Speak |h.s. a.u.|

By imaginewithme19

357K 15.4K 2.6K

"You want to know something, Annabelle?" Harry asked. She slightly nodded. "I'm okay with the fact that you... More

Speak |h.s. a.u.|
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Fourty-Five
Chapter Fourty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Fourty-Eight
Chapter Fourty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80 + answers
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90

Chapter Sixteen

6.1K 284 66
By imaginewithme19

              "How about this?" Gemma asked, holding up Harry's white button-up shirt. He shook his head.

"Gem, I'm taking her on a small, casual date, not prom." She rolled her eyes.

"You have to impress her, Harry!" She squeezed the shirt in her fingers, letting her arms go limp.

"I will, trust me. She'll have fun and never want to leave my side after this date. I'll totally reel her in." Harry grinned, grabbing a Rolling Stones t-shirt.

"Like a fish?" Gemma smiled, tossing the dress shirt at him. He caught it.

"Like a fish." He said, spraying a bit of cologne on, and sliding on his brown boots. "Done." He shrugged, turning in a circle for Gemma.

"Something is missing..." She put her pointer finger on her chin, leaning her shoulder against the white door frame.

Harry looked around the room, trying to find something he could put on. After a silent few seconds, "Ah." Gemma whispered, walking over to his dresser. "Here." She handed him two rings. He slid the gold one on his right middle finger, and a silver one on his right pointer finger.

"Now can I go?" Harry asked impatiently. He just wants to see Annabelle already.

"Okay-" Harry ran out of the door. "Hey! Remember your manners!" Gemma shouted right before he opened the front door. "Use prote-" the door slammed shut, and he got into his car.

Annabelle laid on her bed, her back facing the door, while slightly cuddling her teddy bear- don't ask. Paramore blasted through her yellow earbuds. Her fingers lightly tapped along to the beat while her eyes were closed.

No matter what she did, no matter what song she listened to, no matter how hard she tried not to, all of her thoughts and daydreams revolved around one person. She just couldn't help it. Replaying memories in her mind, and imagining being able to make new ones. It's not that she doesn't like it. She hates it, but she loves it. She loves thinking about him and his voice, yet she hates the fact that he is successfully casting her under his spell. They are only friends, and she doesn't- no she wants to, but she doesn't need to fall for him in any romantic way. It would ruin everything, and like she has said plenty of times before, she'd be the one who ends up-

"Annabelle!" Her mother ripped her earbud from her left ear, causing her to shoot her mother a confused and annoyed look. She sat up, taking the other earbud out as well. "Get up, get up!" She pulled Annabelle off of the bed and started going through her drawers.


Annabelle pulled at her mother's arm, making her face her.

"Oh, right. Okay, see," she smiled. "Harry is at the door, he wants to take you out on a date!" She squealed, acting as if she was a teenager again. Of course, Annabelle couldn't help but let a large smile break free.

"Here, put this on, brush your hair, just hurry!" She threw a purple blouse at Annabelle and ran out of the door. Annabelle shook her head, holding out the horrid, silky material and letting it fall to the floor. What she was already wearing was fine- black skinny jeans and a Rolling Stones t-shirt. She slid on her black Converse and ran downstairs. Her hair was fine...

Harry stood awkwardly at the door. He looked so beautiful. He smiled when he saw Annabelle. She looked down to hide her silly grin. He took a step towards her, and she realised... They were wearing the same shirt. Only, his is white and hers is black. He also noticed, and he quietly laughed as her smile got bigger.

I can go change it.

She pointed towards the stairs, taking a step back, but his hand caught hers.

"No, I like it." He shook his head, and laced his fingers with hers. "Are you ready?" He asked, walking backwards to the door. She nodded, following him. They opened the door, and-

"Where are you two going?" Annabelle's father walked into the room, sitting on the couch.

"I'm taking Annabelle out for a while... That is, if you're okay with it." Harry said smoothly, making her want to laugh. Of course he'd play the gentlemen card on her father. He isn't stupid.

"Where to?" Dave asked.

"It's a surprise." Harry replied, and Annabelle's insides went crazy at the thought of Harry planning a surprise date just for her.

"Okay, well, have fun, I guess." Her father spoke suspiciously, but they ignored it and walked out of the house anyway.

