
By Haddassa

139K 3.6K 308

What would you do if the family you were adopted by was actually a family of werewolves, creatures you had be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chaper 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69

Chapter 20

2.8K 66 2
By Haddassa

Sry this one longer. I went up to a camp, and just got back yesterday. Hope you all enjoy!

Chapter 20

Classes were out, so I was waiting for Adam by his car. He was allowed to skip out on practice, because he wanted to be home with Kathleen who was apparently freaking out. I finally saw him coming through the main entrance. He was scanning the area, probably trying to find me.

"Adam!" I called out waving my hands in the air. Some girl passing me was looking at me weirdly.

"What?" I snapped at her and she quickly fled.

Adam started walking my way.

"Hey," He said once he reached me. "Ready?"

"Yep," I said cheerfully.

I hopped into my seat chucking my bag into the back. I blasted the radio once he turned on the car. We pulled out of the parking lot heading towards his house. I started dancing along to the music on the radio in my seat. When Want U Back came on I started singing it at the top of my lungs. Adam flinched away from me, but laughing.

By the time we got to his house I was practically bouncing up and down in my seat. Now that I was away from school I had enough energy to be bottled up and sold. I jumped out of my seat, leaving my bag in the back, and running up the steps and in the door. Adam came in after me.

"And you can go in," He muttered to himself sarcastically.

"Where is she?" I asked too loudly.

"Did you have some type of energy drink secretly in the car?" He asked.

"Nope, now where is she?" I asked.

He put his shoes and his bag in the closet, taking his time.

"I have to go use the bathroom," He said with a large grin on his face.

I hit his arm. "Dude, just tell me where she is."

"Fine, come on," He grumbled walking towards the back of the house.

He opened up a door, I'm guessing her room. Adam walked in before me.

"Hey guess who I brought."

I quickly ran into the room. In front of me was a small deep red wolf laying on the ground with her head on her paws. As soon as I walked in the wolf looked up. I grinned when Kathleen's familiar deep green eyes met mine. I started laughing at her.

"What is it like being a wolf?" I asked taunting her.

She growled playfully when she realized she couldn't talk. I walked over to her, and set a hand on her head. She stood up, and pulled her head away.

"She wants to know how you are," Adam replayed for me.

"Wait you guys can talk already?" I asked frustrated. "When did she become a pack member?"

"Your dad came over a couple of days ago, and accepted her as a pack member. She is officially one of us." I swear his grin couldn't get any bigger.

"Dang it, now I'm all alone," I fake pouted.

Kathleen must have not caught that I was faking it, because she came up to me and rubbed her giant head against my side. I started laughing at her, and pushed her away from me. The fact that she still wasn't used to being a wolf was probably why she fell over when I pushed her. She quickly leaped back up, and shoved me over onto her bed.

"She still wants to know how you are."

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Just a bit sore here and there," I told her.

"They beat you?" Adam growled, just as Kathleen started growling with her ears pinned against her head.

"I never said that. Ok, well they sort of did. I wasn't exactly coming with them so easily so one of them punched me in the chest. He did that again later when I was lo-" I stopped there suddenly realized I was about to say looking at Jace. "laughing at them." I covered up. What type of an excuse was that? Well, it was out there now.

Adam narrowed his eyes. I shrugged, before going onto Kathleen.

"So how are you doing?" I asked her.

"She's fine," He snapped.

I narrowed my eyes at him not liking his attitude. He just kept looking at Kathleen. I finally looked away from him, going back to Kathleen.

Kathleen was watching the two of us with worried eyes.

"We're fine," I assured her. She showed her teeth which is what I was guessing to be a grin.

She turned around pushing something off of the desk and onto the ground. I walked towards her peering over her shoulder at it. It was a fashion magazine. I groaned, before she started pawing at it trying to open up the magazine.

"Even in wolf form you're trying to give me fashion tips," I complained under my breath. She glared at me. "Sorry, it's true."

