The Day You Passed {BTS}

By juliebakke

28.6K 1.3K 222

(This is a sequel to a imagine series from my YouTube channel) Y/N and BTS had been best friends for years, b... More

Y/N to BTS
Something new?!


1.2K 64 14
By juliebakke

A year after y/n passed...

All the boys had gotten the letter. They had gotten their message. In a way it was reliving to know what y/n had on her/his mind on her/his last days of her/his life. All their worries for the most part could be laid to rest. They had gotten the reassurance that they needed. For all of them it was important to do what y/n had wanted them to do and think as she/he passed and that's what she/he told them in the letter. For some of the boys they hesitated going to the place where y/n had wanted them to meet up again. Some of them it was a feeling of not being ready to face it all again but knowing this was something y/n wanted them to do. That was what
pushed them out the door on this day.

The day couldn't have been more beautiful for such a sad day. Maybe it was just at random or y/n was watching over them and had decided that the sun was to shine today. The flowers where to bloom so friendships could start again.

Tae sat on the beach nervously tapping his leg. What if the others didn't show up. Would that mean they may not see each other again, would that that be the end of BTS of their friendship?

Hoseok and Jimin came from each direction and their eyes meet and maybe it was happiness of seeing each other or the memories that sparked in their mind as they saw each other, but they smiled at each other and both walked faster.

Tae saw them both and stood up. When they were close enough a long awaited hug from Jimin to Hoseok and like y/n said they both needed it more then anything. A hand landed on Tae's shoulder and as he turned Jungkook stood behind him with a wide smile.

Jimin greeted Namjoon as he also came strolling into the park quite nervously. From the same direction as Hoseok came from came Jin running stressed he wouldn't make it. Finally after long months a laughter echoed trough out the city when the boys saw Jin running up to them.

Yoongi stood quietly from afar watching all the boys. The park was hard just being in as he still hoped to see y/n here one day. He took a deep breath gathering his thoughts. As he looked up all the boys stood looking at him with smiled across their faces and Jungkook waved at him to come over. Was else was he going to do today, why not reunite with the the only people he wanted to be friends with in this strange world. He walked over and Hoseok swung his arm around his shoulders giving his the wide smile that would usually only make him annoyed but today it made him smile as well.

"Maybe we should take a walk around here to catch up. It's been a year since we last spoke so we must have lots to talk about" Namjoon said and the boys nodded before starting to walk around in the park.

They all met up like y/n wished for. Y/n was right, they needed each other to move on and to be happy. They were more than a group, they were family and they needed each other. Even if the park reminded them of what they could no longer have it was also filled with what they had already experienced and what they could take with them.

They wouldn't be able to meet or see y/n again but y/n would forever be a part of their lives. Y/n would be with them every part of their days for as long as they lived.

They had each other, the music that brought them together and a fandom that supported them trough everything and y/n would always be watching over them enjoy the show. Y/n being here may be over at some parts of their lives but just like the park When spring comes there will be lots of space for new things to grow to let the things that had passed to bloom again. They could bloom again together.

The End.

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