Bite Me βœ”

By theGhoulBoys_

501K 17.1K 3.3K

γ€Š Highest Ranking: #5 in Vampire 》 "Is that Marcus? Marcus as in, from our High School Marcus!" Casey squeake... More

γ€Š ONE 》
γ€Š TWO 》
γ€Š FOUR 》
γ€Š FIVE 》
γ€Š SIX 》
γ€Š NINE 》
γ€Š TEN 》


7K 296 38
By theGhoulBoys_

《 Attack 》

I plucked a flower from the ground and sat down on the soft grass, twirling it in my hands.

My body ached from the training Scathach had thrown at me and I begged to take a break. Taron and Keian had gone into town to get some food and Marcus had disappeared during my training session.

I tilted my face up to the sky and breathed in the crisp fresh hair and let the soft sun warm my skin. "You look peaceful" a voice said from me behind me.

I turned my body and head to see Austin walking up the hill to join me. "Yeah, it's beautiful out here" I replied.

Austin smiled and joined me on the grass. We didn't say anything for a moment and I closed my eyes and tilted my face up to the sun again. "You and Marcus, I'm guessing" Austin said as I did so.

"Yes" I replied, not sure what to feel.

"Well I'm real happy for you guys" he said, his tone neutral.

"You don't sound real happy" I replied.

"Well I'm trying" he replied.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. His mouth was pressed into a thin line and his eyes focused on the flower in my hand. "What do you want me to say Diana? I thought we had something" he said, sounding let down and disappointed.

I took a deep breath. "Austin, I'm sorry, the thing between Marcus and I, it just happened and I've known him my entire life" I said, as I reached over to grasp Austin's hand.

He let me and entwined our fingers. I tried to pull away. "Can't you see that I want you just as badly as he does, I was being a bit more subtle about it but if that's not what you're into then I would gladly change your mind" Austin replied, trying to keep his tone soft.

"Austin" I breathed out, not knowing what to say.

"I was there for you when he wasn't!" Austin exclaimed. 

"He was being tortured for loving me!" I exclaimed back.

Austin swore and stood up, letting go of my hand. "And what? You don't think I didn't get my ass kicked by my pack because I let you three go?" He asked, the strain and sadness finally showing.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, getting to my feet.

"I can no longer be Alpha, why do you think I'm here? I was kicked out of my pack and I thought the only person who'd love me around was you! So when Taron called, I had nothing holding me back" Austin said a tear falling down his cheek.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I gasped.

"It wasn't your problem, I didn't want to involve you in my drama" Austin replied stepping away.

"But your pack, you can't go back anymore?" I asked, trying to understand.

"You are all I have left from that life we had" he replied before wiping his eyes.

"Austin, I'm sorry" I said moving forward.

He held out his hands to stop me. "Don't, I wouldn't want lover boy getting the wrong idea" He said, turning his head away.

I moved forward and hugged him anyway. I wrapped my arms around him and pressed into his body and I felt him hug me back. "I'm so sorry Austin" I said, closing my eyes.

I breathed him in, the scent I had always loved.

"I love you Diana, please know that I do and Marcus isn't the only one that does" he whispered into my hair before pulling away and turning his back on me.

I watched him jog down the hill and close the door behind him. My hands were still outstretched and I dropped them to my side. "What was that about?" A familiar voice asked.

I turned my head to see Keian with a worried look on his face. "Boy troubles" I replied.

Keian chuckled. "Yeah I feel you, Taron doesn't seem to be very much affectionate now" he replied.

I frowned. "But he loves you" I said.

"Maybe he did but I'm not forbidden anymore, so things could have changed" he said pursing his lips.

"Have you asked?" I asked.

"No, I'm too afraid to hear the answer" Keian replied as he walked up to me and we stared at the house together.

"One day Diana, one day everything will fall into place and when that day comes, I hope we're ready for it" he said, wisely.

"Is that one of your gifts?" I asked, peering over at him.

He shook his head, his blonde hair bouncing. "No, I was born without gifts, another thing that made me popular growing up" he said sarcastically.

"When Taron befriended me, I thought everything was going to be fine, but when I started to develop feelings for him, I was worried about telling him" he continued.

"Turns out I didn't have too, he was drunk on faery wine one night and he kissed me as I dragged him to his room, he drunkenly told me that he'd loved me for years and that night.. well.. you could imagine" Keian said, his cheeks blushing. 

I smiled. "The next morning, he woke up first and when I woke up, he apologized if he had forced me to do anything and not to tell anyone about his secret because of his royal status, but I just kissed him and told him I had feelings for him too" Keian said.

