Melting a frozen heart

By flowersandacidpops

5.5K 216 31

Lucy has a crush on Natsu but when he and Lisanna announce at the guild that there dating before school start... More

Melting a frozen heart chapter one
Melting a frozen heart chapter two
Melting a frozen heart: chapter three
Melting a frozen heart: chapter five
Melting a frozen heart: chapter five
Melting a frozen heart: chapter six
Melting a frozen heart: chapter seven
Melting a frozen heart: chapter eight
Melting a frozen heart: chapter ten
Melting a frozen heart: chapter eleven
Melting a frozen heart: chapter twelve
Melting a frozen heart: chapter thirteen

Meltig a frozen heart: chapter nine

301 15 1
By flowersandacidpops

*Erza's p.o.v*

I told Lucy and Levy to go ahead to get a place to sit as I waited out side the class for Gray to tell he what really happened. He walked out and before he could walk over to his friends I said "Hay Gray I need to talk to you" he turned to me and said "I can't I need to find Lucy and apologise"

"That's what I need to talk to you about Lucy wanted to me to tell you what really happened since she thought you wouldn't listen to her"

About 5 minuets later I finished telling Gray what Lucy said and how much she loved him. and his face didn't look as bright and happy as it usually does he looks sad and probably annoyed about what he did to her and he got up and said "Do you know were Lucy is I really need to see her" I nodded and said "I'm going to her now come with me" and we walked over to the table that Lucy and Levy sat at then Gray said "Hay Lucy can I talk to you" whilst scratching his head she looked up at me and I nodded to send her a message saying "Go with him" she got up and walked off with Gray and when the were outside I said to Levy "I hope they will make up" she nodded and we had lunch together.

*Lucy's p.o.v*

As we walked outside to talk we went to the back of the football field gray turned to me and said whilst holding my hand almost in tears "Lucy I'm so sorry for what I did to you I feel so horrible for not listening to you and I could understand if you don't want to talk to me again" I pulled him into a hug and said "Don't be so stupid Gray I don't ever want to leave you again I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I ever hurt you I couldn't be able to forgive myself" and by the end I was the one who was in tears. And I lifted my head up as Gray cupped my face in his hands and said "Lucy I'm so sorry for making you cry" whilst wiping away my tears with his thumbs and lent closer me and kissed me passionately on the lips and it felt like we were the only two people in the world.

*Erza's p.o.v*

As Levy and I were looking out of the window to see if everything went okay and we saw them kissing and I turned to Levy and said "I'm glad they made up they really love each other don't they?" and smiled and she nodded and said "Yeah those two give me hope to the rest of the world that opposites attract ice and keys sounds nice doesn't it" and we grabbed our bags to meet Gray and Lucy outside.

We met up with them and sat down on the field and had a good conversation and the bell went Levy and I had biology but Lucy and Gray had music so we said goodbye and parted ways Levy and I turned around to see Lucy leaning on Gray's shoulder and holding hands and walking towards the music room and we just smiled and waked away to our biology lesson.

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