Recruit: Book One of the Univ...

Por GeorgeMcDormanJr

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Cory has always believed we were not alone. After he meets Krystal, a beautiful woman he literally bumps into... Más

Recruit : Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 11

294 28 10
Por GeorgeMcDormanJr

A week passed, filled with training the crew how to use Earths weapons until enough had been trained as instructors for the rest of the forces that were gathering at the edge of the galaxy.

So far nothing had happened to spoil Cory and Krystals happiness. Now at the edge of the galaxy they would soon be thrust into the fight of their lives.

"As soon as we pass the energy barrier at the edge of the galaxy we will jump to true intragalactic speeds." T'ilvesh explained to Cory as they sat down to have lunch.

"You mean we'll be traveling even faster?" Cory asked, not wanting to believe that was possible.

"Yes." The Commander answered "We open a wormhole from point A to point B and we're there. It works inside galaxies but it's better for travel between galaxies."

"What type of drive do you use inside galaxies ?" Cory asked

"We use a stardrive that allows us to travel many times faster than light." T'ilvesh answered.

Cory was impressed with the technology he was being introduced to. Although the science was far beyond his understanding he did try to learn all he could to be able to help where he was needed.

Krystal tutored him where she could. Cory had a natural talent for mechanics and enjoyed working on his fighter's propulsion systems, tweaking it for maximum performance. He also helped install 20mm rapid firing cannons for ground support as well as a .50 caliber chain gun with rotary barrels. Under the stubby wings used for control in atmosphere were missile launchers armed with air to air missiles. When finished he brought T'ilvesh down to see the results.

"Impressive, that little ship looks deadlier than ever." the Commander stated.

"All ground support vehicles should be outfitted with these types of weapons." Cory suggested "Except for the missiles, we can substitute rocket launchers on ground vehicles."

"I will put out the orders to do so immediately." The Commander said "Would you assist with these installations?"

"Yes, sir!" Cory said "What area would you like us to start in?"

"Start here." T'ilvesh said "I'm sure Krystal would appreciate having her ship outfitted with these weapons, as well."

"Her ship was done first." Cory replied smiling "That's why I outfitted mine with these weapons."

Within half an hour the orders to start upgrading all ground support vehicles with the weapons from Earth had been issued. Cory was kept busy for the rest of the shift so he couldn't talk to Krystal until he finished outfitting several more vehicles with a variety of Earth weapons. Satisfied with the days work he went to the quarters he and Krystal now shared to clean up before meeting her in the Command Center.

He walked towards the console she was sitting at when T'ilvesh saw him and motioned Cory into his office.

"I was wondering if you would like to join us for the jump to our target galaxy." the Commander started "Your mate is the jump Commander. You might enjoy watching her work."

"I'd like that very much, Thank You, but we still have many vehicles to arm for our attack. Will we have time to complete our task?" Cory asked.

"More than enough." T'ilvesh answered "We're going to exit the wormhole on the opposite side of the galaxy and cross it with the stardrive. That will give us two weeks for final preparations before we attack."

"Well then, sure, I'd like that." Cory said.

"Alright, we'll see you both at first shift assembly. Now, go get Krystal and go get something to eat." T'ilvesh told him.

Cory went and stood behind Krystal and kissed the top of her head. She stood up and kissed him deeply, causing his heart to race. He loved the feeling of the energy touching her imparted. All of a sudden Krystal pulled back, blushing furiously.

Looking around Cory was aware that every eye in the room was on them. To save her more embarrassment he took her hand and led her out of the bridge.

Getting to the mess hall they walked to the dispenser to order their meals.

"What do you want?" She asked him.

"Why don't you order for us." He replied "Something from your world, maybe your favorite foods. I'd like to try something different."

"OK, I know what I want." She said "Tarc, roasted, medium and kelphlage, boiled. For two."

The dispenser reacted by serving two plates of a meat of some kind that had a bluish hue and an orange vegetable that looked like shredded carrots.

They sat down at a table and as Krystal started to eat Cory looked and smelled a small bite of the meat before putting it in his mouth and chewing.

The meat was delectable, somewhat sweet but juicy and tender. Next he tried the veggie noting that while it looked like shredded carrots it tasted more like collard greens. He then started to eat with gusto.

"Wow, this is excellent!" He exclaimed.

"I'm glad you like it." Krystal said a tear forming in her eye "My Mother made this the day we were invaded. It was the last meal she made."

"It's great." Cory said going around the table to hold her as she cried, remembering that terrible day when she lost her family.

"I'm glad you honored me by ordering this meal. This must have been so hard for you."

"I just wish they had had the opportunity to meet you." She sniffed, wiping her eyes "I think they would have loved you, too."

"Just remember that I love you and always will." Cory told her "And I know my parents will as well."

They finished eating and started back to their quarters when the ship dropped out of stardrive. Instead of going back to their quarters they went down to the hanger bay to look at the stars.

"It's so beautiful out there." Cory said as he viewed the area outside, the stars burning bright and steady without an atmosphere to distort them.

"Tomorrow you'll be the first of your world to see your galaxy from the outside of the barrier." Krystal said.

"Too bad I can't take a picture to hang on a wall." Cory said.

"I can." Krystal said "I'll take two. One before we jump past the barrier and one from outside it."

"That would be great." Cory said "Just make sure we can bring them with when we come back."

"Of course."

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