanced to Asaroth then to Johnson, his eyes widened as he understood.

"Oh, and she didn't take it well?" Johnson asked, Aimilios-727 nodded.

"Yeah, c'mon lets get eating!" Aimilios-727 said, trying to lighten the mood. They ordered a large oreo pizza and the waitress smiled.

"That all for you soldier boys, especially you fireball?" She asked, speaking to Aimilios-727.

"Is she flirting with me? She is!?" Aimilios-727 thought surprised, he smiled and nodded.

"Yes thats it, thank you very much." Aimilios-727 said and the woman shook her head and walked away grubling something about how he didnt know what he was missing. She returned soon carrying a huge oreo pizza, Aimilios-727 looked to Johnson.

"Its customary for the officer to taste the food before everyone else." he said smiling, Johnson reached down and picked up a slice, took a bite and nodded.

"Oh thats good, I approve!" he said, everyone waited for Asaroth to pick up a piece, he took a bite and let a little amount of the cream slip off, it landed on the table, Asaroth roared. "This is incredible!" He said loudly, everyone tried to quiet him. "Its sweet taste and crunch are most appealing!" He boomed, finally Aimilios-727 stuffed the rest of the slice into his mouth shutting him up.

"Shut the hell up!" He said looking around. People were laughing at them and Aimilios-727 laughed, once more he was happy he could show his friend new things.

After they were done they asked for a doggy bag and carried the rest to the door. Aimilios-727 had to push Johnson out of the way to stop him from paying.

"You get to do the barbecue at your house, I get to pay." He said smiling, Johnson shook his head and grabbed Aimilios-727s card and paid. The hostess laughed as the two silently argued.

"You two seem too close to be just co-workers! Are you father and son?!" She asked, Aimilios-727 smiled, and they nodded in unison.

"Oh my god! Thats so awesome that you get to work with your dad!" The hostess said, drawing attention. Aimilios-727 moved Johnson out the door and then he heard it, a loud ding from two phones. Aimilios-727 and Johnson both brought their phones up and looked at them. "Oh no, this cant be good." Johnson said, Aimilios-727 was quiet as he listened to the voicemail Alice had left him, she apologized for the way she acted and then she called again trying to explain herself.

"Aimi, please pick up, Don't do this... please... I don't want this to be the way this ends, I... i'm scared. You've always been trusting, you make friends so quick and trust them sooner than is wise... I'm scared that Asaroth will... turn, and hurt you, I don't think I could live without you... please... just call me back."

Another voicemail. "Aimi, please, call me back, I know I was being stupid, I know, but I miss you, and i'm so glad to see you and hear your voice, please just call again soon... I love you."

A final voicemail turned all the happiness in the world to worry... and rightly so.

"Aimi! A ship crashed nearby! They say its the flood!" She cried, just as a loud crash of glass echoed through the phone. Alice dropped the phone, it clattered to the ground.

"Hello there, no where are you going!" A dark, gravely, voice asked, Aimilios-727 heard a womans scream then stairs. He heard growling and something lifted the phone.

"Why hello? its the spartan from the homeworld. It seems I have found you again little spartan! You might want to hurry, my friends will find her." the voice said, Aimilios-727 looked like he had been shot. Could it be what the Chief had sent word of? The Gravemind?

"Please, be safe, I'm coming." Aimilios-727 said and stood up.

"Flood have attacked earth! We have to go and kick their asses!" Aimilios-727 yelled, they all nodded and ran to the ship, Jumper still carrying the box, he gave it to a crew member and told him to put it in the spartans common area fridge (Yes they get that because they're bad ass). Then they ran off and switched into their armor, Asaroth stayed at the control deck as he still had his armor on.

They all felt the jump and Aimilios-727 heard the boots hitting the floor outside the open door. He turned and ran to the control deck hoping he could arrive in time.

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