Deaf [A One Direction Fanfic]...

By CherrySodakota

72.6K 2.3K 205

You know, I've never been the most normal girl. I only have one friend, I'm not interested in normal things... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Sequel Info
Watty Awards

Chapter 24

1K 38 6
By CherrySodakota

~Niall's POV~

I sit on the couch, looking at the small crowd curiously. Louis said that they're usually loud, and they were when the other lads got out, but as soon as I stepped into view everything went silent. It's been a week since I remembered what Greg said, and Simon decided to book us an interview, so here we are. Harry is on my left and Liam is on my right, I'm sitting right in the middle of the group. This feels so weird, sitting in an interview, because I have yet to remember any of them. I have remembered a few concerts, though.

"Hello boys! I'm Mariana, I'll be interviewing you today." The lady announces, drawing my attention to her. Liam, Zayn, Harry, and Louis all say hi back and smile, but I'm too nervous. It feel like my first interview, even though I know it isn't. Liam notices my worry and puts his arm around my shoulder. "Okay, first things first, Niall. We haven't seen you in a while, how's it going?" Mariana asks, and I force a smile.

"It's been a bit odd, to say the least. I mean, I thought I was sixteen for a few minutes, and I think I nearly gave Liam a heart attack when I didn't remember anything. But I'm starting to remember things, so that's good." I say, starting to get comfortable. Mariana nods, moving on to the next question, which is still pointed to me.

"What was the strangest thing about waking up and not having your memory?" She asks, and I smile wider.

"I'd have to say it's a tie between learning that I was famous, Liam's hair, and the fact that I suddenly had straight teeth." I joke, laughing. Liam smiles, noticing that I'm loosening up.

"That's great. Liam, what about you? What was your reaction when you found out that Niall had lost his memory?" Mariana questions, moving the attention to the boy sitting next to me.

"I was shocked at first. The first thing that clued me in to something being wrong was when I lifted Niall's arm up to untangle a cord. He saw the bandages and flipped out, because he had no clue how they got there and what happened to him. I asked him what he was worried about, and soon we discovered that he had lost all of his memory starting from the day before the X-Factor Semi-Finals." Liam says, going off on a bit of a tangent, not that anyone seems to mind.

"Okay. Now then, Zayn, how is this impacting your-" Mariana begins, getting cut off in my mind as a couple images flash through my head. I've learned that every image is a different bit of a memory, and all of them are from my point of view. I see a piece of toast with a questionable substance on it and my mind somehow places it as part of an interview. I also see a clay head of myself that looks disturbingly real and file that away to ask someone about later. I see a few more images, ranging from a fake pigeon to a hairbrush that was probably Zayn's to a closeup of the tattoo I saw on Liam's arm a few times, then they fade away and I blink a few times to find myself looking up at Liam. He smiles and helps me sit up, and I smile a bit when I see that we're still in the interview and everyone is staring at me.

"Niall, are you okay? You just kinda fell over there." Mariana says, worry in her voice and eyes. I nod, looking over at the crowd, who are all looking at me as well, then turning back to Mariana.

"That's been happening a lot recently, I have a tendency to get random flashes of memories sometimes. I just remembered a few random things like the first time I saw Liam's tattoo and some pigeon that still makes no sense to me." I explain, looking at the four boys around me. Louis grins when I mention the pigeon and a memory I had earlier comes to mind of the same pigeon on his shoulder. "Kevin, was it?" I ask, looking at Louis. He nods, shaking his head.

"I'll explain that later. Anything else, Mariana?" He asks, turning to the interviewer, who shakes her head.

"I think we're done. Thanks guys!" She says, waving. We all wave back then exit the room.


"Wait, so we have wax figures?" I ask, even more confused than I was before. Liam nods, putting his laptop in my lap. On it is a picture of us, and I have to blink a few times to make sure I'm not seeing double. There's me, Zayn, Louis, Liam, and Harry sitting on two benches, and each of us is next to another us. "I can't tell which one is me, and I'm me!" I exclaim, laughing. Liam grins, nodding.

"That's the point." He comments, typing something on the screen. I find myself looking at the now-familiar YouTube logo, and soon there's a picture of the clay face I saw on the screen. "It's a video, part of our movie. And yes, we have a movie." Liam says, pressing play. I watch the video through, laughing at the ridiculousness of it. Liam smiles, shutting the lid of the laptop and taking it out of my lap. "Get some rest, Nialler. You need it." He says, standing and leaving the room. It's apparently my bedroom, but I don't remember it at all, so it doesn't feel like it. After the interview we came here, back to the house I've been living in for almost a week. Every time I close my eyes, I remember more. When I'm awake, I get flashes of memories, but when I'm asleep I get months of memories straight through, and I've already gotten to 2012 in memories. I only have two years left to remember, then I'll be back to normal. Well, other than the past three months that I also remember all of. My mind is weird. Without even being aware of it, I fall asleep.

~Liam's POV~

I sit in the living room, smiling as I watch Amy and Mandi talk. Mandi has been visiting a lot lately, and she's helping Amy with reading lips and even talking a bit more. Most of their conversations still take place completely in sign language, though.

Mandi signs something that I can't see, and Amy laughs, hugging herself a bit. I'm not sure when they moved to the floor, but whatever. Mandi signs one more thing and Amy gasps, pulling her friend into a tight hug. 'That's amazing! I'm so happy!' Amy signs, looking past Mandi to me. Mandi turns around and smiles.

"I got adopted!" She exclaims, explaining why Amy is so happy. I smile, walking over to the two and hugging them both.

"That's great, Mandi." I say, signing at the same time. "How many parents?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"Two. Both women, and they love each other a lot, like parents should. They're really nice to me, and I have an older sister now, too. Her name is Lou." Mandi says and signs happily, bouncing up and down a bit. "My parents said I can talk to Amy whenever I like, but they want her to come over to our house some time, because they want to meet her. Oh, and you." She says, looking at me but still signing to Amy, who nods along with Mandi's hands.

"That's awesome. We'll have to arrange it soon. It's getting late, are your parents going to pick you up or should I drop you off?" I ask, and Mandi pouts.

"I wish I could stay longer. And I think that you'll have to take me, Liam. Amy can come too, then you can both meet my parents!" She says, lighting up. I laugh, nodding.

"Let's go, then! Go get in the car." I command, watching the two girls run off. I walk into the kitchen and grab the keys off the counter, walking out of the house. When I get to the car, I find two impatient girls waiting for me.

"Why didn't you say it was locked?" Mandi asks, pulling on the door handle. I unlock the doors and they both climb in. I make sure the door is shut before getting into my own seat, starting the car, and starting the drive. I already know where Mandi lives, I've picked her up before but I've never met her parents. I guess now is as good a time as ever. "Time to meet my parents!" Mandi exclaims when I pull up to the house. Time to meet the parents. Wow, it's like I'm meeting my daughter's boyfriend's parents, not my sister's best friend's parents. At least I won't have to worry about her getting a boyfriend for a while.

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