"So what happened?" I asked, curious.

"We fell in love and started dating in secret, the Queen found out and ordered an execution on me but gave me a choice to choose death or her, I chose her and cut all ties with Taron, of course he was heartbroken and gave up his royal name and disappeared" Keian finished, looking sad.

"But I never stopped loving him, ever" he said.

"Sounds like you guys went through a lot, maybe you should just remind him why you love him" I said, giving advice I needed to take.

"Maybe" Keian echoed.

"Point is Diana, you can love who you want to love and don't let anyone tell you otherwise" he said, before patting my back and walking down the hill.

I sighed and followed him. I closed the door behind me and emerged into the training room. Marcus was kneeling on the floor, looking up at Scathach who seemed to be laughing.

She spotted me and grinned. "Diana, are you ready to train again?" She asked.

Marcus turned his head to look at me and I stepped back as I saw his eyes. They were not their usual silver but  faint red.
"What?" I asked.

"You won't be fighting me, you'll be fighting someone you love" she said, stepping away from Marcus.

"Marcus is in full strength when his vampire is awake, he's also very hungry" Scathach said.

My eyes widened as Marcus stood up, slowly. "Don't let him get to you" she continued.

I raised my hands as Marcus stalked towards me. "Marcus" I said.

He grinned, his teeth poised and ready. "Stay back" I said, clenching my teeth.

Marcus kept coming and I flicked my hand, pushing me back, throwing him across the room.

He fell into a bookcase and he emerged grinning maniacally. There was not one scratch on him. He ran towards me and I backed up, my hands still outstretched. 

It was like slow motion, his hand reached out for me but something emerged from me and it threw him back, making everything in the room explode into rubble. Marcus went through the window, knocking the wood from its frame and creating a hole in the house.

Then, everything fastened and Marcus was running towards me again. I screamed and fell back but didn't have time to blink as a wolf darted in between us and jumped at Marcus.

Austin's teeth closed around him, pulling him back and threw him back again. Taron appeared at my side and pushed me behind him, his arms going into a cross. A protection barrier I'd seen him do when we fought.

I glanced at Scathach who seemed amused as Austin and Marcus fought.  I heard Austin whimper and howl as Marcus broke a bone. I could see Austin shifting back and I begged Taron to pull Marcus away.

I ran forward and knelt down next to Austin as Keian and Taron detained the Vampire. "Austin, Austin!" I exclaimed as the wolf transformed I to my friend.

He breathed heavily, in and out of his nose, his eyes closed. "Austin, hey, you're going to be okay" I said, touching his burning hot forehead.

"He needs a doctor!" I called out.

"Let go of me, I'm fine!" I heard Marcus yell out.

A body bumped into mine and I flinched as I saw Marcus leaning over Austin. "Hey mate, stay with us, sorry" he said as he lifted the werewolf up.

He glanced at me and I looked away, not wanting to look into his eyes. It was like he had no control over himself, like he was a monster.

Marcus disappeared with Austin and Taron upstairs and I slumped back. "Why did you think that was a good idea?!" Keian rounded on Scathach.

"Marcus is a vampire and if Diana can't protect herself from him when he loses control over himself than they should not be together!" Scathach bit back.

"You did this to prove that I was not strong enough to love Marcus?!" I screamed.

My anger surged and I lifted my hand up and flicked it to the right. Scathach's neck snapped and she fell to the ground. I breathed in and out before glancing at Keian and looked at me in wonder and horror.

I didn't say anything but raced for the stairs and took them two at a time. Marcus and Taron were back if out of the room when I reached the top stair. They turned to look at me and I couldn't meet Marcus's eyes. "Hey, he's fine, he just needs to rest" Taron said, stopping me from going past.

"I just wanna see if he's okay" I said, pushing past.

Marcus grabbed my wrist and I flinched. "Let go of me!" I snapped, pulling out of his grip.

Shock and regret washed over his face and he let go of me, falling back. Taron grabbed his shoulder and guided him away as I reached Austin's  door and opened it.

I slipped inside and closed it behind me. He was still passed out on the bed and I pulled the nearest chair to the side and sat down.

I was going to sit here until he woke up.


Oh no!

Poor Austin!
All he tried to do was protect Diana.

And now Marcus is in hot water with Diana and she's afraid of him.
I wonder what's going to happen next?

I wonder what was going through Scathach's mind when she thought that's be a good idea.

Anyway, what do you think is going to happen next? I'm interested to hear your thoughts!

Don't forget to vote and comment!
Love, me xoxoxoxo

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