I sat down next to her, and pulled out the magazine from under her heavy paw. I opened it up to the first page. I heard a groan, that I was just about to let out, fill the room. I looked up to see Adam look like he was being tortured.

"We are trying to have some girl time," I told him while glaring. He just stayed not getting the hint. "Didn't you need to go use the bathroom or something?"

He glared at me before stomping off. Yeah I know I was kind of being a bitch, but I felt at though I was already carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. Adding a grouchy Adam to it was not going to help me.

Kathleen suddenly whined at me.

"What?" I asked her.

She just shook her giant head, before nodding towards the direction Adam just went.

"No, if he wants to be a moron then he can be one."

I quickly looked down at the magazine in my lap. I shut it, before leaning my head on the bed. I was tired, and all of that energy in the car just suddenly vanished. Kathleen must have noticed, because she tried tugging on my shirt and pulling me up to the bed.

"No, I'm fine. I'm just going to go make a cup of coffee for me or something," I told her before standing up.

I walked into the kitchen, trailed by Kathleen. My brothers and I would come here all the time when we wanted to get away from home, so I knew my way around here. They always allowed us to eat anything we wanted when we were here. I opened up the cabinet to find an energy drink. I couldn't help the wide grin that slit my face. I reached out for the monster and cracked it open.

Kathleen started whining. She tried grabbing at it with her mouth, but found it to be really hard. I quickly jumped up onto the counter away from her. She tried yanking on my jeans trying to pull me down, but not wanting to hurt me on the way down. I put my lips on the can, and started to chug it all down. The large monster was gone within a minute. I crushed the can in victory. I smiled as my throat tingled from chugging the down the drink. Suddenly Adam was bursting into the kitchen.

"What's going on? Kathleen told me to get down here this minute," He said before his eyes landed on me on the counter. They zeroed in on the crushed monster in my hand. "You didn't."

"Oh, I did," I said before hopping down from the counter landing on my feet.

He started shaking his head in disapproval. All the better. I opened up the fridge trying to find something to eat.

"What are you getting?" Adam asked me.

"A pudding," I said before slamming the door shut. "You don't have any," I scolded.

"My mom got rid of all of the junk food."

"What type of a house doesn't have junk food?"

Seriously that was crazy.

"Your brothers are on their way."

"What you told them? Come on, they are going to come and take me home. I was just starting to get comfortable," I said before taking off. I needed music, and now.

I found Kathleen's laptop on her desk and just typed in the first song that came to mind. Chasing the Sun. Great song, plus it's really fun to dance to. I really needed something to get rid of my stress. I turned it on and the song started blasting through the speakers. I turned around to find Kathleen sitting in the doorway smiling at me as I started dancing. Adam was sitting on her bed with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Oh come on. You shouldn't be such a sour puss. Dance," I said pulling him up to his feet.

His eyes widened when I pulled him up to his feet. I shouldn't be able to do the normally, but I didn't care. I was too busy dancing. I danced and soon enough Adam started dancing. Kathleen was swaying her large body from side to side. She couldn't really dance in wolf form. I started cracking up at her. She growled playfully.

Soon enough the room was filled with carefree people. Ok, I spoke too soon. I heard the door open to the room and Philly stuck his head in. He grinned at me, in approval. He ran into the room, and pushed me out of the center as he started dancing. Dylan followed after him, not dancing but not stopping the party mood. Though he did give a few disapproving looks my way.

It was Mitch that stopped the party mood though. Usually it would be Dylan, but it wasn't. Philly and I were having a full out dance off. I was showing off what I could do, while he used his stupid wolf balance and did cool things. Mitch suddenly came into the room. He froze, his eyes zeroed in on Kathleen with an aggressive look in them.

I stopped dancing, suddenly worried of what was going on. He growled, before taking a few large steps over to Kathleen off to the side of me. She growled, but not in a playful or even angry way. I couldn't quite place it. That was until Mitch spoke.

