Aim And shoot!(jack dylan gra...

By slurp_wierd

2.9K 60 13

You just moved to a new neighborhood which ment new school and when you meet jack dylan grazer the schools ba... More

chapter 2-
chapter 3-Dont ask questions you dont want the answer to.
chapter 4-NOW
chapter 5-Listen to me
chapter 6-Let me go
chapter 7-Get out
chapter 8-Hard to read
chapter 9-Not loved/Jack
chapter 10-PERV!
chapter 11-Grazer
chapter 12-You dont own her
chapter 13- No Scratches
chapter 14-Not a thing
chapter 15-Cliff
chapter 16-Sink
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
Aim and shoot (part 2) chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Please read(not a chapter)
Chapter 6

chapter 1-Dickhead

376 7 1
By slurp_wierd


"i dont want to go!" "You have to breakfast will be ready in 5" "go fuck off mom" "watch your language".You got up and got dressed you wore ripped jeans and a black crop top.

(Black ripped jeans)

(Black crop top

you ate breakfast and headed in the school."Hi I'm Angel" said a dark skinned girl with curly hair

"Hi im y/n"
" you must be new here"
"yeah i am" "well ill show you around if you want" "thanks i guess we are friends now" Angel said with a smile.
"wow i dont make friends this quick." "well i do so wont be a harsh year.".angel showed you around dairy high and it seem pretty cool."And heres the gym."
"Thanks Angel for giving me your time but who are they?" You say pionting at a group of boys "oh them....well you dont want to know."
"actually i do who are they?"
"Well there known to be the popular kids and some people say there part of a gang." "what are their names?" "That one right there his name is finn he's like the smarts of the group or something."Angel said before looking over at the one with green eyes.And the one next to him his name is Jaeden he's the funny one out of the group but not really smart."he looks like a fuck boy...ew."That one his name is wyatt hes the muscle of the group and and the second hottest."Oh god he looks like a noodle."Last not least jack dyaln grazer."Hmmmm he not bad looking. "why did you say his full name?"
"Hes the worst out of the group im pretty sure he does drugs but anyway hes the leader and he hooks up with alot of girls...he might seem cute and innocent but thats his power.he takes that at his advantage to hook up with girls and well pretty sure to murder people" "wow they seem fucking awsome" "y/n are you crazy?" "Yeah i am but i have to go to class see ya later angel" "bye ooooo that girls in a lot of trouble and i dont want to be part of it".You headed to your class and sat down."Your ms.l/n right?" Asked the teacher "Yes i am whats it to you old man" the class laughed "Young lady if your going to have that attitude you might as well get out." "Do you think I fucking care ugly bitch!" You stood up and got you bag and you were ready to head out the door until someone came through "Mr.Grazer late again" "Yup like always daniel."
"Excuse me sir I go by mr.seavey here"
"dont care where she going?" "Shes heading out for how disrespectful she is" "oh go fuck off mr.seavey" you said while heading out and slaming the door.The bell rang and the hallway was flooding with teenagers.
"Shit i better get out of here." then you felt someone grab you and pull you back "Angel what the fuck are you doing?!"
"Im going to talk to you."
"about what?" "Jack was about to follow you out the door" "so?" "I think hes going to do something bad" "like what push me down."You said sarcasticly."heeve my warnings y/n"No one tells me what to do that annoys the shit out of me."now you sound like an old women trying to warn me about the devil"
" i am warning you about the devil! Uh oh" then Angel took off running and you turned around and faced jak

"so you think your tough."

" certainley tougher then you thata for sure grazer" he pushed you down and took your back pack ans opened it "its not like your going to find shit in there" he looked at you and grinned at you.he kneeled down in front of you and touched you chin and whiapered "you better watch out because even though your a girl i can beat you ass" for some reason the way he said it made you shiver you whispered back "I'm new here and i already know you a dick head." he looked at you and stood up and wlaked away "FUCK YOU." You scream at him and he never looked back."Are you ok y/n" "yeah im fine he didn't do shit."I grit. "y/n you have to be carefull with him because he doenst play and you were lucky ot was just him and not his friends"Fuck him and his friends.

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