By ObsessedwithTivi

14.4K 1K 559

The story continues to book 3. Follow the lives of Patches/Patch, Kirstie, Tim, Jenika, Adam/Henry/Chloe, Kev... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 15

433 37 38
By ObsessedwithTivi

** REMINDER: ALL of Patch's conversation is in SIGN LANGUAGE **


"Is there not anything we can do to help?" Patch asks, looking sadly around at his wife.

He and Kirstie sat on the side of the bed as she tells him the trouble that Tim and Jenika were having with their marriage.

"No, Honey, I'm afraid there's not. We just need to pray that Jenika is not having an affair." Kirstie answers.

"Maybe it was a bad idea for us to come here for our honeymoon." Patch says before hanging his head.

"Stop, Sweetie. We are not taking any blame for this. If Jenika is cheating, well then, it's her own stupidity." Kirstie says as she gently squeezes his hand. "We didn't force her to kiss that Darrell guy at the Festival. If she really loved her husband she wouldn't have."

"Didn't I tell you a storm was coming?" Patch says as he looks around at her.

"Well, tomorrow we head back to Florida. Maybe things will get better between them." Kirstie says with a sigh.

"I don't think it will." Patch says shaking his head. "I think the damage has already been done."

As they head upstairs for breakfast, they pass through the living room seeing Adam and Emily watching cartoons.

"Morning, Kiddos." Kirstie smiles. "Watcha watching?"

"Morning Mommy and daddy." Emily says as she hops up to hug her parents. "Scooby Doo. Wanna watch wid us?"

"I'd love to, Honey, but I need to go help Dena with breakfast." Kirstie smiles. "Is your Uncle Tim and Aunt Jenika up?"

"Uncle Tim is." Emily answers as she sits back down next to Adam on the floor.

Dena was standing at the stove frying bacon. Tim was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee as he stares mindlessly out the window. On his face was a look that they could only describe as a mixture of sadness and anger. His eyes held the sadness where his tight lips and clenched jaw was a sure sign of anger.

"Good morning." Kirstie says as she walks up beside Dena. Patch sits down at the table with Tim.

"Good morning, guys. So sad this is your last day. I've loved having you all here." Dena says with a sad smile.

"We've had a great time." Kirstie says as she sets a cup of coffee in front of Patch. She turns back to Dena and engages in conversation as they work on breakfast.

Patch reaches over and pats Tim on the hand to get his attention.

"Kirstie told me what's been going on. I'm so sorry, Tim." Patch says.

Tim nods slightly as he glances over his shoulder to make sure his mom was busy.

"Patch, the b*tch didn't come home until four-thirty this morning." Tim says in sign language.

Patch shakes his head sadly.

"Is there anything that Kirstie and I can do to help you?" Patch asks as he looks sadly at his friend.

"Unfortunately, no." Tim signs. "Just please don't let our problems put a damper on your honeymoon."

"We're fine. It's you that I'm worried about." Patch says.

"Oh, don't worry about me. I always find a way to get back up." Tim sighs as he turns his gaze back out the window.

Patch reaches over again and pats Tim's arm.

"You feel up to going out to that club tonight for our last night?" Patch asks.

"Sure. I'd love to. What better way to drown your problems than with beer and country music." Tim says with a chuckle.


Tim and Jenika had spent the day avoiding each other. Tim knew if she was in his presences for too long that it would ruin his whole night. So he spent his time with Adam. Jenika spent her day being a sickening type of being over- friendly to Kirstie and Patch. It all seemed like a very bad Broadway performance to the newlyweds.

They arrived at the club, finding them a table and ordering them all some drinks. Kirstie and Patch danced several dances together. Kirstie even managed to get Tim on the dance floor. But when Jenika asked Patch to dance, he told her he just wanted to rest a while. When Patch asked her why she didn't ask Tim to dance, she only snarled her nose and shook her head. As if the thought disgusted her.

As Tim and Kirstie were making their way back to the table, the crowd on the dance floor started to line-dance.

"Oh! Come on, Kirstie! Let's go dance!!" Jenika yells over the music. She grabs the small blond by the wrist and drags her toward the dance floor.

"I need to go piss." Tim says as he swallows the last of his beer.

"Mind if I go? I've been needing to go for awhile but don't know where it's at." Patch signs and chuckles.

Tim and Patch walk into the restroom, each one heading to a stall to take care of business. As Tim is fastening his pants, he hears someone enter the stall next to him.

Tim walks out and heads over to the sink. Leaning his cane against the wall, he begins to wash his hands. He glances up in the mirror and chuckles lightly as Patch exits his stall with a look of relief on his face.

Another stall opens and Tim glances into the mirror. Surprized to see a very tired looking Chance walking out.

