dark (l.s)

By babygia-jpeg

188K 5.6K 1.6K

"you're mine now" he said in a hushed tone More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
A/N - Important
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Twenty

4.7K 162 84
By babygia-jpeg

Harry stood behind me in the mirror. I watched as his hands went behind his neck, fingers releasing the clasp of the silver chain. He had worn the necklace a number of times; I assumed the object held some significance to him. My voice remained quiet.

I found my eyes fluttering closed as Harry dipped his head, his mouth nipping at my skin. I offered him more access, tilting my head away slightly. He took advantage of the opportunity, teeth lightly nibbling before swiping his tongue across my neck.

My eyes darted open when I felt the cool sliver touch my collar bones . Harry carefully attached the necklace round me before letting the paper plane pendant rest on my chest.

He intently observed my actions in the reflection, trying to determine my reaction. My fingers went up to fiddle with the new addition round my neck.

"I-I..." My mouth unable to form words.

"I want you to have it." Harry whispered.

His curls tickled against my skin as he kissed my cheek.

"Harry." I spoke quietly.

"So that people know you're mine."

My body spun round in his hold.

"I-Is that the only reason you're taking me tonight, t-to show me off."

I pressed my hands to his chest, increasing the distance between us. He frowned at me, shaking his curls. A huff fell from my lips as I brushed past him towards my bedroom. I gasped when Harry slammed the door closed before I could exit; my body was forced up against it.

"You know damn well that's not why." His raspy voice holding annoyance.

"Then tell me."

His eyes darkened at my request, his level of irritation increasing. But I didn't care. My orbs watched, waiting for his lips to move but they didn't. He stayed silent. My gaze fell away from his face, not being able to bring myself to look at him. I shoved Harry away in aggravation. He allowed me to open the door and escape into my bedroom. I sat on the end of the mattress, looking down and fiddling with my hands. Harry slowly walked into the room. He hesitated for a moment before moving closer to me.

"I want you with me." Harry quietly spoke.

His large hands gripped my shoulders, gently pushing me back to the bed. My hair fanned our around me on the duvet. Hovering over me, Harry's head dipped, nudging mine to the side. My eyes fluttered closed as his plump lips came to my ear.

"You're beautiful, intelligent." He kissed the spot just below my ear.

"Cute." I blushed, my cheeks tingling with heat as Harry chuckled.

"Innocent." His voice lower and deeper than before.

A gasp fell from my parted lips as a large, warm hand slid up the inside of my thigh.

"Feisty." His tone became mischievous.

My fingernails dug into his shoulder as his tongue ran a line up my neck. I felt Harry nibble the skin right bellow my collar bone, before taking the necklace pendant between his teeth, playfully tugging at it. He released it seconds later, watching it fall to my chest.

"I want you to have it." Harry paused.

"T-To show how much I care about you." He spoke quietly.

Harry peered down at me, hesitant of my reaction. My heart fluttered at his words, a smile appearing on my face as my cheeks blushed. He looked a little relieved that I hadn't panicked a pushed him away. I raised my hand to his neck, gently pulling him down. My lips ghosted over his before moving to his ear.

"I care about you too." I whispered.


We had arrived at the event organised by Harry's friend, Ed, about an hour ago. I had met him briefly once on the night at the club I had tried to push from my mind. It was held in a very modern art gallery. Ed's striking work was displayed on the contrasting bland, white walls. I was introduced to a blur of people who I had no chance of remembering their names. It was busy in the vast exhibit, lots of people discussing the hung paintings. I was left to wander round as Harry went to get us drinks.

I found myself captivated by one particular picture. My eyes scanning over the dark colours. I stepped closer intrigued by the image in front of me. It was of two silhouettes. The tallers arms were wrapped protectively round the smallers frame. They held each other, almost as if they were afraid of letting go. My mouth fell open slightly as my gaze fixed one silhouettes. His hair in dark curls. You weren't able to see their faces as they cuddled into each other. A darkened forest was the background to their loving embrace. The chosen location held something of an eerie nature.

"Here you go." Harry handed me a glass.


"What?" He smiled.

I turned to the painting. He stood behind me, arms wrapping round my waist as he rested his chin on my shoulder. I felt Harry's hold tighten as he absorbed the image in front of us.

"Do you like it?"

I was startled as Ed came to stand beside us. My head turned in his direction, Harry lifting his from my shoulder. I nodded.

"It's beautiful." I spoke. "They look like they're in love."

He smiled at my words, glancing to the painting then back to us.

"It's inspired by you...both of you." He nodded towards Harry and I.

I must have looked a little bewildered as I glanced back to the picture; Harry moved to stand the other side of me, our arms brushing. My mind jumped around trying to process the information. It was clear the curly haired one wanted to protect the smaller one he held lovingly in his arms. He wanted to keep him safe.


"I'll see you both later." Ed spoke, breaking the silence.

My focus was still on the painting as he walked away. Seconds later I felt a warm hand slowly travel down my arm. Harry entwined our fingers, squeezing gently. His thumb rubbed over my skin. My body subconsciously moved closer to his.

"Harry?!" A squeaky voice echoed.

hey guys, what's up lol. i was totally living for artistic!ed. hope you guys like the chapter.  thanks so much for 2.5k i am freaking out adjhdgvjc

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