Liam's Baby

By _melodyy_x

22.7K 451 34


1 || Liam's Baby
2 || Baby love
3 || Under the moonlight
4 || Double trouble
6 || Beach baby
7 || Baby time
8 || Pain
9 || Having Feeling
10 || Remember?
11 || Welcome
12 || Why now?
13|| You really have to go?
14|| Help
15|| It Might Be Time
16|| A New Little Payne <3
17|| Adjustments
18|| Lets Plan It
19|| What does it say?
20|| Are we still on?
21 || Never Would Have Seen it Coming
22 || The Wedding ~Part 1~

5 || Baby secrets

1.2K 24 0
By _melodyy_x

Ever since I found out that I was pregnant, Ive been trying to think of cute ways to tell Liam & I think I found a really cute Idea. I asked Perrie how she told Zayn that she was Pregnant and she said she just told him right after she took her pregnancy test.

I think im going to get a newborn onesie that says something like "Daddy's little rocker" or something like that and just wrap it up and let him open it up. But I also have to think about how im going to tell Liam & I's families.

I could just do a traditional party dinner thing like Perrie did but my parent live about 7 hours away and I would hate for them to make a drive that far for something that I could just tell them over the phone.

Ive been thinking about this while ive been pretending to sleep because Liam loves his snuggle buddy.

Last night, Liam walked in on me shoving a pillow under my shirt and he asked me what I was doing and I just told him that I was wondering how Perrie was feeling. I felt REALLY bad about lying to Liam because hes not only my fiancee, but hes the father of my child and I love him so much.

Im kind of excited to get a baby bump and I cant wait till i get one. But, I decided to get my little pregnant butt up and go to target so I wouldnt have to keep this secret from Liam any longer.

I decided to call Perrie and see if she wanted to tag along because she really needs to start getting baby clothes and stuff because she literally has nothing. And shes having twins!

I took my phone off of the nightsstand next to my side of the bed, pulled the covers off myself and stepped out of the bed.

As soon as I stood up, i felt like I was going to be sick. I ran to the bathroom as quick as I could and thankfully made it to the toilet in time.

As soon as Liam heard the nasty noise coming from the bathroom, he came in running to be by my side. He grabbed my hair that was falling into my face and rubbed small soothing circles into my back. How did I get so lucky?

"Babe are you okay" Liam asked

"Yea" I said "I guess its just mornin-" I stopped right in my tracks realizing that I forgot Liam didnt know I was pregnant and I almost said morning sickness

"Morning what" Liam asked

"Nothing" I said "Guess i have the stomach flu or something" I said lying through my teeth. I felt terrible

I knew that I still had to make my trip to target though because I didnt want to hide this anymore. I decided to just go by myself as much as I would have loved Perrie to come, I just didnt want it to be a big huge shopping trip.

"Liam, i think im going to take a shower" I said

"Ok love, ill start the water for you"

"Thanks babe" i said Liam giving me a peck on the cheek before shutting the door and walking out


1 hot shower, snuggles from Liam, ice chips, and 2 vomiting sessions later, I was on my way to target.

I found a perfect parking spot up close to the store, only to have some young guy take it. After showing him that he was number one, I began my search for another one.

5 minutes, i found myself taking a hike to the store. Like dont people know that Im hormonal and Pregnant. I dont care whos fiancee i am, get in my way and i WILL punch you in the face.

I walked back into the onsie section and felt all of the sickness go away and realize that it will all be worth it the day I get to hold my bundle of joy in my arms. I started crying, and with the target employee looking at me like I was a psyco, I realized that I was a hormonal mess.

I decided that I would try to find a boy guitar one that said something about a onsie and a girl one so Liam would have one for whatever the baby turns out to be.

I found a little black long sleeve boy onsie that was black with a tiny electric guitar on the front that had light blue letters that said "Daddy's little rockstar"

"Perfect" I though, now just to find a girl one

I walked over to the little girls section and found the cutest little girls dress I swear I have ever seen. I didnt care that it didnt have a guitar or anything on it, it was so cute I had to get it. I started falling in love with the little girls clothes and found myself wanting to buy all of them and wanting a little girl.

Then it hit me, the wave of nausea. I decided to just go to checkout and just get out of there then realized that I had to go to the other end of the store to get some tissue paper and a little bag.


When I was back in my car after checking out, I decided to just put it in the bag now so when I got home, Liam could open it and I wouldnt have to hide it from him anymore.

I put the guitar onesie on top and the little girl one on the bottom. It would make more since to Liam if he saw the guitar one first. Even though he might struggle to figue it out with that one.

I was so excited to get home I couldnt stand it. I ran inside with the bag and went to grab the camera then called Liams name. I sat the bag on the bed and started videotaping

"What up babe" He said coming into the room

"Well" i said "I have a little gift for you." I said feeling the butterflies 

"Why do you have a camera" he asked

"Just open it" I begged

Liam slowly took the tissue paper out and lifted the boy onsie out. He had a confused look on his face.

Then it hit him. His mouth went into an "o" shape & then he had a grin from ear to ear.

"Your Pregnant" He asked

"Yes" I replied

Liam started jumping up and down saying "Im going to be a daddy" "Im going to be a daddy" I promise it was the cutest thing ever and Im really glad I got it one tape because i promise you, i want to remember this moment forever.


Yay! This is the 5th chapter of this story and I love it!!!! Also 2 updates in one day YES!!!! Im really happy i updated twice because im really excited about this book.

I hope you guys like this book!!!!!!!! because i love it, if you guys didnt know that lol! :)

Sorry i havent been very clear about the "Past" from the characters in the book. I will explain some of the past in the book later on.

Thanks you all so much for reading! Enjoy!!!!!!

Love you all :)

-Melody XX

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