One Decision, One HUGE Mistak...

By livolivia

135K 144 80

Normal. That's all Andrea ever wanted to be. But that is probably the one thing she will never get. Andrea Ha... More

Sinners Creek History (Introduction)
The Beginning
First Night Out
A Close to Normal Life
A Regular Teenage Crush
No Big Deal
A Real Date
Last "Normal" Day Ever!
Too Close
Bad Day.
Just Perfect
Killed By Love.
Confused, Ignored, with many Questions.
The Aftermath of the Disasters.
The Addiction to Being the Heroine
Fighting with Power
Changes for the Better...
...And Changes for the Worst
If Only I Wasn't Me...

So Not a Date

5.9K 6 0
By livolivia

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. But I made this chapter extra long to make up for it. As I was re-reading chapter 7 I realized I made Brett sound like a pig. He really is a good guy and he can't help "those" thoughts. You'll see why in several chapters. Okay so here you guys go!!! Chapter 8! YaY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



"Aww. You love him!" Vanessa said, speaking for the very first time.

"I do not. I just met him yesterday!" I argued back. I didn't love him right?

"Tell us everything." Carol commanded.

So I gave in and started from the beginning.

Chapter 8:

**Andrea's POV**

"Really! That's why Sam has that huge black-eye? You know everybody has been talking about it? I can't wait to tell everybody Brett was the one who gave it to him!" Sharon sounded really excited.

"No! You guys have to swear not to tell anybody about anything I just told you. I don't even think Brett wants anybody to know about what happened."

He could be the school's hero, saving innocent girls from being raped. I didn't know why he wasn't raking up all the credit. Every girl would be in love with him. He already had the looks and the whole him saving me story would really boost him up in popularity. Maybe Brett didn't want what normal guys wanted.

"WAIT, SAM TRIED TO RAPE YOU!!!!!!!!!!" Carol almost screamed. That was the first time she had spoken since I started to tell my story. She looked angry, confused, and worried at the same time. I think she just recovered from shock.

"Yeah, but luckily Brett saved me. That's another reason why I like him so much. I just feel so safe around him." It was the truth. Brett hadn't known me since elementary school, which meant I had a fresh start with him. I've barely known him, and yet I feel like I could tell him anything.

"Drea, please, please be careful. I'm sure you really do like Brett, but you don't know him. He could be another rapist, or a pimp." The concern in Carol's voice was real. I knew she was right, I really didn't know that much about Brett, but I really did trust him.

"Something tells me he didn't choose a path. He is living his life like a normal teenager" Brett hadn't shown any signs of being in a gang, or being a pimp. I wondered how he had managed to get out of this all. I truly envied him.

Carol opened her mouth to say something else, but the bell rang declaring school was over. I gently pushed Sharon out of the way, and went to my 7th period class. When I walked in the teacher gave me a disapproving look.

"I sincerely apologize. I didn't feel very well and I spent 7th period in the bathroom." The teacher didn't look like he believed my lie. Good thing he was a male.

"Cramps." I said while holding my stomach, trying to sound believable.

He cleared his throat. "Oh, ok then. The teacher's aid wrote down your notes and homework assignment. I expect you to turn in your homework tomorrow." He looked really uncomfortable as he slid a packet full of papers towards me. I just loved making teachers feel all awkward.

"Ok! Thanks Mr. P! See you tomorrow." I quickly grabbed the papers and ran out of the classroom.

As I was walking down the hallway, I started skimming through the notes and the homework. I took out a pen and began to fill out the answers on the worksheet that was given as homework. I jogged down the stairs, nearly spilling the contents of my bag as I put everything away. I made one quick trip to my locker, and shoved the books I didn't need into it. Then I nearly sprinted to the front doors. The cool air felt good against my skin. I scanned the campus, which seemed almost just like this morning.

I found Brett talking to one of his friends who was with him earlier. He saw me and gave me a drop-dead gorgeous smile. I waved in response and started to walk towards him. His smile dropped into a frown as he glanced behind me.

I slowly turned around to come face to face with Sam. He didn't say anything, or make any moves, he just stood there. He was way to close and his gaze never wandered away from my eyes. He was scaring me. This was way to awkward. I opened my mouth to say something, anything to break the silence, when I felt an arm wrap around my waist and pull me away.

