Deaf [A One Direction Fanfic]...

By CherrySodakota

72.6K 2.3K 205

You know, I've never been the most normal girl. I only have one friend, I'm not interested in normal things... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Sequel Info
Watty Awards

Chapter 27

881 33 4
By CherrySodakota

~Harry's POV~

I walk out of my meeting and immediately step into the car Paul sent. With everything going on, and the fact that Greg is trying to kidnap me, I have at least four guards with me all the time. I know it's for my own protection, but it's still getting kinda annoying. Liam, Niall, and Louis have guards, too, and there are a couple guards camping out near Mandi's house to keep watch over Amy.

"Sit tight, Harry. We'll be back soon." Preston says from the passenger seat. Another guard is driving, and there are two in the car behind us as well. We go through an intersection, and suddenly another car comes out of nowhere, slamming into the side of this one. I fly into the side of the car, my seat belt doing pretty much nothing. When I sit up again, Preston's door is open and the driver is out cold. I hear shouting and look out my window to see Preston standing protectively in front of my door, arguing with someone. I hear a loud noise, and Preston disappears from my view. I gasp when I find myself face-to-face with a very creepy looking man who is smiling at me.

"Ready to join your friend?" He asks, and I immediately know that he works with Greg. I move across the seats and open the door on the opposite side of the car, get out, and run away from the man as fast as I can. All of my guards have vanished, and I know I'm going to get caught, but I run anyways. We're in one of the less populated parts of town, so there are only a few people around, and none of them even shoot a second glance at me, which is kinda interesting. I mean, I know not everyone is a fan, but you'd think at least someone would recognize a famous singer running down the streets being chased by a creepy guy and realize that something might be wrong? But that's not what happens, and I can hear the man getting closer as I get tired. Soon enough, he catches up to me, grabbing the back of my shirt and pulling me roughly to a stop. I catch a glimpse of a gun flying toward me, then everything goes black.


I open my eyes and groan, wishing I could rub my pounding head. I hear a muffled sigh and turn to my side to see Zayn sitting on the floor next to me. My hands and legs are bound, and I'm gagged, and Zayn is the same way. I look at him curiously and he shrugs a bit, then we both sit in silence because there isn't much else we can do. The room has simple wooden floor, white walls, a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling, and a generic wooden door, which opens a few moments later. Greg walks in and smiles.

"Glad you're awake, Styles. Did you really think you could outrun my friend?" He asks. I don't move, I just continue to look into Greg's eyes while he looks at me. "Don't worry, neither of you are getting hurt, and Tomlinson won't either when he joins you tomorrow. All of you are useless, I just need bargaining chips for Liam, and you three will work better if you aren't injured. Although remember, if Liam says no all of you get a bullet through the head." Greg says casually, as if he's talking about his day. "Anyways, sorry about the car, Styles. It was the only way we could think of getting you. I promise all of your guards are fine, we just knocked them out. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a call to make." Greg says, pulling out his phone and dialing a number. He puts the phone on speaker, and it only rings once before picking up.

"If you touch Harry or Zayn I will not hesitate to kill you, Greg." Liam says immediately, his voice teeming with anger. Greg laughs, walking over to Zayn and I.

"I won't hurt either of them if you do what I say when the time comes." Greg says, smiling. Liam is silent, so Greg continues. "You might want to tell Tomlinson that he's next. I decided one per day was alright, so expect another friend to go missing tomorrow, then you'll get the terms the next day. Harry, Zayn, would you like to say hi?" Greg asks, kicking me in the stomach. I whimper a bit but I don't yell, instead glaring at him. Greg sighs, pulling the gag out of my mouth.

"Liam, don't do anything stupid. Remember what I said. If you die, I will kill you." I say, looking straight at the phone. Greg nods, stuffing the cloth back in my mouth. He reaches over and pulls out Zayn's gag, and Zayn coughs for a bit before saying anything.

"Listen to Harry. Get all the guards around Louis tomorrow, don't let him leave the house. We're both fine, and we will be, whatever Greg says." Zayn says, stopping to take a breath. He opens his mouth to continue, but Greg stuffs the gag back in his mouth instead. Liam is quiet for a minute, then he sighs.

"I know, guys. Greg, I have the world's best security at my disposal, and I will use them if I have to. If I find a single bruise on any of my friends when this is over I won't hesitate to have you shot. Goodbye." Liam says, ending the call. Greg looks over at Zayn and I and laughs.

"He acts like he'll ever see you all again. Well, I guess he will, when he comes here in two days time. It doesn't matter what you told him, Styles. He's going to come anyways, and all four of us will be waiting. How do you feel about watching your friend die?"

~Liam's POV~

I put my head in my hands and sigh. My mind is arguing with itself, and it's giving me a headache. Listen to Harry and risk his, Zayn's, and Louis' lives, or listen to myself and risk my own life. In my mind it's a simple decision, why risk three other people's lives when the other option only risks one life, and it's mine? Even though Louis is still safe, he won't be for long. Greg will find a way. Paul could ship Louis off to Alaska and Greg would find a way to get him and bring him back here.

Louis puts a hand on my shoulder and just smiles, trying to be helpful. "Liam, they're fine, Greg said so. I'll be fine, too. Besides, he's leaving Niall and Amy alone, right? They're the two none of us want to get hurt." Louis says, attempting to cheer me up.

"I know, but I also know what's going to happen. Did Zayn ever tell you about my nightmare?" I ask, and Louis nods, frowning.

"Yeah, he said you didn't want to say what it was about." He says, looking at me.

I sigh, running a hand through my hair. "It was from my point of view, late at night..."


"So you think it was like a vision or something?" Louis asks when I finish.

"Not exactly a vision, but a premonition, yeah. I mean, it's too much of a coincidence. Whatever happens, someone is going to die in two days, and it's up to me to decide who that is. It's either my life or yours, Zayn's, and Harry's, and I think it's better that only one person die than three. Or four, even, because Greg will still find a way to kill me later on. It's not worth it, Louis. But if it makes you feel any better, Harry did give me an idea that might possibly change what happens. I probably won't make it, but if the plan works then Greg won't either." I say, putting my mouth up to Louis' ear. I whisper my plan to him and he grins, nodding.

"That just might work, Liam. It just might work."

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