"Mate," He growled, but not angrily. His eyes were glittering with awe now. I was so pleased for them. I grinned the widest grin before running over to them.

"Oh My God! You found your mate, and it's my best friend," I said flinging myself at him.

He growled at me. I hit him upside the head.

"Don't growl moron."

He pushed me off with nothing else on his mind, but holding Kathleen in his arms even if she was a giant wolf. It was probably the energy drink that made me do the next thing.

"OMG!!! That is so amazing." I flung my arms over Kathleen keeping her away from Mitch.

She growled at me. I narrowed my eyes at her. "So when you turn back are you guys going to finish the mating process?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows in that perverted way. She started coughing. Mitch growled at me.

"Oh come on. I just wanted to know." I pleaded, trying the innocent thing again. They both saw right through it. Why can't I play innocent. I huffed out in frustration.

"Fine don't tell me."

"Shut up for just a minute," Mitch growled, pushing me away from blocking his path to Kathleen.

"Be harsh enough," I growled back at him. He leaned down to hold the wolf Kathleen in his arms.

Kathleen snuggled her head into his shoulder. He sat there with her paws in his lap, and his arms wrapped around her

"Are mate's always like this?" I asked somebody. I really was curious. I mean Jace didn't act like this with me. He didn't try to do anything to get to me. He just glared at me, and screamed. Where as Mitch just pushed his sister out of the way to get to his mate.

Philly must have realized I was being serious.

"Most mates do, but its a bit rarer for them not to," He said, a bit angry.

So not only were Jace and I already rare because I was human, but also because he rejected me and didn't act all lovey dovey. Awesome, I am unique. I nearly screamed it out loud. Wow, I really needed to lay off the energy drinks.

"What's wrong with you?" Dylan asked me.

"What?" I asked too fast.

"Your pretty much bouncing on the bed."

"Oh, I chugged an energy drink."

He just shook his head in disapproval.

"Well since somebody ruined my party mood," I glared at Mitch, "I'm going to go find something to do. You guys are boring."

I ran up to Mitch and Kathleen hugging them both. Mitch glared at me, releasing Kathleen to push me away.

When he released Kathleen, she suddenly started to shiver. I heard a large pop, and slowly her snout started to scrunch back up into her face. The hairs on her body started to shorten up, while her normal hair grew out. She started whinning out in pain. Soon she was resembling a messed up hairless wolf with some human resembling body parts.

"Get out," I growled at all of them, "She's changing back, and she doesn't need a whole bunch of male eyes seeing her naked."


I shot down the remark with a death glare. They all scuttled out of the room, except for lover boy.

"Get out. I don't care if she is your mate. She doesn't need you seeing her naked just yet."

"Who are you to tell me what my mate wants?" He growled.

"Uh, hello. A girl. Now get out," I barked out the order.

"Dude, just get out she is hopped up on energy drinks, and won't back down. You're not going to win this one." I heard Dylan say before pulling him out, closing the door behind him.

I looked back to see Kathleen still deforming laying on the floor. I pulled the blanket off of the bed, along with a pillow. I lay her head on the pillow, and wrapped her up in a burrito. She started to whimper, when her bones started to pop more. I rubbed her back, as her fever hot skin burned under my touch.

I take it back, I don't want to be a wolf anymore. She started whimpering again, before screaming into the pillow. I rubbed her head, and her back. She started bending into my hands, craving the coolness. More cracks filled the air, and she screamed again. I could hear a lot of arguing on the other side of the door.

Kathleen's claws shortened into her elegant pink nails. Her hands started to lose the padded bottom of wolf paws, and long fingers sprung up. She reached out to hold onto my cool arm. I let her, as her back arched up with one last crack and her spine was back to normal. Her shoulder's squared up, and another pop. She screamed into the pillow. Her face was covered in a thin layer of sweat. Suddenly all of the cracks and pops stopped. Thank god. She lay on the floor covered in the thin blanket, panting. I rubbed her face that somehow ended up in my lap during the shift.