The now very familiar butterflies made a grand entrance as I looked up at Brett. His expression was unreadable, as he pulled me to the parking lot. I took my eyes off Brett and looked for Carol, who was watching Brett and Sam at the same time. She had a stern look on her face, telling me she did not approve of the recent "encounter".

Brett walked me over to the side of his car before pinning me up against it. My breath caught in my chest as his sea-blue eyes looked at me. I was very aware of the closeness of our bodies, but he did nothing.

"Did he do anything to you today at all?" Brett asked almost harshly, but I knew he wanted the truth. Some girls who got raped wouldn't talk to anybody and just keep it a secret. What they really needed to do was to tell anybody just at least one person who they trusted and knew would understand. I fully trusted Brett and would come to him with anything.

"Uh, no. He just continues to follow me around. All he does is just stare at me, which really creeps me out. I don't really feel safe not being able to tell what he's going to do." I'm pretty sure I looked hilarious with a completely stunned look on my face, but I couldn't help it. Our bodies were so close, it was killing me, It took every ounce of energy that I had not to kiss him right then and there. My eyes just kept on going to his lips, no matter how hard I tried to focus on his eyes. This was torture!

As if he was reading my mind, Brett chuckled and pushed off the car, letting his arms fall back to his side and away from my body. I felt so disappointed. I really liked Brett being so protective over me.

"He really is a creep."

"Yeah he sure is." I quietly replied, still dazed.

"So you ready?" Brett asked whiled opening the passenger door to his car.

"Yeah. Totally!" I said climbing in. I had almost forgot about our study/in my imagination a real date.

Brett quickly walked to the driver side got in, and started the ignition.

"I promise, I won't let him hurt you." Brett said sincerely as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"Wow, that's a pretty big promise. How do you intend to keep it?" I had to sound mature to Brett. I really had let my guard down around him, and that wasn't good.

"Well, I could spend more time with you. I have a lot of periods with Sam, so I could also keep an eye on him."

"I like that idea." I replied, although I hadn't said which idea I liked.

"So about that history homework." Damnit. Brett really was serious about helping me with my homework.

"Oh yeah. Um I have five more questions I have to do."

"How about you get it out now so when we get to the coffee place we can just chat."

I sighed. "Brett, you have no idea what you got yourself into." I said as I pulled out my homework.

"What did you just call me?" Brett asked in a joking voice.

"Crap. Sorry I forgot." Giving him my most, I'm so innocent, don't hurt me smile.

He let a small laugh out. "Okay, first question?"


After 15 minutes of agonizing history homework, we finally finished. Brett had just pulled into the parking lot of a huge Target. He got out of the car and opened the passenger door for me. What a gentleman.

"Is it okay if I leave my stuff here?"

"Yeah sure. I said I'll buy." Brett said, sounding very happy he was paying.

I quickly got out of the car and we approached the doors to Target.

"Are you sure there's a coffee place here?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's a small café. The coffee there is really good. And it's also fun to people watch."

"Okay. Whatever you say."

Tucked away in the corner of Target, was a small café called Marie's Cocoa Hut. When I saw the name I let out a laugh.

"The name's really cute."

"Yeah but Marie, the owner, she's really nice. She sometimes gives me free coffee if I do her a favor, like throwing something away."

"Aw. How sweet."


We sat down at a booth in the corner. A waiter soon came to us.

"Hello. Welcome to Marie's Cocoa Hut. Would you like anything to eat or drink?"

"Two coffees please." Brett said looking at the waiter, who was looking at me. He looked our age, maybe a little older. He seemed completely oblivious to Brett's existence.

Brett loudly cleared his throat.

"Oh! Sorry what was that?"

"Two coffees please." Brett repeated, sounded quite a bit annoyed.

As soon as the waiter left I awkwardly laughed.

"What was that about?"

"He thinks you're pretty."

"And how do you know that?"

"Well it obvious." Brett said like it was no big deal.

"Thanks." A small blush appeared on my face. I tried to hide it by looking down, but I don't know if it worked.

"Here's your two coffees." The waiter said. He was still looking at me, and Brett looked angry.

"Can you please get us the bill?" Brett sounded more annoyed then before.

"Yeah, sure." The waiter also sounded annoyed as he walked away.

"So, how about we ask each other some questions?" I really wanted to know more about Brett, just to prove Carol wrong.

