flower crowns ➳ l.h {on tempo...

By weyheyirishcupcake

7.2K 315 80

in which flower crowns are the reason they start falling for eachother More

flower crowns ➳ l.h
✿ one
✿ two
✿ three
✿ four
✿ five
✿ six
✿ seven
✿ eight
✿ ten
✿ eleven
✿ twelve
✿ thirteen
✿ fourteen
✿ fifteen
✿ sixteen
please read

✿ nine

275 17 3
By weyheyirishcupcake

After she told her grandmother where she was headed, she had to go to the bathroom and do all the necessary stuff she had to do to prevent an "accident" happening.

Considering the fact that the sun was going to settle down in a few hours she put on a shirt with middle length sleeves, a pair of jeans that barely touched her knees and white converse. When she was finally ready to go her nonna stopped her by probably starting a small talk.

"It's going to get dark soon love don't stay out for too long and please take your phone with you in case I want to give you a ring."

"Alright nonna I'll see you later then." She said and went over to give her nonna a kiss on the cheek.

When she got out of the building she saw Luke sitting just where she had told him to. He still had the same clothes on, his skinny jeans and a black and white shirt that made his biceps stand out. She approached towards him making him get up and wait until she was standing literally in front of him.

"Hey" He spoke.

"Hey" She said as she played with her fingers.

"This might sound extremely random, but can I give you a hug?" He didn't seem as if he was joking, in fact he still had the same expression just a minute ago, the same smile she had started to adore and crave to see.

"Uh I'm not really much of a huger, but I guess it's alright."

Withing a second his arms were wrapped around her waist, pressing her body against his while hers were placed behind his neck. As she assumed, he was much taller than her, but she didn't mind the difference. Everything seemed better than perfect until he pulled away and started to walk.

"We should start walking it's not that close from here, but yet" He stopped just to jump and get a leaf from the tree above.

"not so far away."

"Alright then." She smiled as she thought how much of a difference Luke is making in her life.

As they we're walking different topics popped out of nowhere and they changed the theme of the conversation every minute. She basically laughed at everything he said, no matter if it was funny or not, and in return she got to see his smile.

"I feel like I've been blabbing the whole time and you didn't say a thing." He turned his head in her direction, catching her as she was staring at him, but not in a creepy way though.

"Uh I don't know what to talk about." She said, blushing.

"Well, I don't know anything, what you like, what you hate, some funny memories from your childhood, you're favorite fruit, the-" He was caught off by laughter coming from her side.

"Do you really want to know what my favorite fruit is?" She said, still laughing.

"Yeah why not I mean fruit is nice and cool." There was a light pause because she didn't seem to give an answer so he continued.

"So what is it?" He questioned again.

"Are you serious?" She seem very surprised, no one asked her those kind of questions, no one was interested in what she liked or disliked.

He nodded.

"Um I like peaches." The answer she gave was very simple and he wanted her to talk more.

"Nope I'm not accepting that as an answer tell me more." He insisted.

"I don't know what else to talk about peaches. I like them because they're round and peachy." That turned out to be more as question then a finished sentence. What else could someone talk about peaches?

While she was talking he just nodded his head in a way that made her start laughing.

"Stop nodding you're head it's really creepy." She said.

"Oh c'mon it's not that creepy, right?" Just when he finished talking she noticed that their surroundings we're different. She spent the entire time focusing on him that she didn't realize where they were actually going.

"Uh where are we?"

He didn't answer as he looked around, gently grabbing her hand and leading her trough an almost broken gate. They somehow got in and she could feel the plants tickling her legs. As they walked further, different types of flowers popped in the field, making it look breathtaking. Luke didn't seem to be so amazed unlike her, who couldn't believe her eyes, they view was indescribable considering her love for flowers.

"Do you like it?"

"It's, I-" She started stuttering and didn't know how to describe the place and her emotions at the moment.

"Amazing?" He questioned, smiling.

"More than amazing it just reminds me of my mother and how we-" She couldn't continue as tears began to fill her eyes. Luke approached towards her lifting her chin up with his thumb. Then he whipped away the few tears that were falling down her cheek.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to tear you up." You could feel regret in his voice as he hugged her tightly. Her tendency of not hugging people more often was forgotten when she couldn't resist to hug him back. They stood like that for a solid minute when she broke away.

"Uh lets not waste our time," a small smile appeared on her face. "I'm feeling better now."