After a few minutes I ordered one of the boys to go out and get a few ice packs for me wrapped in dish towels. Adam came in and set them by me. I set the smallest one on her head. I set one on her back too. I rubbed her head, making soothing noises.

After five minutes she started to get up, trying to find something to dress in. I pushed her back down, and ran over to her dresser. I pulled out a t-shirt, underwear and pajama shorts. I put everything on her, before pulling her up onto her bed. I then let the boys come in.

Mitch was the first one through the door. He walked straight over to her, practically pushing me away. He sat on the bed, and pulled her into his lap. She rested on him, falling asleep on his chest. He kept rubbing patterns on her back with his thumb. He looked down at her lovingly, and it was just too much.

I took in a shaky breath, trying to stop the tears that were starting to come on.

"Was it hard?" I asked Mitch. I hadn't even heard him scream in pain.

"What?" He whispered confused.

"Was it hard going through her pain?" I asked him.

"It was hard knowing she was in so much pain, and I couldn't really do anything to help her," He confessed, looking down at her lovingly again.

"I mean was it hard experiencing the same pain as her?" I asked.

"I didn't actually go through the pain," He said confused at what I was getting at.

"What? Didn't-" I started.

"I'll go explain to her about mates," Philly said before dragging me out.

We walked out into the back yard. I turned on him with a questioning eyebrow raised.

"I forgot to tell you. Mates don't feel each others pain," He said biting his lower lip.

"What? But I felt Jace's pain when he was bitten-" I said, before realizing what was going on. My eyes suddenly filled with tears of anger, but I refused to let them spill. I bit my lip to help, then nodded my head in understanding. I looked away before speaking again. The sun was just setting over the forest, making the trees look as though they were on fire, with the golds and reds from the blazing sun hitting the trees.

"It's another perk of being being a human and having a werewolf mate, isn't it?" He didn't answer, just looked down at the ground. That gave me my answer, but I wanted to hear it.

"Isn't it?" I growled out. He looked startled. "Does he even feel the same pain that I do when I am hurt?"

I was yelling at him now. I knew it isn't his fault, but I was just so frustrated.

"I think it's just you because you're human," He muttered almost too quite for me to hear. He still wasn't meeting my gaze.

I ran my hands through my hair in frustration, before reaching a knot. I tugged trying to get the knot out. It wasn't working. I kept tugging, until I was practically yanking all of my hair out.

"Hey stop that!" Philly screamed at me. He pulled my hand away from my head, and cupping it in his.

I leaned against him, and calmed my breathing, before I started crying. I wasn't going to cry.

""These damn mood swings have been crazy since I left him. It's just so hard. Everything he does hurts me," I stopped to take deep breaths to keep the tears at bay. "And seeing that not all mates are big asses just makes it so much worse. Kathleen is so lucky."

I'm not going to cry. I told myself, to stop the threatening tears.

"Sh, we will figure this all out. Ok?" he asked me.

I nodded my head.

"Good, now lets go home."

I nodded my head again, keeping my head high. I didn't cry! I was suddenly very proud of myself. I was also very tired now that my energy was burning out. We went out to Dylan's car, to be met by Dylan and Mitch. Mitch looked like he was in pain, because he was leaving his mate.

He has no idea how lucky he is. He gets to know she loves him, and wants to see him. He would get to be with her in just 12 hours again. He didn't need to get all love sick. I was now royally pissed off. I practically reached up to go smack the frown off his face, if it wasn't for Philly restraining me. I was glad he did that though. I really was glad I had someone who knew everything, and was there to help me through it.

"Thanks Philly," I muttered when we entered the house.

He smiled at me. "Always."

Aw!!! What do you guys think about Mitch and Kathleen?

Anyways Thanks everyone for reading this!!! Please Comment and Vote!! Thank you all so much!!!!

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