Following the sociopath (Sher...

By sherswiftian

5.4K 167 37

So this is basically just a bunch of random one shots. I just wrote them for fun, so obviously they are far f... More

Breaking point
The only one in the world
The Game is Over
Reading Alone on The Water
Quite the Turn Up
2 years
You're supposed to be dead
Just a dream
I told you so
Everything is fine
Im not dead
That was supposed to be our waltz
Our game of Cluedo
Welcome back
The murderer's basement
Two cups of tea
John's fall
You are me
The return
Now I know
Today was the day
Mexican resturaunt

Supernatural UK

172 5 3
By sherswiftian

(A/N: I saw a post on Pinterest with the idea for a UK version of Supernatural starting when John and Mary have two sons named Dean and Sam, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Hope you enjoy!

Sherlock looked at me with bored eyes from across the table in my old flat. Sherlock had it all to himself now. "Sorry what was that?" He asked, obviously not hearing my question.
"I said, Mary and I have picked out baby names. We just got back from the doctor and he determined that we're having boys. Twins." Sherlock honestly looked as if he could care less but I continued anyways, he looks like that 90% of the time unless there was a murder. "We're going to name them Dean and Sam. What do you think?"
"Mm, yes, very nice." He says. I guess that was all I was getting out of him.
"Anyways, it was nice seeing you but I've got to run. Mary doesn't want me out for long. I'll see you in a few weeks. Possibly sooner." He looked hurt for a brief moment before he covered it up again.

"John, there you are." Mary says looking up at me from the couch when I walked in.
"Here I am." I smile and lean down to give her a quick kiss.
"I can't wait, John. Just four more weeks!" She said excitedly.
"I know, I can't either." I smiled. she tilts her head back and look at me.
"You're scared half way out of your wits aren't you?" She asks. And I give a noncommittal snort.

We spent the next three weeks doing last minute things such as buying more diapers, more clothes, more wipes, and more bottles. Stuff that we already had a hundred copies of. But whatever, as long as Mary is satisfied.

One night, around midnight when Mary was already asleep I went and stood in the boys' room. It was quite lovely. Pale blue walls, two white cribs a foot apart in the center of the room, toys stacked in a basket beside a small dresser up against the wall, a rocker in the corner, and some cute little paintings along the walls. I sighed. In two days there would be two little boys in this room. How time had flown.

Mary and I were in the hospital. She was about to give birth to our sons. Sherlock was there too of course, but he just kinda stood outside the door feeling uncomfortable about the whole situation. I stood by her bedside and squeezed her hand the whole time, hoping, knowing everything would be alright.

An hour later we had two baby boys. Dean was born first, about six minutes ahead of Sam. They were both beautiful. But it was kinda funny because all baby's eyes are supposed to be blue when they are born but I could've sworn Dean's already had a hint of green to them.

They were released the next day and we proudly took them home. Sherlock even seemed proud. He came home with us that day and sat around and watched whatever we were doing. He even helped fix a few bottles (although it took him a few tries to get it right). They were so small I could hold one in each arm, but I wasn't about to do that in case one of them might fall. 6:30 rolled around and we decided now would be a good time to put them to bed. We changed our boys into pajamas and tucked them in. Sherlock of course followed us, but I didn't mind. I actually enjoyed it. "Say good night to your Uncle Sherlock boys." I grinned while saying this, and so did Sherlock.
"Goodnight Dean, Sam." Sherlock said happily.
"Sweet dreams, darlings." Mary said kissing each one on the head.
"I'll see you around two a.m. I love you." I said and also kissed them before tucking Dean and Sam snugly into their cribs.

Sure enough one of the two started crying at some un-Godly hour and I rose and slow jogged into their room. It was Sam. I gently reached into his crib and cradled him in my arms, rocking back and forth. "Hey, it's ok. It's alright. Daddy's got you." I murmured. I would've given him a bottle, but Mary would kill me. They were only allowed to eat when it said so on the schedule she had made for them. Once he was asleep in my arms, I laid him carefully back down. I turned to the other crib to see Dean was awake too. He just wasn't crying, but he looked scared. I knew he could cry, I've heard him so there wasn't anything wrong. Must be the strong silent type, I mused. Nonetheless I picked him up and cradled him until he fell asleep as well. Before leaving I gently kissed each one on the head before heading back to Mary and I's room.

