[DISCONTINUED]Saved By A Goof...

By Random_Nerdy_Rebel

39.1K 988 554

[DISCONTINUED] Y/N. A 5 year old. Abused by both of her parents. Her parents, from when the mother became a d... More

Chapter 1: Part 1
Chapter 1: Part 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 11

1.7K 48 15
By Random_Nerdy_Rebel

Reader's POV
Darky, Wilfy, and I were walking out of a mall where the theater was located. Before we left, we did a little bit of shopping to fill my 24 year-old pleasurable needs and wants. As we walked home, me stuffing and ice-cream cone in my mouth, we walked past the alleyway where Wilfy saved me. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked down the opening. I frown and start to tear up. I looked away, as tears started to roll down my face. Wilfy have me a tight hug, hoping to calm me down. I glanced at Darky and he stared at us worried and confused. I assumed Wilfy had telepathically sent a message to Darky because after a minute, he finally realized what I had been crying about. I shakily exhaled and pulled away from Wilfy. But then I was turned around to be pulled into another hug. I felt Darky kiss my head and then speak. "I'm so sorry, Y/n. I didn't know." "Its okay. You didn't understand." I said whimpering. I heard footsteps depart from us and in to the alleyway. I pushed myself from Darky's chest, looking at the giant wet spot on her dress-shirt. "Oh no! Your shirt is wet..because of me." I said pouting. He looked down to his shirt and then to me. "No, no. You're fine." He reassured me. I nodded in understandment. Darky started to look around. "Where is Wilford?" he asked in a whisper to himself. I looked as well and saw that he had gone into the alleyway. "Wilfy!" I yelled to him as I tore  myself from to run after him, immediately missing his warmth and comfort. I caught up to Wilfy and see that he was squatted down where my father was killed. "No...NO NO NO! This cannot be possible! I killed him! How the hell.." he said to himself. I was a bit confused so I looked back to Darky to see if he understood anything. He shrugged and looked away to see if anyone was watching. I turned my head back to Wilfy, who was now standing right in front of me. I jumped back a little. "Alrighty then, scary pants." I joked. But his expression stayed the same. He was serious about something. "Wilfy, what wrong?" I ask. His mad and full-of-regret face turned to a softened look. He took me into his arms and kept me there. I soon hugged back to give him the comfort that he needed. He soon breathed out a deep sigh. He pulled away from me, put his hand on my shoulders,  and looked at me and Darky, who was coming towards us. "Listen, Y/n. Something has come up and I need you to be calm about the situation, alright?" He asked. I slowly nodded, worried what he was about to say. "Y/n, your father is-" 

He began but some guy who was walking by the alleyway saw us, and interrupted him. "Oh my god! Get away from her, you pedophiles!!" He said running at me, pulling up his sleeves. I had quickly reacted and pulled myself away from Wilfy, placing two fingers on his forehead, and he fell with a limp body. "He'll wake up in a couple of hours." I say to myself. I felt a hand touch my shoulder and suddenly we were back in our house. I saw Google on the couch staring at nothing and Mark also on the couch but on his phone. He looked up from it and stared at us, his eyebrows furrowed. "Dark, Wilford, did you two kiddnap another girl to harrass? What the hell man?!" He sighed, getting angrier. He got up and started to roll up his sleeves. "Wait, Mark! It's me, Y/n!" I said getting in front of them, defending them in a way. He stared at me, tilting his head. "Y/n?" he questioned. I nodded quickly. "B-but how..? Only a day ago, you were merely a child!" He said putting his hands on his head. His face soon showed realization and looked back up, to Darky and Wilfy. "Now this is wrong! You turned her into one of you?!" He said getting angry again. Before the two behind me could speak, I did. "No, no! I was already like this! Its a burden that I have to take, and live with. Mark, you have no idea what power I hold and I'm always holding it back so that I don't become evil! Why can't you understand!? I don't want to live like this anymore! Every single fucking day, I have to live without any of you know my backstory and without you all knowing how much I want to die because of a monster I might become! Mark, Dark, Wilford, you all had parents that you hated, but you loved them more. I never had that and I never will! I'm just never able to see what you see in me! I don't understand anything! I just want to die!" I yelled at them, my eyes bawling, tears coming out non-stop. Now everyone had their attention on me! I gasped as I put a hand on my mouth. I had realized that I had said too much. "Y/n.." I heard Wilford say softly. I felt a hand on my shoulder but I pulled away and ran to my room, shutting the door. I went into my bathroom and looked for a razor. I fumbled through the drawers and cabinets, my tears still falling, until I found one. I rolled up my sleeve and started to cut my wrist, wincing at the short pain it gave me. I couldn't feel the pressure because of how numb I was. I bit my lip to try and stop tears from flowing out. But I had bit too hard and my lip drew blood. I had heard my bedroom door being opened as I cut my wrist the fourth time. My head felt dizzy and I had collapsed onto the bathroom floor, heard my named being called out.

What about my father?


Heyyyy...Sorry for not posting in a reaaaallyyy long time. I have been having some personal probalems, but you guys don't really give a shit about me hehe..But i will update soon again!

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