Fallen Angel

By StoryTellerByFire

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The sequel to 'Earth Angel'. Sean is adjusting well to life on earth, but something lately about him is off... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21

Part 9

1.3K 91 101
By StoryTellerByFire

Anti's kisses before always felt so aggressive and demanding. This kiss felt so much different. It was tender and longing. With his eyes closed, he couldn't tell the difference between Sean and Anti. They felt the same in this moment. Mark shifted to his knees, cupping Anti's jaw to prolong the kiss. His thumbs brushed over Anti's earlobes feeling just a hint of the black gauges that he had, but he pushed the thought from his mind. He had been craving Sean's touch for months, but Sean rarely touched him. Sean would always pull away whenever he'd get too needy. Anti was so much different. He didn't pull away. Anti's hand drifted down his neck to slide over his shoulder, coaxing him closer as his nails lightly grazed up his spine. Mark let out a deep throaty groan against Anti's lips in response. He was only slightly worried that Anti's poisoned nails might hurt him. 

That too he forced from his mind. Anti's nails weren't tearing into his shirt. They were dull enough that it just felt good. Sending goosebumps out across his back and along his shoulders. Anti responded to his groan by slipping his tongue into his mouth, seeking out his in a lustful brush against his. Mark jerked back a little. He was never exposed to this kind of kiss before. He wasn't sure what to do. Anti kept a firm hand on his back to keep him close, while his other hand moved to his cheek. Anti's thumb pressed into his cheek, hinting for him to open his mouth a bit more. Once he did, Anti's tongue flicked against the tip of his, trying to coax it from retreating. Giving in, he slid his tongue across Anti's. It was strangely erotic, making his heart race and his dick harden.

Anti tongue fucked him, until he was burning for more. He had just started to mimic Anti's moments, when Anti changed the kiss. Daring Mark's tongue to follow Anti's tongue into his mouth, if he wanted to keep the kiss going. Mark rose to the challenge and was yet again surprised, when Anti started to suck on his tongue. Mark's groan came out more like a deep growl as he lowered his hands to Anti's hips. Anti broke the kiss tilting his head back as he inhaled deeply. Mark felt just as breathless, taking a brief second to inhale himself, before leaning in to kiss Anti's exposed neck. Anti's body tensed up, but a distorted giggle left him as he laid back across the sand. Mark followed Anti as he laid back, continuing to kiss his throat hungrily. Anti's hands pulled his shirt up to his shoulders, then retreated back down to touch his warm flesh.

Mark loved the sensation of Anti's fingers brushing over his bare sides. It was like his body even knew what Anti was hinting for him to do. The second he lowered his own hips down to grind against Anti's, Anti arched back against the sand with a high pitched moan that rang out in the cave. The sound made him feel empowered and wild. He had rendered Anti powerless. Grazing his teeth along Anti's neck, Mark jerked his head up startled by Anti's reaction. Anti's hands left his body to sink long black talons into the sand as he arched back, his eyes a solid black with flickering emerald green irises. The minute that Anti settled back down, Anti whispered to him breathlessly. "Do that again". Mark lowered back down as Anti exposed his neck more and this time bit his flesh playfully.

Anti's legs shot up to wrap around his waist tightly, his voice glitching in ripples of pleasures from low to high pitches. Mark grinded his hips against Anti's, completely lost in his own desire to fuck Anti senseless. Mark felt Anti's hand suddenly slide up his back and gently grabbed the back of his neck. Mark shivered from the goosebumps that ran down his arms, lifting his head enough to see Anti turn his eyes on him. Only... Anti's eyes weren't black or even flashing green anymore. They were a clear crystal blue. Mark started to lean in to kiss him, when Anti suddenly strained out to him in a pained breathless whisper. "Mark... Don't do this... ". Mark's lust melted away and a cold chill ran up his back as he mumbled out uneasily. "Sean..."? Sean nodded, touching his cheek tenderly as he weakly added. "Don't make me watch this".