"Are you sure, I mean if you want we can go back I-I didn't know about your mum, I'm so sorry."

"It's alright Luke, really, but even though many years have passed it still hurts sometimes you know?" She tried hard not to think about it and focus on the moment she was living.

"Everything is going to be okay Lia." He was so sure in his words, just like her grandmother.

"Okay, enough tears and sadness." She said rubbing her eyes and trying to get rid of all the tears that remained.

"Okay what do you want to do?" Luke asked.

"Do you want me to teach you how to make flower crowns?"

The thought of that made her smile and he just couldn't say no, so he agreed. They sat down opposite another and she picked the flowers surrounding her, telling him to follow her actions. A few minutes later she finished her flower crown, while he was still struggling with his.

"Here, let me help you." She said and gently took the half made flower crown from his hands. She finished it and gave it to him.

"No you keep it, as a memory of this day."

"Then you keep mine."

They both put them on their heads and started laughing out of nowhere, they were like five year old kids. Just a couple of seconds later Luke moved his position and got closer to her. He sat next to her but not changing the direction and still facing her. Their legs were touching and he slowly intertwined his fingers with hers. She felt paralyzed and couldn't move, just like the time she caught him looking at her window.

Luke's face was inched away from hers as he spoke.

"Can I kiss you?"

She couldn't look up into his eyes as she was burning inside, but she got the courage to answer. When she lifted her head she noticed how blue his eyes actually were, they looked peaceful.

"I don't know Luke, I-I-I've never kissed anyone, it's going to be really awkward and embarrassing."

She had to say that even though she was dying to kiss him. Maybe they didn't spend that much time together but she was starting to feel comfortable around him and throwing away those bad thoughts she had when she first saw him.

"Please," It was almost as he was begging. "I know we don't know each other that well but I-I-I don't know, you make me feel nice and not tensed at all and-and just calm." He paused for a second before continuing again. " And I just want to feel your lips on mine so badly that it's driving me insane." He said and smiled, making her feel something tingling inside of her stomach.

"If you don't want to ... you know kiss me, I'll totally understand. It's okay."

"I-I want to." She gave in after seconds of staring into his eyes and realizing there wasn't anything that could harm her.

He didn't hesitate and moved even closer, locking their lips together. She was so nervous and anxious and terrified that she would do something wrong but as the minute he started moving his lips, she began doing the same. His lips felt so soft against hers that she couldn't help by shyly smile under the kiss. It felt like they were as soft and sweet as cotton candy at carnivals. Within a minute Luke's arm went over to her waist and under her shirt, while hers was around his neck. She could feel the taste of mentol as he stopped kissing her, his breaths getting deeper and heavier, like hers. She bit her bottom lip as she played with the ends of Luke's hair. He kissed her one less time and furthered a little bit.

"Uh it's getting really late I think we should go, I don't want to worry nonna." She said quietly.

"You're right." Luke got up and gave her a hand.

The walk home was filled with awkward tension between them, none of them knowing what to do or how to react. When they finally arrived in front of her place, she was about to turn around and go home, embarrassed to even say a simple goodbye, when he caught her hand making her turn around and face him. She was confused until he kissed her lips and then her nose.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Luke asked.

"Okay." Was all she managed to say, still shocked by what had just happened. She let go of his hand and went inside the building climbing up the stairs to the flat. He waited until she disappeared behind the door so he could finally go home.

Her grandmother had been waiting for her, sat on the couch with a phone in her hand, ready to dial her granddaughter's number.

"Nonna I'm back."

"Thank god Lia I was getting worried and was about to phone you. You scared me child. Now come on let's go and get some rest."

Both of them went in their rooms but her grandmother was the first one to actually fall asleep. She was replaying the moments that happened in the field, their hug, her first kiss, how sweet and gentle was Luke, they way she felt when his hand was on her bare waist.

In the end she closed her eyes and tried to sleep, the smile on her face still remaining.

finally another chapter

and i just wanted to say thank you all so much for 1.2K like it means so much to me

all i ever wanted when i started writing this shit is to get a thousand reads and my goal is completed :')

and i love you all so much

ok enough emotions

i dedicate this chapter to janosbaby bc psycho is omfg and it got me like waat

it's a luke brooks fanfic and i love him so fucking much

and now i'm listening to amnesia and crying


pls vote and comment

ily ♥

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