Fairy tail exceeds x reader

By animaniacslover926

27.8K 358 86

This story will be one-shots of our beloved fairy tail exceeds. I will gladly take requests and will update a... More

Happy x exceed reader
Pantherlily x exceed reader
Lector x reader
Carla x reader
Lector x reader x Happy
Samuel x Reader holiday special
Happy x Carla's sister reader
Carla x fem reader
Samuel x shy reader
Frosch x lector's sister reader
Lector x male reader
Pantherlily x weak hurt reader
Carla x male reader
Happy x male reader
Pantherlily x blind warrior reader
Male Frosch x smart reader
Male Frosch x reader
Male Frosch x reader
Male Frosch x blind reader
male Frosch x reader
Samuel x Tomgirl reader
Pantherlily x reader
Happy x reader

Samuel x reader

720 5 0
By animaniacslover926

You are an exceed traveling to Fairy Tail when you are under attack and fall in love with your savoir Samuel. Later you join him in travels and he falls in love with you too.

Y/n 's pov

Ah, Fairy Tail my dream guild. I can't wait to get there and join them. The exceeds all seem super cool and strong in their own ways.

"Wah!!" I screamed in pain.

When I opened my eyes, everything appeared to be upside-down. I looked around dazed and confused, finally spotting a man with a wicked smile resting on his face.

"Ha, ya brat. You don't belong here!" The guy shouted.

"What are you doing?" a voice shouted to the man pissed.

"I'm taking out the trash. Guess what you're trash too, ya stupid exceed." The man shouted again, smirking.

I heard slashing before I passed out from pain.

Samuel's pov

I heard someone screaming in pain, rushing over to try and help. I see a man smirking over a h/c exceed, her dress torn to shreds.

"Ha, ya brat. You don't belong here!" The guy shouted.

"What are you doing?" I shouted to the man pissed.

"I'm taking out the trash. Guess what you're trash too, ya stupid exceed." The man shouted again, smirking.

I charged at the man extending my nails, I slashed him all over. The man soon fell to the floor unconscious, rushing to the exceed I grabbed her and rushed of to Fairy Tail.

"Help!" I screamed rushing in.

People rushed over and Wendy began to heal the h/c exceed.

"Thank you," The h/c exceed struggled out.

"I'm Samuel are you ok?" I asked.

"I'm fine and I'm y/n." She-Y/n whispered out again.

Time skip to a day later

y/n's pov

I'm all better now thanks to Wendy, and everyone asks me what I'm going to do. I know I wanted to join Fairy Tail, but I want to stay with Samuel. He saved my life and I think I fell in love with him.

"I've decided." I announced to the guild. "I wish to go with Samuel, if that is ok." I said blushing underneath my fur."

"Sounds good, we'll head out in an hour say your goodbyes." Samuel said to me coldly.

"Ok," I whispered.

Time skip to a year later

No one's pov

Y/n had fallen more in love with Samuel more over the past year they have spent together. Samuel has only been cold to the poor girl though to hid his true feelings. He has fallen in love with the girl as well. Days went by and Samuel had tried his hardest to not let her in and see him because he was embarrassed. Others in there group have struggled to try and guide them to each other, till that fateful day.

"I've had enough!" Dan shouted.

"What do you mean?" Samuel and I questioned.

"Why can't you understand you both like each other and go out, get married, and have children." Everyone shouted at the two exceeds.

"Y/n, I like you." Samuel said blushing.

"I like you too," Y/n said smiling.

Finally the two love exceeds kissed and became a couple and everyone was happy.

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