Big Time Rush preference

By prefercence1999

236K 2.9K 200


Big Time Rush
1: How you to meet
2: His nicknames for you
3: How he proposes
4: Your first anniversary
5: You find out/tell him you're pregnant.
12: He defends you from twitter hate
13: You babysit together
14: He meets your family.
15: How you two sleep together
16: You give him the silent treatment.
17: He surprises you by picking you up early from school for a date
18: You moved to LA with him you're feeling home sick and he comforts you.
20: How he comforts you when you're homesick
21: He introduces you to his family.
22: You two visit your family for Christmas.
23: Pregnancy Scare.
27: Your First Time
28: kissing
29: You feel as though you aren't girly enough for him part 1
30: You're mistaken as a couple part 1
31: You're mistaken as a couple part 2
33: Pregnancy Series - Doctor's Appointment/Ultrasound
34:Pregnancy Series - You tell your family/friends you're pregnant.
35: Pregnancy Series - How you tell the fans you're pregnant.
36: Pregnancy Series - "Do you think we're ready?"
37: Pregnancy Series - Morning Sickness.
38: Pregnancy Series - Body Troubles
39: Pregnancy Series - Cravings.
40: How you react after watching Big Time Dreams.
41: He compares you to an ex.
42: A moment in time.
43: You don't feel "girly" enough for him (part two).

26: He PIcks You Up Early From School

4.1K 37 0
By prefercence1999

Carlos: Thank god it's Friday, you thought to yourself as you trudged off to your last class of the day. You knew you should be focussed on making an effort in your last class for the week, but your mind continued to drift to your boyfriend, Carlos. Before school, Carlos had texted you, informing you of the exciting weekend he had planned for the two of you. It was his fault that you were so distracted, not that you minded one little bit. Almost midway through your class there was an announcement over the PA system.
"(Y/N) to administration please, (Y/N) to admin. Thank you." You looked up from your book in front of you to see everyone in class looking at you. Silently, you packed up your books and wandered out to the hallway, walking towards the office. Wondering what on earth was going on, you walked through the door to see Carlos sitting down patiently. You walked over and hugged him tightly.
"What are you doing here?" you asked with a smile. He kissed your cheek.
"Well, actually..." he smirked. "I thought I'd surprise you and take you out for a picnic in the park. A cute little date." he chuckled, a proud smile on his face. You chuckled to yourself before turning to the admin staff to sign out of school early.
"Enjoy your date, (Y/N)." one of the staff said with a smile before you left.
"Thank you, I will." you turned to Carlos, realising just how lucky you were to have him.

James: It was a Wednesday morning and you were already at school waiting patiently for your current class to finish so you could call your boyfriend James, asking if he would pick you up after school. You'd missed him a lot the past few weeks with him being busy recording and you busy with school, it had been hard to find time together. You both agreed that today, James would pick you up from your house and you'd go do something together. You couldn't wait that long after school, so you wanted him to be there to pick you up straight away. You suddenly realised you hadn't been paying attention in class when there was a knock at the door.
"Um, hi. Is this (Y/N)'s class?" I looked up at the mention of my name to see a smiling face staring back at me. My teacher walked over and had a brief, whispered conversation with him before she turned to me.
"(Y/N)." she said simply gesturing for you to come to the front. "You are free to go." she turned to James and nodded as you both walked out the door. As soon as you were out of sight of your classroom, you turned to James and wrapped your arms around him tightly, kissing his lips passionately.
"What are you doing here babe?" I asked happily, barely able to contain my smile. He laughed.
"Actually, we're going to Paris for the next six days. Pack your bags baby." he smiled, you stared at him in shock before grabbing his hand and squealing with excitement, running off to pack for your romantic holiday in Paris.

Kendall: It was exam week at school and you'd been extremely stressed, studying twenty four-seven trying to cram enough information to pass the exams. Your boyfriend Kendall had been really worried about you. You had been so focussed on trying to pass your exams that you hadn't been eating or sleeping properly and he thought it might affect your health in some way. It was finally your last exam for the week and you couldn't be happier about it. You were so concentrated and focussed, there was nothing that could stop you. Your exams were finally over and you only had two classes left for the day. You were completely exhausted as you walked towards your locker. "(Y/N)?" a guy from your English class walked towards you with a long stemmed rose and a note. "This is for you... and before you say anything, it's not from me." you smiled and thanked him; taking the rose and reading the note. Meet me out in the parking lot,! Love you babe! You smiled to yourself and raced out of the school, seeing Kendall standing in front of his car waiting for you.
"Kendall!" you shouted, running towards him. He quickly opened his arms and picked you up off your feet as you reached him. "What are you doing at my school?" you asked with a grin. He chuckled.
"Well, I thought you could use a break after studying so hard for your exams. So, I decided to pick you up early so we can spend the weekend having a loooong date. Cuddling on the couch, watching movies, eating candy..." he smirked at you. You laughed and kissed him softly.
"You are perfect." you said, hopping into the passengers seat of his car as you drove off for a quiet weekend in.

Logan: It was the last Friday before break. You were ecstatic to be spending the break on a road trip with your boyfriend Logan. As the day gradually wore on, you became less and less excited for spending two weeks trapped in a car with him. It's not that it would be bad, it's just the fact that you'd already over-analysed it before it even started. You were tired by the time your last class came about. All you wanted to do was go home and sleep for two weeks. Ten minutes into class and you were already exhausted. You'd decided that you wanted to just leave early to pack for the road trip that you'd psyched yourself up for again. Just as you were deep in thought, thinking about all the fun you would have on the road, your phone buzzed against your leg. Your teacher wasn't looking so you pulled out your phone. I'm waiting at your locker, come find me? ;) - you smiled to yourself, hoping to find a way to excuse yourself from the rest of class. You quickly scrawled down a note in the most illegible handwriting you could muster and handed it to your teacher.
"I'm sorry Miss, I completely forgot that I had to leave early today." you apologised, being as sincere as you could. She understood and excused you from class. You quickly scanned the halls for Logan, rushing to your locker.
"Psst, (Y/N)." Logan whispered loudly from your locker as you had your back to him. You spun around and jumped into his arms, kissing him passionately.
"I'm so ready for this road trip." you said seriously, staring deep into his eyes. He laughed.
"Me too, but first we're going to get coffee. I want to take you on a date before we leave." he smiled sweetly and took your hand. You smiled up at your boyfriend and realised that you were possibly the luckiest girl on earth.

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