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By _spixcy_

111K 1.3K 2.3K


Meeting Him/Her
2nd Encounter
Thinking About You
Finding a Way to Confess
Secret Admirer
A Bit Clingy
Catches You Singing
Making Out
Showing Their Human Form & First Kiss
A/N : 220 Reads ?!
Their /Dirty/ Pick Up Lines !
They Speak Something Dirty In Another Language
His/Her Favorite Place To Kiss You
"Cute" Nicknames :D
New character : One !
New Cover !
Creepypastas You Had a Crush On And Shes/Hes Jealous Of
Your Guys Favorite Songs Together
RHG'S Shes/Hes Jealous Of
She/He Gets You A Pet !
Outfits and Hairstyle They Love To See You Wear ! Part 1
Outfit and Hairstyle they Love to see you wear ! Part 2
You Steal Something Of Theirs
THAT Time Of Month
When Your Home Alone
His/Her Favorite Part of Your Body
Their Social Media
•Your Text Messages•
Public Affection and Who Does It Mostly
New Character : Bog , Shadowrose , And Hyun
If They Were Ever Parents
You do Her/His Makeup for Halloween XD
If You Had Superpowers !
What Video Games you Play , Who Wins , and Who Rages The MOST
Them During Training
When they Try to Cook
What Instrument they Play !
Favorite "Hamilton" Song
Hobbies !
A/N : I'm cRyInG
4 Headcanons about them !
Someone makes you Cry
When their Voice Cracks
When they get Lost at The Grocery Store
My RHG doodles
What you guys Are doing for 4th of July
Hey guys
A Little change in Personality
If They were Yandere
A/N : Ages
Someone Kidnaps You
f i g h t s w i t h t h e m . . . .
n e w c o v e r ?
a n i m a l s ?
r e t i r e ?
✨c u d d l e s✨
💫 a p p r e c i a t i o n 💫
🌿 n e w c h a r a c t e r s 🌿
Final Announcement

Anime's They Enjoy !

676 14 34
By _spixcy_

{A/N : Thank you once again BronzeTrainer743 for the Idea !}

Yoyo - Blue Exorcist 

Yoyo fucking ENJOYS Blue Exorcist , Its his FAVORITE. Cause first , it has Blue , and Second , The plot , IS AMAZING. He is on Season 2 , so don't spoil it for him >:)

Chuck - Fairy tail 

Chuck is pretty deep into Fairy tail , and its VERY VERY emotional. His favorite Character ? Erza , I can blame him , I like her too XD

Jade - Wakfu {A/N : AHHHH YESSSS}

NO SHIT , Wakfu is the BESSSSSSSSSSST. I prefer it more then ANY ANIME n the world ! Not literally but ITS AMAZING ! Jade likes Evangelyne from Wakfu , I like her too !

{A/N : If your wondering , Yep ! I got my Original Character Name from The character "Eva" in Wakfu}

Yupia - Another

UGH , This anime RULES. She's watched it , but the slight continuance of Gore interest her more the usual, she overall likes the Anime , which she can't even Say.

Alfa - RWBY

Okay , I'm gonna be honest , I have NEVER watched RWBY. It just doesn't interest me as Much , I'm sorry , anyway , Back to Alfa ! He LIKES it , A LOT he also loves the Character Yang Xiao Long , Well , Who wouldn't ?

Umbrella - Kill la Kill

He Loves it , like , ALMOST AS MUCH AS YOU. But no WAY would it have a chance against YOU , Your To Beautiful/Handsome/Attractive to be beaten ! But he does like the Plot of the Show.

Shura - Dragon Ball Z

C'mon , SOMEONE. WAS. EXPECTING THIS. Its honestly his FAVORITE thing to do in his free-time , besides cuddling with you all morning. He is in LOVE with ALL the characters because , C'mon , Its Dragon Ball Z !

One - Sword Art Online

He didn't really WANT to watch it at first , but You and Yoyo dared him {*COUGH COUGH* AND FORCED HIM *COUGH COUGH*} to watch Sword Art Online. Now , lets be honest , He REALLY likes it , Hell ! Almost ENJOYS it ! He likes the design of the swords too

Bog - CrunchyRoll {A/N : ITS YUMMY AS FUCK-}

He LOVES food , and he LOVES to watch some Anime , so he found CrunchyRoll. And let me say , HE HAS NEVER BEEN SO HAPPY IN HIS LIFE I MEAN HAVE YOU SEEN THE FOOD ? He sometimes BEGS YOU to make the food , but you can't cause that SHIT IS HARD to DO.

Here's one of the dishes !

I am Now regretting Everything :D

Hyun - Yuri on Ice

First off , YES. Second , YES AGAIN. He loves this show till the day he DIES. He loves how Gay and Romantic and Absolutely STUNNING this show is because it brings him tears of Joy. He kinda thinks Victor is cute AF.....

Shadowrose - Danganronpa

This anime is S P O O P Y. Who Knew that someone like RUS would like this ? He likes the pink blood instead of Red blood , its a much more Child friendly touch. But its still Horrifying.


{Thanks For reading , and for the idea BronzeTrainer743 !}


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