"Here we are." Harry said, pulling into a small parking lot, of a small sized café.

Oh, how cliché.

Annabelle smiled at Harry as they opened their doors and got out. He grabbed her hand when they met at the front of the car and whispered, "You're supposed to let me open your door for you," with a grin.

She then felt something, that wasn't skin, touching her fingers. She looked down, examining their hands (which she absolutely loved seeing like this), and saw Harry wearing two rings. She held up their entwined fingers. They both looked at them. She let my arm go limp and they continued walking inside.

Harry lead Annabelle to a small, round table that was right beside a large window. The sun was shining through the light brown shades on the window, making everything seem so much more... Special.

"I'm going to go order. What would you like?" Harry asked. She shrugged. She's never been here before.

"Do you like coffee?" He asked. She scrunched my nose, shaking my head.
He grinned. "Okay, I'll surprise you." He got up and walked to the counter.

A few moments later, he came back with two cups and a large blueberry muffin. Her stomach was screaming at her, telling her to devour the whole thing and get properly fed for once, but as always, she ignored her body's pleas and only ate half, while Harry ate the other half.

She took a drink from the cup, tasting vanilla, which was a weird flavor to drink during summer, yet it was very cold and refreshing, very icy. She kept drinking it, and before she knew it, she was out of my vanilla mystery drink. Oh well.

Harry took the last sip of his drink, and tossed their empty cups into a trashcan near our table.

"Yes!" He would whisper when he got both cups into the garbage without missing. He then balled up the wrapper and aimed.

Don't miss.

He threw it, and it bounced off the side of the can, and onto the floor. Annabelle let out a giggle. His eyes shot up to meet hers, an amused look on his face.

Annabelle grabbed the wrapper, aimed, and-

"Don't miss." He whispered just as her hand released the paper. She didn't miss.

"I'm going to blind you." Harry spoke as they sat down in his car. Annabelle quickly looked at him, confused. "It's part of the surprise. Here," he grabbed a bandana from the backseat and leaned over. He wrapped it around her head, covering her eyes, and tying it tightly in the back.

If this were anyone else, she would be terrified of the outcome here.

"Is that too tight?" He asked, his hand gently holding the back of her head. She shook her head, no. "Can you see anything?" He asked, and she could just tell he was making silly faces. She smiled, shaking her head.

This is so cliché.

He began driving, but not before he grabbed her hand in his, gently, and entwined their fingers.

Annabelle sighed, leaning her head against the window and praying they'd would arrive soon. The radio was on, fifteen songs have played, so she knew they had been driving for at least forty-five minutes.

Then they slowly stopped and Annabelle became even more excited. She wanted to know why it took so long to get there, and where exactly they were.

Harry's door opened, so she opened hers and carefully got out, shutting it behind her. She felt Harry's hands on her arms. "You were supposed to let me open your door for you." He said quietly, chuckling a bit. She grinned, reaching up and untying the bandana. She blinked a few times, and then realised, they were at their spot- that field with the little creek and pear tree.

You blind folded me to take me somewhere you've already taken me?

Harry shrugged. "I thought it would make the whole thing more... Special."

Annabelle walked into the field, taking her time, with Harry right beside her. She kept walking until the pear tree became small, and almost out of sight. Then she sat down, followed by Harry.

The sun was just beginning to set. "I thought we could watch the sun set together." He said, then pulled out a green blanket from behind his back. Has he been carrying that this whole time?

Annabelle nodded, looking up at the darkening sky. Shades of pink, blue, and orange were contrasting against the white, fluffy clouds. It was beautiful.

Harry scooted a bit closer, and his arm wrapped around her shoulder. She leaned my head on his chest, feeling his steady breathing. It was relaxing.

Soon they are laying down on their backs, Annabelle's head on Harry's chest, his arms wrapped around her body. She was so comfortable, and was just about to let herself fall asleep. That was, until Harry sighed, and she realised she was most likely annoying him or hurting him, so she tried scooting away. He only held her body tighter.

"It was a relaxing sigh, not an annoyed sigh." He whispered, reading her thoughts as always. So she closed her eyes, letting herself drift into a state of half consciousness.

"You want to know something, Annabelle?" Harry asked. She slightly nodded. "I'm okay with the fact that you don't speak. I like you anyways."

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