Mark rose up a bit more off Sean, asking confused. "Sean? I... I didn't...". Sean suddenly jerked his head to the side as Anti's eyes flared back, snapping out. "Stay out of this! Do you want to burn"! Sean's eyes came back as he jerked his head in the other direction, shouting out. "Anti! Stop this! You don't love him"! Anti's black eyes came back as he looked up at Mark, telling him seriously. "You want to be with Sean? Than close your eyes and I'll give him to you. I'll do things to you that he'd never dream of doing". Mark started to back off of Anti without a word and was completely emotionless. He didn't know how to handle this. He was confused how he should feel about this. Was this cheating? Was this wrong? He just didn't know. Anti quickly sat up, cupping his face as he told him almost desperately. "Mark, don't do this. Please...? I was just starting to feel something".

Mark slowly shook his head, muttering out in a low voice. "No... I think we should wait. I...". Mark couldn't finish his sentence. He didn't know how to phrase what he was feeling. Anti's black eyes narrowed on him with a confused expression, his eyes glazing over with a glistening shine. Anti lowered his hands to his lap, closing his eyes and dropping his shoulders in defeat. Mark felt a pain his chest, watching him look so... disappointed. Blood tears leaked from Anti's eyes, when he began to climb up onto his knees. Mark reached out to touch his face and explain himself, but Anti snatched his wrist in an ice cold grip. Anti lifted his head to look at him with fiery emerald eyes, growling back. "Don't fucking touch me"! Mark winced in pain, Anti's grip was tightening on his wrist without mercy.

Mark began to yell in pain, his body huddling up in its only means of defense. Anti climbed to his feet, glaring down at him and yelling out over his cries of pain. "You think this is pain?! You know NOTHING of pain! I can show you PAIN"! Mark raised his free hand to beg Anti to stop before he broke his wrist, but Anti responded by punching his cheek so hard that he was knocked into the sand. Mark's vision blurred and he tasted sand, but Anti didn't stop there. Anti started kicking out at his ribs, his voice distorting badly through clenched teeth. "This! Is! All! Your! Fault"! Anti's last act against him was putting a foot on his back and jerking his arm until it 'Popped' violently, sending blinding pain through Mark's side. Anti had dislocated his arm, before storming away and snapping back over his shoulder. "I DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS! I had a SHITE LIFE, but it was MY LIFE! And YOU took that from me! Fuck You"!

Mark rolled onto his side, spitting sand and clutching his arm protectively. He couldn't say anything through the pain running through his aching body. Not that anything he said would calm Anti down. Anti stood out in the rain, watching him from a distance as he screamed out in an agonized heavily distorted voice. "If YOU want HIM back so BADLY! THAN WHY DON'T YOU SAVE HIM"! Anti wrapped his hands around his own neck, squeezing his throat as he screamed loudly. Mark staggered up to his knees, yelling out to him. "ANTI STOP"! Anti let out loud chuckles in madness, squeezing his neck tighter, until blood started to leak from his eyes. Mark climbed to his feet, heading for Anti as he called out. "ANTI STOP! You're killing yourself"! Anti stopped laughing, his green and black eyes suddenly staring at him, before telling him casually. "Say Goodbye".

The next second, Anti's eyes rolled back and he collapsed across the sand. Mark dashed out, sliding down beside Anti and prying his hands away from his throat. With some effort, Mark managed to pull Anti's hands free, listening to Sean take a deep gasp for air. Mark dropped his head in relief against Sean's chest, listening to him breathe in his unconscious state. He couldn't risk loosing both of them. Feeling the cold rain soak through his shirt, he spoke out softly to them. "I'm sorry. I'll find a way to make this right, I promise". Mark was thankful that Sean was relatively light as he pulled him up over his good shoulder with his good arm. Lifting him off the ground, Mark groaned and staggered back to the cave entrance. Laying Sean carefully by the fire, Mark took a seat next to him.

Mark checked over Sean's neck for any cuts or punctures. He wouldn't put it past Anti to inject himself with that poisonous virus he had created. He didn't see any, but Sean's neck was very red and would most likely bruise up later. Mark relaxed a little, rubbing his hurt wrist as he thought about the virus. Anti told him it was very contagious... Did that mean that there was a chance Bob and Wade had it now? Was it spreading through Pax already? Mark sighed grimly, thinking that he should have handled Anti better. That dejected look on Anti's face would haunt him forever. Mark stopped rubbing his wrist and his heart stopped. Glancing down at his arm, he moved his thumb away to reveal a small prick in his wrist. A small prick that was leaking a black liquid. He prayed that wasn't what he thought it was... but his vein was turning black. To Be Continued...     

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