Persues jackson And The Soul...

By HydraMinos

15.9K 530 170

Written in: 2018 (this book is placed after the defeat of Geae) Percy was claimed dead. Met by the fate of b... More

1. Wake of the dead
2. Now you see me,Now you dont!
3. Monsters that cant take defeat
6. The truth hurts some
7. wwwhhaaa?
8. Why do you hold me back?
9. The Van. The ring. And Deaths grip.
Authors note
10. Truth be told...i don't believe you
14: ...IM OUTA HERE!
13: The Action Begins
14: I Need Answers....FRANK!
15: On The Run
17: ....Thats where im headin to!!
19: Gods!
20: mwhahah!
21: Betrayal
22: Sacrifices made
23: Skully
24: Fire.
25: William....
26; Capture the drowned
27: Finally free.

5. Camp!?

924 32 12
By HydraMinos

{:Previously, on The Soul Dragged From heaven:}

All Percy felt was the agonising pain slithering through his brain, eyes and even his spine and Choas' comforting smile before he drifted into unconsciousness.

Percy grumbled to himself as hushed whispers slithered into his weak ears, they seemed so loud, so vague but yet barley a mumble. Percy shuffles slightly feeling a large and heavy weight hugging his back but he knew he was lied down, he could feel the all to familliar mud below him and small heaps of grass playing with his hair and tickling his palms, almost instantly the voices stopped and Percy let out a huff of relief and curled up further into a ball enjoying the warmth he held.
However that was short lived when he heard small and hesitant crunches of leaves and grass approaching him, Percy's body stiffened almost immediatlly and he felt a shiver race through his bones as his gut churned whilst doing flips and cartwheels as it trying to undo the formed knot of nervousness within Percy's stomach, so Percy hung tight and noticed two large black feather like curtains cover him,
A blanket? Cover?
However Percys brain began to ache and he let out a groan of pain as he peeked over the black curtain and noticed a large and heavy built man slowly walking towards Percy as though he was some deranged animal with a coin firm in his grip, he had sandy like hair, blue electric eyes and looked around 20 or so, there was a large crowd behind him of teens and a few older ones who also weilded weapons.
Percy let out a yelp and pulled his body up and scrapped his legs against the dirt in an attempt to make a sudden leg for it but his head somehow felt incredibly dizzy and as he tried to move he only stumbled over his own vision and hit the mud again

"Shhh it's okay...uh kid." He heard the man mutter, his voice was smooth and somewhat comforting but Percy winces and tried to lift his back, but it felt like lead.
As though a huge bolder had been placed there to hold him hostage against the floor, he somehow managed to pull his head sideways to see what held him down but almost screamed as tow large black feathered winds were poking from his back, they were almost the size of Percy himself and the lower feather dangles to his ankle. However Percy refused to get distracted and faced to the stranger slowly coming closer and closer by each passing second.

"Who...where am I?" Percy finally managed to say through huff of pain, he felt the world around him freeze as the mans eyes widened at the minors tone.

"Percy?" The man muttered in utter disbelief. Although Percy just lifted himself more until he was sat up and able to move his body around to come face to face with the man.

"Yes?" Percy replies as the mans stance changed immediately to the point his face held nothing but disbelief and pure happiness

"Percy." He repeated in shock and seemed to not fully believe Percy

"Uhh yes."

"Percy! Oh my gods your alive!!" The rather loud man bellowed and took smooth long strides towards Percy with his hands wide slightly as though ready for Percy to go hurling at him. However Percy did the exact opposite and frantically shuffled away from the deranged man almost yelping as his palms pushed down on his black feathers and pulled them, the man frowns deeply at this and stopped in his tracks making it painfully obvious he was upset yet curious.
"'s me. Jason." The muttered and almost immediately Percy's face went from nervous to absolutely terrified

"What!? did I get here! Who the Hades are you and what have you done to my friends!" Percy literally roared at him and climbed to his feet pulling out his pen and sneered at the elder. The nerve of this guy!
Messing with his mind like some creep.
He didn't even look like Jason! And Jason certainly had no twin.

The imposter stumbled back slightly and put his hands out in defence.

