What It Was

By countryreb020

155K 5.8K 171

She's had a regular life. Regular parents trying to make ends meet. As a teenager she got a job part time wor... More

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2.5K 113 4
By countryreb020

I went up behind Cris while he was at his desk in his home office and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Yes baby?" He asked. "Would it be alright if I went with Louis to get me some dress pants for the winter?" I asked. "Depends on which store." He said. "One within your domain. It's a different store than where we went to exchange the clothes when I first arrived." I said.

"Nearest establishment that I may know?" He asked. "Near Xavier's gym business. Right next door." I said. "Go on then. Your going to need this then. You know the pin. If anyone gives you or Louis trouble go next door to the gym and ask for Micah." He said giving me his credit card. "Thank you babe." I said before kissing his cheek. He pulled me onto his lap. "You know my rules baby. Anywhere else besides that store, you let me know where you are going before you pull out of that parking lot." He said.

"I will." I told him before kissing him. He let me up before spanking me. I left the office before calling for Louis. He came down the stairs. I grabbed a set of keys. "Wanna go shopping with me?" I asked. "A trip out of the house, did you get permission?" He asked. "Of course I did. We'd both get into trouble if not." I said.

He nodded before following. I got into the drivers seat and started the car as I opened the garage door. "You know anyone in Xavier's gym?" I asked. "Two. The bodyguard and the owner." Louis said. "Why?" "They're going to be useful if anyone tries to harm us." I said. He nodded slowly. I parked in front of the store.

"Everyone in the gang or mafia knows who we are." Louis said. "Then they must know that neither of us take any crap from anyone." I said. He smirked. We both got out and went in. Cameras watched our every move. As I browsed with Louis making sure it was the right color. The clerk didn't look too happy with us here at this store.

I finished up even making sure that the pants fit before taking them up to the check out desk. "Are you sure you can pay for these?" She smarted off. I handed her the card Cris let me borrow. "I doubt your Crispin Sheallow." She said. "Then you obviously have not been on top of the news lately." I said.

The bell above the door rang. I looked back seeing a large man. He crossed his arms over his chest. Louis moved closer to me. "M. Micah. What a-are you doing over h-here?" The lady asked. "I believe that you should be nicer to Mr. Sheallow's girlfriend. She came here to shop and if you're not going to be nicer to her, then Mr. Sheallow will hear about this and take the business away from you." Micah said.

The lady nodded and finish ringing the pants up quickly before I swiped the card, punched in the PIN number and took a few of the bags while Louis got the rest. I opened the trunk and stuck the bags into it. Louis did the same. "Thanks for your help." Louis said to the large man. "No problem. She needed to be put in her place. There's no way she's going to treat either of you that way." He said.

Louis nodded to him before closing the trunk. He snagged the keys out of my pocket before having me go to the passenger side. "Cris won't have to know of this encounter unless Xavier calls him." Louis said as he backed out. "Oh. Chances are he will." I said. A nice Saturday morning turned bad because of one person.

"You know Lou, he's been in his office all morning and most of last night. Think we should try to get him out of the office and be with us?" I asked. "Don't know about that Star. He might." Louis said. We got back to the house and parked in the garage. We took the bags up to my room and hung the pants up next to the corresponding skirt.

Yelling could be heard downstairs. Both Louis and I poked our heads around the corner from the top of the landing. "Stay put." Louis said. I grabbed him back. "You stay put. That's another gang leader! We both need to stay away. I found a shortcut into his office from his bedroom. Come on." I said keeping his shirt fisted as I dragged him away from the landing.

I led him to the closet and opened a half door on the inside. A set of spiral stairs wound down. Louis followed behind me. I stopped him when I heard voices. I moved a book slightly and saw them talking. "Oh. This is his private stock room." Louis whispered. "We say nothing bout this." I tell him. "Deal." He said. I shoved him to behind the stairs. "One second. Let me grab something." Cris said. A door closed, then one on the other side of the room opened.

The light went on. I ducked down farther. "Come out baby. Louis I know your there too." I slowly moved from the hiding spot. Louis was even slower. Cris grabbed my chin. "Anything either of you heard this afternoon is to be kept a secret. Understand?" Cris asked. "Yes." I answered. Cris grabbed Louis' jaw. "Yes." Louis said.

He let us both go. "Do not show your faces around this guy. I want you both to stay hidden until I let you know it's safe alright?" "Yes." We both answered. "Good. He and I will be done shortly. I will explain up in my room when we're done. Wait for me there." He said before letting us go.

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