"What kind of questions?" Brett asked, raising one of his eyebrows. How could people do that? Every time I tried I ended up raising both.

"I don't know anything. Just to get to know each other better."

"Okay, this should be interesting." Brett sounded intrigued.

"Okay. You start."

"Here's your bill." The waiter interrupted us. He was still looking at me, as if I was supposed to be throwing myself at him.

I sighed tired of his interruptions. "Can I help you?" I asked rather rudely.

"Yes, actually. I was wondering if I could get your number." He said as he slipped in the booth next to me.

"Sorry. I'm gay." The waiter's face dropped from a cocky face to an utterly shocked face as he slipped out of the booth. Brett chuckled in the background.

"Here you go." Brett said as he gave the waiter the bill.

The waiter took it while looking at Brett, not me.

"Oh I forgot the tip." Brett said while placing a penny in the guy's hand.

"Thanks man." He mumbled under his breath as he walked away.

"Okay so before we were so rudely interrupted, you get to ask the first question."

"Okay. So what you just said, is it true. About the whole being gay thing?" Brett had an amused smile on his face as he took a sip of his coffee.

"No. He was just annoying me. A little white lie never hurt anybody."

"Looks like it hurt that guy." Brett said while looking at the waiter, who was working with his head down.

"Yeah. I guess it did." We both began to laugh.

"Your turn." Brett said after we calmed down.

"Mmkay. How tall are you?" It was a weird question, but it was a start.

"5'9. Why would you want to know that?" Brett looked so confused, it was cute.

"I don't know. I couldn't think of anything else." Wow, he had a good 4 inches on me.

"You're the one who came up with this idea."

"Yeah, but I thought the questions would sorta come to me." I admitted.

"Okay, so my turn. Do you play any instruments?"

"Nope. What's your favorite color?" What a childish question. But I had to work my way up to ask what I really wanted to know.

"Red. What's your most recent scar?"

"This cut on my arm." I said while pulling up the sleeve of my sweater. The skin on the scar had rose, making it extremely noticeable.

"Ouch. What happened?"

"It's not your turn anymore." I said teasingly. " What's your favorite place to go on vacation?"

"Italy. It's were I'm from. Now what happened to your arm?"

"It got cut by like a knife or something. I didn't even notice it until it started to scare." Wow. Talk about a little white lie.

The question game with Brett got more interesting and fun. We talked about our most embarrassing moments, to our grades, to our most memorable experiences. We both had finished our coffees. Pretty soon, it seemed we had both ran out of questions to ask. It was my turn, so I decided to get a little personal.

"Do you know who murdered your parents?" I asked sounding uncomfortable.

"Yep." Brett said while popping the "p". I think I was more uncomfortable about this than he was.

"Who was it?" I asked I knew it wasn't my turn anymore, but I couldn't resist.

"Maybe if you're lucky, I'll tell you later." Brett said getting up. "You wanna go for a walk around Target?"

"Sure." I said getting up after him. As we walked past the entrance, I noticed it was raining outside.

"Shit. I didn't bring a coat."

"Someone has a dirty mouth." Brett said playfully.

"Like you've never sworn before."

"Aw. Are you afraid of getting your hair wet?" Brett said mockingly while messing up my hair.

"You're gonna pay for that Brett!" I said while stomping my foot.


"Sorry, my hero." Brett gave my hair one more tousle before taking off.

He ran straight towards the elevator. Just as I approached the doors, he closed the elevator.

I sprinted to the escalators and ran up them. I waited by the elevator for a minute before they opened to reveal, nothing.

He must have gotten off already. I walked around the 2nd floor of target. I finally gave up and stood by the toy section.

Suddenly I was hit in the back of the head with something very soft. I turned around to be hit again with.....

"A pool noodle? Seriously Brett?" I asked trying to sound annoyed behind my laughter.

Brett just shrugged his shoulders as he hit me again.

I ran off in the direction of backyard items with Brett right behind me, hitting me every now and then. I found the pool toys and grabbed a noodle and hit him back. We began to have a sword fight in the middle of Target! People stopped to stare at us but we didn't care. We were just having to much fun.

I threw my pool noodle at him before running off. Brett caught me by the waist as I reached the escalator. He stepped on and put me down. I immediately missed the butterflies.

