Eden's Alpha

By Allinall126

838K 26.2K 3K

#11 in werewolves "You know I'll never stop running, right?" "I've always loved a good chase" ••••••••••••... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Author's Note

Chapter 31

12.7K 391 65
By Allinall126

"What's going on?!" I yell, barging down the steps to the basement. I follow the sounds of voices to one of the deepest and most protected cells.

"Alpha," Carter says, bowing in respect as I approach.  There were various people standing around the cell all looking inwards with fear.

I nod hesitantly at Carter and turn towards the cell to see my mate.

Eden had been changed and cleaned by one of the maids and was now wearing a white T-shirt and jeans. They had moved her into one of the jail cells and somehow she still remained unconscious.

"What's the problem, Carter?" I ask, seeing no apparent reason to be called down.

"Well, even though Eden had no weapons on her, we did find a large locket around her neck. We tried to take it off, but touching the metal resulted in burns," Carter swallows and shows me his hand, "bad burns." 

Carters hand is a deep red and the skin has already started blistering. A few other people step forward and show me their burnt hands as well.

"We tried everything, Alpha. We tried gloves, sticks, other metals, nothing worked. It's almost as if the locket is magical."

Without replying, I type in the code for the cell. Standing before my mate, I hover my hand over her locket, feeling the intense heat radiating off of it.

"How come her skin isn't burning?" I ask, turning toward Carter.

"I have no clue, Alpha."

I turn once again toward my mate and place my hand close to the locket again. The heat of the locket feels as hot as a fire and eventually I pull away.

"Impossible" I mutter to myself, before storming off.

"What do we do about the locket, Alpha?" Carter says, running at my heels to keep up with me.

"There's nothing we can do. Just be sure to keep an eye on her in case she wakes up."

Whatever's on her neck, I will find out.



I wake uncomfortably, my hands secured behind my back at an awkward angle as I lay on my side. I look around, recognizing the same prison where I had been previously kept.

I groan and move slowly, my head pounding and my body sore.

I must've been out for a while.

I look down at my tied hands and gasp in shock as the silver metal still surrounds my wrists. My wrists are red and raw from constantly rubbing against them. I look down at my chest and thankfully, my necklace still sits there undisturbed.

"What's in the locket?"

I gasp in surprise as I look up and see Carter through the metal bars. He is sitting across from my jail in the shadows, I wouldn't have noticed him if he hadn't spoken up.

"Why do you want to know?" I ask, sounding rather harsh.

A moment passes before Carter replies, "no reason"

Suddenly, the sounds of a banging door and heavy footsteps alert me of Baylor's presence. I sit up quickly on the bed and try to look as brave as possible as he approaches the cell.

"Hello, Eden," he says, his smile not at all comforting me.

"Let me go, Baylor," I demand.

"You know why Calfur started Rogue, Eden?" Baylor asks, completely avoiding my question. "He started Rogue because he wanted war, Eden. He wanted all the power that I had. He wanted to be the new werewolf leader."

I pause, waiting for him to continue. None of this comes as a shock to me.

"You're not surprised?" Baylor asks, seeing my expression. "Well, I guess you wouldn't be if Isaiah had told you everything."

"You killed him," I say through gritted teeth.

Baylor pauses and begins pacing slowly, as if waiting to pounce on his prey. "Do you know much about Isaiah, about what he really wanted?"

"You don't know anything," I say, growing angry at where this is going.

"Oh, I know everything, Eden. I know about your family and how they died. I know how you were saved and about the guys who picked you off the streets. It wasn't because they thought anything of you. They knew you never would amount to anything."

"Shut up!" I yell, pulling against the bonds.

"Little Eden. You are nothing. Isaiah is dead and he is just as worthless as the rest of the people at Rogue.

"Don't say another word against them," I spit out, my face turning deep red from the heat of the blood rushing through my veins.

"They're all going to die because of you!"


A wave of power washes over the cell as if it were a gust of wind. Baylor is knocked over by the force and I watch in shock as he regains his stance, looking none too happy.

He smirks, "what's in the locket, Eden? You been making deals with the devil?"

"What are you talking about?" I ask hesitantly.

"I think you know who I am talking about," he mutters out before mind-linking me a single word: *CLARISSA*

"Who's that?" I ask, lying all the way.

"You know who she is." It wasn't a question, he knew where the locket came from.

"Why does this matter so much to you?"

"Because," Baylor says, tapping his fingertips against the iron bars, "I want you to lead with me as I destroy Rogue once and for all."

A moment passes before I burst out laughing, "Ha! You think I'm going to attack my own people? You must be mental!"

"They resent you, Eden. I am the only one who cares."

"All lies" I shoot back, crazed that he would even think I would join him in attacking Rogue.

A moment passes, then two. Baylor's eyes are unyielding as they stare into mine, his anger radiating off of him.

He's really angry.

"I have a present for you," Baylor says suddenly, turning away and disappearing from my view.  

Carter stands and leaves with him, following behind like a lost dog. Minutes pass and I strain against my burning bonds, trying to hear anything they are saying. Finally, they come back with...Oh god.

Struggling against Carter's grip is none other than...James?

"No!" I cry out, seeing James' bound and beaten body.

They had tied his arms and legs together with the same silver that I was bound with. He was gagged and his eyes were bloodshot. His eyes could barely latch on to mine as he was held in front of my cell.

"I knew you wouldn't cooperate with me, Eden. So now you pay the price."

"Please, no," I shake my head furiously, suddenly pleading with Baylor as tears flood my eyes, "you can't do this." I cry out.

"It's too late"

Before I can even process the words that leave Baylor's mouth, he whips out a gun, takes aim, and fires.


The bullet flies straight into James' skull, his eyes still latched onto mine as he begins falling face down into the cement floor, blood pooling around him and running into my cell.

"You, demon" I speak slowly and quietly, possessed by anger and grief as I stare at my dead friend. My body shakes and I stand on the bed slowly, feeling the silver bonds break away from my trembling hands.




Crazy huh?

Thanks everyone for being so patient as I finished writing this chapter. There was a lot I needed to throw in there so I appreciate everyone waiting a bit.

Comment and Like please!


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