"Woah, woah calm it. We are all full of questions that need being answered. Just...put the pen down and no-one gets hurt." The man muttered taking a few steps back

"Calm down! I'm already calm, who or what are you." Percy growled gripping his Riptide and backed up, every nerve in his body screaming to flee and his brain felt to rattled and to disorganized to think straight.
Percy backtracked into his past moments trying to recall any information that could help.
Each word was thrown at him as though they we meant to be recognised. However Percys mind took time to ease with processing all of this and barley noticed the man taking closer steps towards him with a younger girl behind him, she seemed kind, sweet and obviously Aphrodite from her stance and slim build. However she held not only grace but held power and muscle even making Percy question his defences.
He may of fought two wars but hitting an innocent made Percy sneer in discust.
However he didn't know these people, they could be anyone due to the mist. A monster, anyone!
Percy immediately backed up hopping onto a slick rock behind him gaining slightly in height but winces at his muscles that cried at the sudden leap.
The girl put a hand infront of Jason and muttered something to him making him back off, Percy studied her with upmost interest and security and didn't drop his wolf glare as his eyes met hers, so far yet so familiar, the odd gleam of hope, life.
Something Percy hadn't seen in a while, almost made him feel like he home.
However Percy's stance only expanded and he uncapped Riptide as she began to pace closer to Percy.
To close for comfort.

"Put. The. Sword. Down." The girl ordered, Percy obviously snapped back at her

"As if I'd listen to some princess like you." He snapped and braught his elbow back so his sword would be ready for an attack. However nothing happened.

"Seems like you body says otherwise." The woman smirked back with the snarky remark.
Percys hand was frozen.
He glances down at his hand noticing it twitching to the blade in his hand, threatening to drop the sword.
Percy cursed.
The girl didn't ease her pacing and was now directly infront of Percy.
"Drop. It. Now." She demanded and now her voice was coated in Charmspeack, although Percy only snarled at her and backed up and clutched his head in pain as the blade slipped from his grip and landed onto the floor with a loud "CLANG"
The girl nodded and took a grab for Percy's arm.
However Percy rose his head to her, his green eyes burning with fury as small specks of gold spotted them.

"Sorry, can't listen to stranger's." That was all he said before Percy spun around and kicked the girl directly in the gut making her fly backwards and tumble into the crowd of teens. Jason took no hesitation and flipped his coin, allowing it to form into a golden shimmering sword and charged at Percy.
Jason took a swipe to the boys head, hoping to knock him out but was denied as Percy ducked and tackled the elder man from the chest down and pinned him to the ground, suprises he landed several punches to the face before he was torn off of him by someone else by the scruff of his wings which flapped in pain, Percy glanced around looking eyes with the person who interupted him.
However the next appointment was just as large, just as stronger and definitely flared with power.

"Thanks Frank." Jason muttered from below and cradled his bottom and top lip which Percy had busted open along with a swollen eye.
Frank glances to Percy his jaw hanging open before it forms into a straight line and directed his stern glare to Jason who sighed

"I'll explain later-"

Percy took their conversation as a distraction and gripped onto Frank's arm before he launched his feet into Jason's face as he got up, Percy propelled backwards and spun around whilst bringing up a fist and smashing it into Frank's face.
The man yelped in pain and flew back whilst dropping Percy as he came to a stumbling stop and glared at Percy who smirks at the duo.

"Now I know you two aint them. What's wrong? Slacked off while I was gone?" Percy chuckles to himself and braught out Riptide from his pocket and lunged at Frank.
Frank barley dodged and spun around quickly.
Bad mistake.
Percy raked Riptide across Frank's torso as he spun causing him to yelp and clutch to the wound.
The only thing that stopped Percy from finishing both of the boys off was the sudden grip on his left shoulder that spun him around.Percys brain rattled within Percy's skull causing his vision to blurry horribly to the figure infront of him.
Well, that was until whoever it was reales their head back and head butted Percy directly in the forehead forcing him into unconsciousness.

Percys mind has only seconds to process what had happened.

That blonde hair

The strong grip.

Stormy grey eyes.


Yay! Finally rewrite the chapter! *Bows* hope whoever read this liked this.

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