When I turned around, I saw Brett riding the up escalator. How had he gotten on it? I tried to run up the down escalator as Brett ran down on the up escalator. We were both laughing, going nowhere, when an idea popped into my head.

I stopped an turned around as I ran down.

"What? Where are you going?" Brett called after me.

I just laughed at him as he picked up his pace. He looked so funny stumbling on the escalator, he was making progress though.

I dashed away into the shirt section. I looked behind me expecting to see Brett far behind me, only to be surprised that he was right behind me.

I picked up the pace and ran into the socks/tights section. I tripped on a sock and fell to the ground with a muffled scream. Brett who was right behind me tripped over my feet and fell on top of me. We both started laughing uncontrollably as he placed his hands on my waist. Before I could fully enjoy the feeling of Brett being on top of me, or the butterflies that were screaming through my body, Brett got up.

He offered his hand to me, still laughing, and I took it. The feeling that we were being watched made us stop laughing.

Two security guards were standing very close to us, with their arms crossed and very un-amused looks on their faces.

"We're in trouble, aren't we?" Brett asked.

The security guards looked at each other before picking us both up and carrying us rather roughly to the exit.

"Hey watch you're hands!" I yelled while trying to squirm out off there arms. Squirming never seemed to work for me lately.

"Watch it with the lady!" Brett said trying to fight his way out of the guy's arms.

"I can walk!" I said. This was really uncomfortable.

"I don't like being man-handled!" Brett said. We obviously weren't going quietly.

They finally reached the entrance and threw us out of the store.

"Kay! See you tomorrow!" Brett said cheerfully, like nothing had happened. The security guards gave us one more stern glance before going back inside.

The rain felt good against my hot skin, and probably calmed down my very messy hair.

We laughed all the way to the car. We even continued to laugh for a good 5 minutes of the car ride.

"Think we'll ever be allowed inside again?" Brett asked in a joking way.

"I've never been kicked out of a store before."

"Well what can I say? We went in with a bang and came out with an even bigger bang."

"Isn't that the truth?" I said. The whole car ride back to my house we talked about the highlights of our day.

I was so disappointed when we reached my house. Brett got out of the car and opened the door for me. He always did that, which was so cute. I grabbed my bag and walked to the front door. Brett was following me, his hands in his pockets. He looked really uncomfortable.

We reached the front door in complete silence as I dug around my bag for my key.

"Crap. I forgot my key!" How could I be so stupid. I really was embarrassed.

"Do you have a clip?" Brett asked.

"Yeahhhh." I said very unsure.

"Could I borrow it?" Brett asked.

I reached toward my hair and pulled out the small clip that kept my head-band in place. Brett took it from my hand and began to work the lock. In under 30 seconds he had unlocked the door. He pushed it opened confidentially and gave me a cocky smile.

"There you go." He said as he placed the clip back in my hand.

"Wow! Thanks." I let out a confused laugh. "I don't know if I should be glad that you can do that or scared."

"It's one of my many talents." Brett said like it was something to be proud of.

"Thanks for everything. It was really fun. I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked. It seemed as if we had left something unsaid.

"Yeah." Brett said standing there.

I nodded my head as I stepped inside and began to close the door.

"Andrea?" Brett called.

"Yeah?" I said opening the door.

Brett took a deep breath and looked at the ground.

"I was wondering, if you would, umm, you know, go on a date with me?" Brett said the last part quickly.

My heart started beating faster. Be cool, I told myself. "What was that?" I asked.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" Brett asked, sounding a little more confident.

"Yeah. I would love to." I said.

"Cool. So how about tomorrow, since it's Friday.

"Yeah that would work." I surprised myself at how collected I sounded, when inside, I was jumping for joy.

"So, I'll pick you up at 7?" Brett asked.

"Yep." I said.

"Great. So I'll see you tomorrow." Brett said while walking away.

"Yep. See you tomorrow." I closed the door and locked it.

I skipped to my room and began to scream and jump around. I grabbed my phone and dialed Carol's number.

She was not going to believe this!


So there you go. Brett and Andrea are so cute together! Their date might be in Chapter 9 or 10. It all really depends. Right now I'm leaning towards 10. It might take awhile for me to upload because I start school this week.=(( Urgh!!!! Summer was wayyyy to short. I'll try to upload soon, but no promises.

Comment. VOTE! Fan. Luv ya!<3

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