"Well, hello there." Tim smiles.

"Hey." Chance answers, his face lightening with a smile.

"Forgive me, Chance, but you look like what the cat dragged in." Tim chuckles as he reaches for some paper towels to dry his hands. "What's going on?"

"Been putting in a lot of overtime at the factory and I'm dead on my feet." Chance says as he washes his hands.

"Then why are you here and not at home resting?" Tim asks, reaching for his cane.

"Austin." Chance answers while rolling his eyes.

"Uh oh, trouble at the homestead?" Tim asks as he leans against the sink, sliding his hand into his pocket.

"Yeah, you might say that. This going out and partying has become a nightly thing for Austin, at my expense. He doesn't work so he gets to sleep the next morning when I have to get up and go to work." Chance says. "I just can't take much more."

"I'm sorry, Chance." Tim says as he rubs his friend's arm comfortingly.

"So what's your story?" Chance asks, folding his arms over his chest.

"My story?" Tim asks as he quickly glances at Patch.

"Timmy, I know you too well. I can read you like a book. Your eyes are full of sadness. So what's going on?" Chance asks.

"It's Jenika." Tim sighs, looking down at the floor.

"Really? But I thought ..." Chance starts.

"We had an ideal marriage? That's far from the truth. I think she's cheated on me, Chance." Tim says.

"Seriously? Wow!" Chance says, shaking his head. "Do you know with who?"

"Pretty sure." Tim nods. "Do you know Darrell Marrier?"

"Know him? I work with the cocky son-of-a-b*tch." Chance says. "But I thought they ended it when you and Jenika moved to New York?"

"WHAT?? What do you mean by ended it?" Tim asks, his eyes widening.

"They've had an affair before?" Patch asks after getting Chance's attention. (Yes, Chance knows sign language)

"Okay, maybe I've said too much." Chance says as he starts to turn away.

"Chance, if you know something, please tell me." Tim says, taking Chance by the arm.

"Tim, I...." Chance sighs, shaking his head.

"Please?" Tim asks with pleading eyes.

"They were having an affair while you were out working on the oil rig." Chance says. "He'd come to work bragging about it. He didn't know that I knew you. Tim, they were still seeing each other even after your accident and you were in a coma."

"Why didn't you tell him?" Patch asks.

"He wouldn't have believed me, Patch. Everyone knows how I feel..felt about Tim. They would have said that I was just making it up." Chance answers then looks around at his ex-boyfriend. "Right?"

Tim turns around and leans on the sink, hanging his head.

"That's what I thought." Chance nods. "And I'll tell you something else. After the accident? Darrell came to work bragging that his girlfriend could be coming into a lot of money."

"Do you think they had this all planned?" Patch asks. "Tim gets his money from the accident. She marries him and then gets a divorce getting some of his money?"

"Honestly? That sounds like an idea that Darrell would come up with." Chance nods.

"Oh, sh*t." Tim groans as he runs a hand through his hair.

"I would make sure that I had solid proof, Tim, before you do anything." Chance advises.

"Chance, all I have is my suspicions and what you've told me. Yes, I believe you but..." Tim says, shaking his head.

"It won't stand up in court." Chance finishes his statement.

"Exactly." Tim nods. "I need that one solid piece of evidence that she's cheated or she could walk away with everything I got."

"Listen, guys. I really need to go to see if I can pull Austin out of here so I can go home." Chance says before pulling Tim into a hug and whispers. "I'm so sorry. Always remember, I'm here for you, Country."

Tim nods as Chance pulls away.

"I know." Tim replies with a soft smile. "Thanks, Bama."


"I need a drink." Tim says as he and Patch leave the restroom. Patch nods in agreement. That was a lot of information that had been dumped on them.

Tim squeezes into the crowded bar as Patch waits patiently behind him, eyeing the crowd for his wife. Tim orders him and Patch a drink then glances around at the lady next to him. She looked vaguely familiar.

"Excuse me, mam. Do I know you?" Tim asks.

The lady looks around and smiles thinking the handsome man was using his best pick-up line.

"No, I don't think .. wait.. I do know you. Aren't you Jenika's boyfriend?" The lady asks.

"Well, her husband." Tim answers with a fake smile.

"Oh, well, congratulations. I haven't talked to Jenika since she quit and moved to New York. Actually, she only talked to any of us when she had to." The lady says with a roll of her eyes. "None of us has heard from her since she left."

"Hmmm." Tim nods slightly then extends his hand. "By the way, I'm Tim.

"Carol." The lady smiles and shakes Tim's hand.


* I know the last few chapters have focused on Tim and Jenika a lot. Just bear with me a little longer until I get through with this plot.

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