
By mayennalee

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"Scared yet?" "Why should I be?" she asks, a dark grin on her face. "They're only feathers." ---------***... More

Chapter One - Beginnings
Chapter Two - Quills
Chapter Three - Escape
Chapter Four - Complicated
Chapter Five - Questions
Chapter Six - Duel
Chapter Seven- Introductions
Chapter Eight - Vendetta
Chapter Nine - Catfight
Author's note - 100 reads
Chapter Ten - Sacrifice
Chapter Eleven - Bullets
Chapter Twelve - Pain
Chapter Thirteen - Poison
Chapter Fourteen - Freedom
Author's Note - Another Big Achievement
Chapter Fifteen - Presents
Chapter Sixteen - Silver
Author's Note - Just Wow.
Chapter Seventeen - Fallen
Chapter Eighteen - Fear
Chapter Nineteen - Decisions
Author's Note
Epilogue - Broken
A/N - Not The End

Chapter Twenty - Gone

80 10 9
By mayennalee

I'm leaving tonight.

That is literally what runs though my mind as I wake up the next morning, when I sit up and stetch, having woken only moments before from an unusually restful sleep. I wish I could forget my choice, but I can't. I need to do this. Leaving will make me stronger, and if I don't think about what - or who - I'm leaving behind, then I'll be okay. I hope.

With a sigh, I get up and change out of my pyjamas, into what I was wearing for only an hour or so last night: jeans, a black shirt, and sneakers. My necklace around my neck. I put my phone in my pocket, and re-plait my hair. The chorus to Stronger keeps playing in my head, going round and round and generally annoying me: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stand a little taller, doesn't mean I'm lonely, when I'm alone. What doesn't kill you makes a fighter, boost up, see the light-ah, doesn't mean I'm over, 'cause you're gone... I decide that the last line doesn't apply to me right now.

Seeing as I slept in, it's about 10am, and the base is nearly empty, except for Ella, who is polishing her mallets. Apparently something important is coming, and I have a hunch it's related to why I'm leaving. But I don't ask, and instead decide to tell Ella the lie that I'm going out on a hike later today. She agrees, thankfully, and I go back into the room I have slept in for months now. I pull out my art book and a black pencil, the only things I haven't packed yet, and begin to write a note.

Acrobolt, by the time you read this, I will be long gone. Don't show the others this note. I'm not sure when - or if - I will see any of you again, so I'll just wish you good luck until such a time arrives. I have decided to leave now, so I don't have to waste time with goodbyes when you and everyone else returns for the night.

I give a little sniff, wipe away the tears that have started to form in the corners of my eyes, and then continue to write.

I'm going to find my cousins, they're the only other ones who can help me with this case, and, as much as it pains me to say it, I'll keep getting distracted if I stay here. I'll be staying up near my old haunt, but not at the place that I was found. Three blocks due east, find the green roof and you'll find me. Other birds might answer the door, so be wary of the traitorous child.

I sigh quietly, and try and remember the lessons in Spanish I had taken as a child. I write a couple more sentences.

Un día, nos volveremos a ver. Esto que te lo prometo.

- Raven

Holding back the tears that threaten to start falling onto my letter, I tear the page out of the book, and fold it into quarters. Standing up, I put my art supplies into my backpack, and pick up the paper. I peer out of my room, to see Ella climbing through the trapdoor to the ground, and I silently thank whoever is watching for that timing. I put the paper down on Harley's bed, and go back into my room. I pick up my backpack, and look around for the last time. I put my Quill belt around my waist, and head out into the main area. Then I climb down the ladder, and wave goodbye to Ella. She thinks I'm just going on a hike and just brought water, or something, probably, so I head off into the bush as she waves back.

It's not a long walk, and I skid down the slope without hurting myself, for once. I pass the place I was attacked. yesterday. Keep walking, I urge myself, and decide to listen for unusual noises. Almost immediately, I hear footsteps behind me, so faint I wonder if I imagined them. Walking at a silent pace, making sure I don't snap any twigs, I keep an ear out for the noise again. Only three people have ever snuck up on me, and two of them have been in the last year. And there it is again! I pick up my pace slightly, but still am careful not to make any unneccesary noises. I stay silent, even when I take a break to have a drink of water, but my follower doesn't reveal himself.

When I reach the edge of the bushland, at about three in the afternoon, I look back, knowing for certain now that I have a follower but not knowing which Lord it might be. I figure that it will be Ella that I see upon turning, who would be wondering where I'm going.

No such luck.

I jump back in fright as I recognise the tall, masked figure with the staff who attacked me yesterday. I draw a Quill from my belt, ready to defend myself in this instance. But, instead of threatening me this time, the man dressed in black smiles mysteriously. "You've made the right choice, little bird. I am your enemy, but I come in this moment with a message." He holds up his hands in a placating gesture, but I don't let my guard down.

"Speak then, stranger, then leave my sight and leave me be." I say, glaring, and adjust the strap of my backpack with my free hand. It didn't occur to me how much I had missed drama lessons, and how much that the few I had taken in my childhood had rubbed off on me.

The stranger grins, and I notice that his canine teeth are pointed. But, then again, mine are too, just not as sharply as that. My first thought, stupid as it seems, is Holy crap he's a vampire. But before I freak myself about over more supernatural creatures, he speaks in a low, deep voice. "In your gift, as well as the heart-pain you will feel on your journey, you may just find the secret to defeat me." Then, without another word, the man vanishes into the shadows of a gum tree. I carefully replace the Quill in its sheath.

"What the hell does that mean?" I mutter, turning back around to continue on my way. But, I can't help myself, and get out one of my Quills again. I turn to the nearest tree, and carve a symbol into the smooth gum bark. A line, curving to the left, and then, about halfway down that line on the right side, a curled line that sticks out to the right. Kind of looks like an upside-down 'R', which was not my intention when I carved it. But, I decide that that's my symbol now. And I like it.

I turn my head to face the way I came for a moment, half-regretting my decision, but then bite the inside of my cheek as I turn away from the now setting sun. I need to do this, for everyone's sake.

"Get moving then, the train leaves in an hour," I whisper to myself. I shoulder my backpack, begin to walk at a brisk pace towards civilisation, and don't look back again.

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