The Search for Fireworks (ONG...

By CrazyMeisie

1.6K 522 319

Reilly Burke has a childhood dream of finding her own perfect man. Searching for her own fireworks. Her par... More

1 ~ The Surprise!
2 ~ The Bus Stop
3 ~ The Man In The Towel
4 ~ The Pizza
5 ~ The Couch
7 ~ The Spell
8 ~ The Emotion
9 ~ The Outburst
10 ~ The Redemption
11 ~ The Bed
12 ~ The Door
13 ~ The Tea
14 ~ The Call
15 ~ The Bar
16 ~ The Motorbike
17 ~ The Open Day
18 ~ The Party
19 ~ Open cards
20 ~ The Accident
21 ~ The Knock on the Door

6 ~ The Beginning Of Something Nice

112 40 17
By CrazyMeisie

Blake had to do two trips to get things into the room. Reilly didn't look up once when he walked passed her.

She noticed him, of course, she did. But after his comment about her earlier, she was dead set on ignoring him as much as she possibly can. He finished faffing on the bed, then walked right up to Reilly and plugged her earphones out of the laptop.

"Come, breakfast," he said, ignoring her wide eyes as he walked to the bed. Reluctantly she got up, curious to see what he got this time.

"Doughnuts?" Riley whispered in fascination as she opened the boxes.

"Tell me you've had doughnuts before," his dark eyes widen as his voice filled with shock.

"No," she said picking up a chocolate one, twirling it around in her fingers, "I wasn't allowed any junk food growing up."

"No junk food? Like nothing? No hamburgers? No tacos? No hot dogs? No Coca-Cola? Nada?"

"Nothing," she whispers as she bites into the gooey chocolate, her eyes closing in pure ecstasy. Blake stared at her a little longer, mentally scolding himself for wanting to keep that look on her face.

"Well, now I know what we're eating later," he murmured.

It wasn't long before they were laying on the bed with the bill, ticking all Reilly's favourite doughnuts crossing out the ones she didn't like. To her surprise after tasting every single flavour the doughnut shop had, her ultimate favourite was the plain sugared doughnut.

"How do you feel?" He asked when she put her head down and closed her eyes.

"Wonderful," she said wistfully, "absolutely, undeniably wonderful. Why?"

"You just ate 15 doughnuts," Blake said, pointing at the empty boxes strewn across the room.

"Yeah, so did you," she countered, her hazel eyes almost yellow.

"I'm double your size," he laughed. Looking down at her flat stomach wondering if she hid some doughnuts under a pillow or something.

"Okay," she said sitting up, "I'm slightly stuffed, and it feels like sugar zinging through my veins instead of blood."

"So Riley," he whispers, looking down at his hands, "I wanted to apologize again, for you know; for earlier this morning."

"It's okay," she responded, putting her hand over his fidgeting hands. His gaze moved up and their eyes lock. He stared into her golden eyes, while she got lost in his.

"If you wanted to hold my hands," she whispered, her eyes twinkling with amusement, "all you had to do was ask!" Blake laughed then, the tension broken, he threw a pillow at her playfully.

Reilly grabbed the pillow and hit him with it, starting a pillow fight. It wasn't long before they were a puddle of giggles on the bed, holding their pillows weakly.

"Why is it that you don't leave the room either?" Blake suddenly blurted.

"I'm hiding too," Reilly responded softly, "I ran away from home and although I'm pretty sure they wouldn't call the police, I can't take the chance of being found. At least not until my birthday."

"What happens on your birthday?"

"I turn eighteen," Reilly answers politely, frowning as Blake burst into laughter.

"I'm sorry," he says through his laughter, "I thought you were going to say something like: You're going to turn into a vampire, or fairy, or something similarly magical."

"Well, something magical is happening that day," Reilly mutters to herself.

"Sorry?" Blake asks turning onto his side to face Riley.

"Nothing," she murmured, moving to get off of the bed.

"No, wait," Blake calls, sitting up himself, "please watch a movie with me?"

"I'm not-"

"A movie person," he finished her sentence as she walks to her couch and starts typing on her laptop.

He watched her bite her bottom lip as she concentrates on her writing. He couldn't understand how this girl has crawled so deep underneath his skin. All he knew was that she seemed much prettier today than she was yesterday and her refusal to watch a movie with him stung a tiny bit more too.

Reilly's fingers flew off the keys on her laptop, inspired beyond words, typing away about the protagonist's new love interest. Rewriting every paragraph trying her best to edit Blake out as much as possible. Although he just keeps creeping in. She looks up towards him, he looks down quickly, but not quick enough. Reilly smiled to herself as she continues with her story.

🎶Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections...🎶

The song filled the air, Reilly hummed with, thinking it's part of a new movie Blake is playing.

"Tamryn," he answered his phone.

"Did you change your caller tone on my phone?"

"Yes, it's a beautiful song, but Tam, we spoke about privacy -"

"Tamryn, please," Reilly looked up trying to see Blake's face, but his back is turned to her. The rest of the conversation is held in hushed whispers before he threw the phone on the bed with some frustration.

Reilly meant to look back down, pretending to have heard anything, but when Blake turned around she was still staring at him.

"That was my girlfriend," he said softly, "or she used to be."

"What happened?"

"I asked her to marry me the other day, she freaked out," he put his head in his hands, covering his face, "and now that I have realised it was a mistake, now she wants to marry me."

"Why was asking her a mistake?"

"Because I only did it to spite my parents, if I married Tamryn before- it's not important."

Neither of them speaks then. Blake afraid that he's said too much. Reilly finishing the sentence in her head, the possibilities endless.

"Can I pour you some Coke?" He asked walking to the kitchen.

"Uh, water, please."

"Nobody says no to coke, Reilly," he laughed, his worries forgotten.

"Hi, Blake. I'm Nobody, it's nice to meet you," she countered struggling to keep her face straight.

"Wait isn't Coke a 'junk food'?" He asked, making air quotes, "You've never tried it, have you?"

"No," She said smiling.

"You're trying it," he responds taking out two glasses.

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