Merome: The Dank Story Of Us

By Hurricane098

98.8K 3K 1K

Ok, Ok... I'll make a description later! I promise.... It's Merome and Skylox and Drama. I think it's good so... More

Merome: The Dank Story Of Us
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty §With Q&A§
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine (Re-Uploaded)
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty One
Hello. Author Note -.-
Chapter Forty Two
Authors Note Part Two :p
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Fourty Six
Chapter Forty Seven

Chapter Twenty Six

1.9K 63 3
By Hurricane098

Adam P.0.V.

"I will see you later recruits! BYEEEEE!!!" I yelled as I stopped my recording with Ty, Jerome, and Mitch. We just finished close to twenty recordings for Jerome and Mitch to have on hand while their in Jersey. "Now what? Are we good with recordings?"

"Yea..." Jerome starts. "I think we will only be their for a week at the most-"

"A WEEK!" Mitch interrupts him. "That's only like..."

"A week?" Ty says laughing. I pull up Skype to see Mitch rolling his eyes and Jerome laughing with Ty.

"We could just spend like two days there! You used to live their first off. Secondly, you've seen the whole city! Why would we have to stay there so long?" Jerome said as he started typing something.

"It's a vacation..." Mitch replied more like a question.

Jerome just laughed at Mitch. "We live a vacation!" We all laughed and I noticed Mitch hung up.

"Is he mad?" I asked as I started editing.

"NNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Mitch yelled as he busted though Jerome's door and flopped on his bed. "I'm not mad, I'm just done packing...Unlike biggums over there!" Mitch said as he pointed to a suitcase on the floor. Jerome swiveled in his chair and laughed.

"I better get on that..." Jerome got up and went to his closet to get clothes. Mitch got up and went over to the computer and sat on Jerome's chair.

"Hey dood, can you get my bills when they come? I'll leave money." Mitch asked as he spun in the chair.

"Are you talking to Adam?! Really you trust him!?!?!" Ty yelled in my room. I didn't even notice he left the call.

"Hey I'm not that bad!" I yelled as Ty sat on my lap. Mitch just laughed and stopped spinning.

"Yea, I think I trust you...THIS ROOM IS SO SPINNEY!!!!!!" We all laughed and Jerome threw a pile of clothing in his bag.

"I think I'm good!" Jerome yelled as he picked up the bag and checked it one last time. Mitch got up and went over to the bag and examined what Jerome packed.

"Don't you think you'll need socks? Or a jacket? What about a-" Jerome stopped him by hugging him tight.

"Shush, your too motherly! I got everything! If I need anything I can borrow your clothes..." Mitch smiled and kissed Jerome on the nose.

"Hey dudes you guys wanna' have another movie night or something before you go?" Ty said as Jerome let go of Mitch and went over to the camera.

"Uh, Shure! It's already eight-ish... So one movie then it's lights out for me and Benj. Our flight's at nine thirty so we need sleep." Jerome said as he turned off his desk light. "Meet ya' guys downstairs!" He yelled as he ended the call.

"Hurry let's go!!" Ty yelled as he pulled me out of my chair.

"Ok ok!" I laughed and we walked down the stairs.


"Awww it's over!! Another biggums! Pleeeeeesee!!!!" Mitch whined as Jerome put the DVD back in it's case.

"Noooo we have to go to bed remember! Fight in the morning ring a bell?" Jerome said as he ripped the blanket off of Mitch and threw it next to them.

"Ooooooooooookkk..." Mitch said yawning. Jerome picked up Mitch and headed towards the stairs.

"Goodnight guys. See ya' in the morning!" Jerome yelled as he left the room. I yelled back goodnight and looked down to the sleeping Ty in my lap. I picked him up and headed to our room.

I set Ty down in my bed and covered him in the blankets so that he's nice and cozy. I layed down next to him and covered myself up. "Goodnight Ty."

"Goodnight Adam!" A not-so-sleeping Ty replied. He turned to his side and faced me. "Your so sweet to me.." He leaned in and kissed me and I gladly kissed him back.

"Ok, goodnight!" I said as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Goodnight..." He said as he laid his head on my chest...

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Filler Much?

Ok last I checked we had 3,200 reads...*Checks* 3,202. Lol. I can't even. I seriously did not exspect this many reads...

Anywho-ies...I can't remember if their was anything I wanted to say. Oh well...

If you wanna' follow me on sites I forget I have an account on, well here it is!:

Instagram: __erin_rose__    Twitter: RejectFALSicon   Tumblr: erin-has-a-lyfe


bYe bYe

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