The next month or so ran pretty smoothly. Sherlock and Mrs. Hudson would stop by every once in a while. Sherlock more so than Mrs. Hudson. She thought we might need some space, but Sherlock didn't even seem to know what the word 'space' meant. He probably deleted it. Not that I minded, he was my best friend and also a tremendous help. Two twin boys no matter how old can be a handful.

Somehow it was two years later. The peaceful nursery had been turned into a yellow little boys room with twin race car beds with railings, toys littering the floor, and crayon art splattering the walls. Dean had the greenest eyes I had ever seen, and Sam was already two inches taller than the other boys his age. I couldn't believe how quickly they'd grown up.

Sherlock still visited as much as he had when the boys were first born. At least five times a week. And Dean and Sam seemed to absolutely love Uncle Sherlock. And thanks to him, they had an interest in murders and maggots. One night he stayed over at our place. We didn't have another bedroom so he slept on the couch. He said he was just offering to help out, but I think it was because Mrs. Hudson went with a friend on an overnight trip to see some garden and he didn't want to stay at Baker Street alone. And I'm frankly glad he did.

I woke up coughing, my lungs felt like they were on fire. I bolted straight out of bed and scanned the room. It was filled with smoke and Mary was no longer beside me. I ran down the hall into Dean and Sam's room to see Mary plastered to the ceiling all awkward angles above the boys' beds. Her expression was one of only surprise and fear. It was as if she had been pulled to the ceiling by a giant magnet. Sherlock had run into the room at the same time I had and stood stark still for a moment in surprise. "Sherlock, take the boys and get out of here as fast as you can." I instructed. He was already by their beds. They were very much awake but seemed too scared to move. They latched on to Sherlock as if there was no tomorrow. "John, we need to leave now!" he shouts at me, trying to grab my hand but having difficulties as he had a kid on each hip. "Just go, I have to-Mary-I cannot leave her and all our pictures...and the toys..." I trailed off staring at the ceiling where Mary was now almost burned to a crisp and the fire was rapidly spreading. Sherlock kept running but also kept shouting at me. "John, now!" he shouts fiercely.
"Just take Dean and Sam and run as fast as you can. I have to find who did this." I said. I could hear his fast paced footsteps sound throughout the house.

(Sherlock's POV)
I ran with Dean and Sam through the house and then outside, one boy on each hip. It was a darned good thing I had experience running from all the cases I did. Once we were a safe distance away from the house I set the boys down and told them not to move and to look after each other, I'd be right back. "Where are you going?" Dean asked in a small voice.
"To get your idiot father." I said and took off sprinting.

John was slowly running through the house almost on his way to the living room when I saw him. He was stumbling and trying to wipe away tears and smoke from his eyes. I grabbed his arm and ran towards the door. "John, I'm sorry, but we have to leave." I shout, making sure he could hear me although he was right by my side.

We ran to where Dean and Sam were and I hugged them both fiercely before setting them down and doing the same to John who hugged me back, just as his boys did. It was then his turn to hug them. He sank to the ground and I mimicked his actions. We each had a kid in our lap. I took Sam while he had Dean. "Thank you Sherlock." John says after a minute. "You saved Dean's, Sam's , and my life tonight when really you could've just saved yourself." He looked to the ground.
"It was nothing John. I'd do it all over again a thousand times. I, uh, I love you. All three of you very much. I may have even loved Mary, but then again she did shoot me." I tried to joke with the last part, but failed. My smile didn't even have a chance to form all the way before it faltered and broke completely.

We stayed at Baker Street for a while after that. Mrs. Hudson loved our company and completely spoiled the boys. The only problem was we only had two bedrooms. So it was decided John and I would stay in the same room (my room) and Dean and Sam would stay in John's old room. We decorated it with all new little boy things, and painted the walls a light shade of blue. They had airplane beds, again with railings, toys all over the place, crayons scattering the floor causing us to constantly slip. We got pictures of all of us, some even having Mary in them. We didn't want it to look like their old room, even though they were only two it might bring back some painful memories. I know it would cause John to almost loose his mind.

"We have to find what did that, Sherlock." John told me one day. "It wasn't a human. The window was still locked, there were no footprints in the mud around the house, and there wasn't a drop of glue anywhere, no magnets either. You know that, don't you?" he asked.
"As much as it pains my mind, it would seem that something other than a human was responsible for what happened. What or how though, I'm not sure. And I'm not saying it again." John almost smiled.
"Well then, let's go on a hunting trip." I grinned at him. And he grinned back, ready for the thrill of the chase.

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