You're My First, I'm Your Las...

De bananaslughh

5.6K 97 28

denial feelings are the best yah know Mais

CHAPTER 1: hot as in officer haught
CHAPTER 3: finally, baby girl
CHAPTER 4: you're worth the trouble

CHAPTER 2: im not gay

1.1K 24 2
De bananaslughh

waverly's pov

"god what was that?" i whispered to myself as i walk on my way to wynonna's office. this is the first time im visiting my sister because wynonna wont allow mr. i open the door without knocking and the next thing i knew there are two guns pointing at me. my eyes are wide and my jaw dropped as i lift up both of my hands.

"woah. is this how you welcome your visitors?" i said, still not moving though. "baby girl?!" wynonna didnt expect me to be here because she made it clear that i should stay away from this kind of works that she's is dealing, and obviously i didn't listen to her.   she lowered her gun and look at deputy dolls saying that its okay.

"hi! nice to see you too." i said with a big smile. smiling usually works but not all the time, and by not all the time i mean right now. "waverly earp what the hell do you think youre doing here?! i told you, stay out of here, be normal." wynonna pinched her nose out of frustration and hey eyes are closed. god she sounds like gus. "what so being here makes me abnormal? c'mon i just came to see my sisterrrr" i said finally walking and jumping on my way to her. i know she cant resist me.

"next time you enter here without knocking i'll charge you for treason." deputy dolls said without even looking at me as he fix his things. wow why is everyone in this god damn building is so rude, like that hot ginger hair officer awhile ago. omg... did i just said she's hot? i felt my face hot and turn red. icame back to my senses whem wynonna waved her hands right in front of my face. "he...llooo are you there?" i blink my eyes several times and shake my head and go back to smiling. i look at wynonna and hug her "i just really really wanted to see you, sis." she let go of our hug and look at me her brows furrowed and her eyes wont move. "did that stupid champ did something stupider than usual?!" i laughed so hard when she call my boyfrend stupid bc he really is stupid and yeah he did something stupider than usual if thats even a word for that.

someone came in and deputy dolls pointed a gun to the door again. god maybe this is really how they greet people. "hey, chill, deputy this is me. sherrif asked me to deliver these files to you." a familiar voice said.

"next time you enter here withouth knocking---" "he'll charge you for treason. blah blah. he said that to me too." i continued what deputy dolls is going to say as i turn my back to wynonna and face the door and ohhh its the hot... i mean officer haught. geezzz

"hey... hot, uhh officer haught." i stutter i didnt expected that its her. but i knew the voice is familiar. wynonna gave me a weird look and so is deputy dolls. "hey.. uh yes im hot... i mean haught, officer haught." officer haught laughed out of embarassment as she scratch the back of her neckm she stutters too. is she hitting on me?!
"uh.. hehe. oh my god hey..." the room is filled with silence already and it couldnt be more awkward. "im not gay." i suddenly blurted out that made my face burning hot and everyone shook. stupid little earp why did i said that?! no one's even assuming. oh god oh god. wynonna and deputy dolls burts out laughing while officer haught is obviously confused.

"i sould get going. bye sis next time i'll listen when you tell me not to go here." i said while looking down the floor and walking out of the office.

i hid my face and head out of the building and go straight to my jeep. i heard someone is approaching but i continue on walking away.

"wave! waves!" i turn around and see the red headed walking towards me.  i looked away but wait for her. "hey officer." i nod avoiding her gaze. "you left your phone on my desk." she said and then handed over my phone i look at her and then my phone. i didnt even realize my i left it there. god what was i thinking? "oh damn thank you." i said. we stand here for a minute without talking but we didnt mind."how--" "about" we both say at the same time we finally look at each other and giggle. her face is almost red as her hair now.

"you go first." she politely said. damn, hot. "no you go first." i said with a shy smile while i scratch the back of my neck. "lady's first... i mean yah know youre the real lady here bc im gay." she stutter and chuckle. i look up at her bc she's so tall and im so small, damn i smile and said "fine. how did you know its my phone?" i finally asked. "oh because when i checked it your lockscreen is you and you... uhm your boyfriend." oh im so stupid ofcourse she saw my lockscreen. i nod several times waiting for her to continue what she's suppose to say awhile ago. but she didn't so i have to ask for it huh? "what were you trying to say awhile ago?" i asked while im checking my phone. but honestly im not checking anything, i just need some... distruction i guess? this girl makes me question my gender. "oh yes. its nothing. its just---uhh i didnt really think that youre gay. im sorry if i made you feel that yah know.." a small smile flashed through her face and her eyes looking at me like theyre apologizing too. i can ear my heartbeat rise and i couldnt stop it, god i cant stop it. "oh yesm ofc. no you nevere made me feel that though,  uh.. i just thought your girlfriend was kind of jealous thats why... hehe yah thats why." i said withour breathing and without blinking. my eyes hurts and i catch my breath. she nod and smile one last time before she walks back inside.

i watched her walk away from me, but the thought of her wont leave me alone. god damn it waverly

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