"Love me?" "NEVER!" || comple...

By JisoosNeeded

44.3K 1.5K 444

[COMPLETE] (Cover photo ain't mine! I ain't talented, and also all of the photos aren't mine so..) Some part... More

Chapter 1: gone
Chapter 2: sick boy
Chapter 3: memories
Chapter 4: hangover
Chapter 5: Last Day
Chapter 6: the last year of college
Chapter 7: blushing?!
Chapter 8: Halloween
Chapter 9: the kiss
Chapter 10: hugging
Chapter 11: thank you
Chapter 12: bad habits
Chapter 13: pet
Chapter 14: Tainted love
Chapter 15: Tainted Love Part2
Chapter 16: Sick
Chapter 17: Constellations
Chapter 19: Parents
Chapter 20: Sleepy
Chapter 21: Taken
Chapter 22: Plan
Chapter 23: insane
Chapter 24: Safe
Chapter 25: Yes?
Chapter 26: physical (half lemon)
Chapter 27: proposal
Chapter 28: Marrige
(Lemon) Chapter 29: Birthday
Chapter 30: morning sickness
Chapter 31: Won't Change
You're all amazing ❤️
Chapter 32: soup
Chapter 33: Getting Worse
Chapter 34: Healing
Chapter 35: Binge watching
Chapter 36: Letter
Chapter 37: I. Hate. You
Chapter 38
Chapter 39: Alone
Chapter 40: Heat
Chapter 41: Replay
Chapter 42: Cinnamon and Chocolate
(lemon😏)Chapter 43: Release
Chapter 44: Healthy
Chapter 45: Too Many Bad Memories
Chapter 46: never leave (final)
AUTORS NOTE (important)
9 (END) Part One
10 (END) Part Two
Authors Goodbye!
BRUH!! 9.66K!!

Chapter 18: Visit

680 22 7
By JisoosNeeded

Ruriks POV:
I made my way home after work. When I walked through the door there was a smell of roast chicken wafting through the air. "I'll just eat that after an episode of futurama." I think before making my way to the sitting room. I saw him. That weaker version of me. Chatting with MY Cupcake. I clear my throat and both of their attention goes to me. "Rurik. You're home early," she says. Shaking her head.
"Yes I am. Now what is he doing here?!" I snap. Palette put his hand to his souls in a mock hurt manner.

"We were just talking Rurik. Something you should try doing with her sometime!" Palette laughs.

I shot a glare at him then at Cupcake. Why would she bring him over! Out of all people! I turn around and walk into the kitchen. I start eating the meal Cupcake has laid out for me. It was really good but I pretended it tasted like vomit.
"CUPCAKE!" I shout.

"Yes?" She calls from the sitting room peeping her head through the door.

"This meal is crap! Send him home and make me another one!" I huff, crossing my arms as I slump back in my chair.

I hear them saying goodbye before the door opened and closed. She walks into the kitchen with a sulk plastered on her face.
"What's up with you?" I huff.

"You don't get it! I was having a great time before you came home! It's nice having friends!" Cupcake snapped while taking noodles out of a press.

I watched her out them in a pot. Cupcake started making the sauce, which was amazing.
When she finished cooking and when I finished eating she started cleaning up. I offered to help but all she said was "you don't even know how to pick up a cloth let alone clean a counter" I just walked out of the kitchen. If she doesn't want my help she won't get it.

Cupcakes POV:
I cleaned up the mess in the kitchen and opened the front door. "HEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Rurik yelled. I groaned as I wrapped my scarf around my neck.
"I'm going to see my parents! So if you don't want to be reaped I suggest you let me go!" I snap before leaving. I slammed the door behind me.
The snow crunched underneath my boots as I walked to my moms house.

Fell!Genos POV:
"But she never visits!"
"Geno! She's 26! She's not a baby!"
"But she's my baby.." I sniff before throwing myself in my husbands arms.
There was a knock on the door. That person just interrupted a sweet moment. I grabbed a knife (*shiver* I hate knives) and go to the door. I open the door and instantly drop my knife. "Goth! You here!" I say as I take her in a warm embrace. She was cold and stiff. I drag her inside to show her dad. "Reaper! Look! It's our baby!" I say, in a kind of yell. Reaper laughed as Goth groaned.
"Mom I'm 26!" She mutters.

"I don't care! Now let's get you something to eat babygirl!" I giggle before running into the kitchen.

Cupcakes POV:
Dad wraps an arm around my shoulder.
"What took ya so long to visit kid?"

"I've been busy" I shrugged, not wanting to tell anything about my screwed up life. Dad chuckles as mom scurries into the sitting room with a tray with cups of tea and biscuits. I sat in dads armchair, which irritates him.
"I think you forgot whose chair that is." Dad chuckles.
I give him an innocent look. Mom gives me a cup of tea and two biscuits. "So how long will you be staying with us?" Mom questions, sipping her tea.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You haven't visited in so long! Aren't you going to stay over?"

"I dunno... I have to tell Rurik.." I mutter.

"Rurik, is he your boyfriend~?" Dad teases. Mom slaps the back of his skull basically telling him he went too far.
"We're not together in that way.. we do live together but we're just friends..." I trail off. Mom gives me a smirk. I sip on my tea.
"So.. how have you guys been?" I ask, desperately trying to change the subject.
"Well Geno was just crying about you before you arrived." Dad laughs. Mom slaps his skull again. I giggle at her frustration.
After an hour of chit chat my parents had talked me into to staying for a week.
When I got home I packed a bag and went downstairs to find Rurik fuming with anger. "Where are you going!" He said, demanding an answer. I groan and turn around, not facing him.
"First off; you do not own me! Second; I'm spending the week with my parents. And lastly; there is enough ramen for you so you won't starve." I state, trying to get past him.
"Well let me walk you to their place."

I turn on my heal and look him in the eye, which was me looking up at him. "Rurik I can go by myself!"

"Yeah,yeah. I'm taking you, anyways I'd like to meet your parents" he says, looking down at me with an evil grin.
I wanted to slap that grin off his face but I knew I'd be killed so I just gave him a glare.
"C'mon! We don't want to leave you parents waiting" he says, strutting out the door. He didn't even hold it open for me! And I was carrying a huge duffle of shoes, books and clothes!
I groan I open the door.
"Why do you want to meet my parents anyways?" I say, adjusting the strap of the duffle bag around my shoulder.

"I thought it'd be best for me to meet them, I don't want you lying to me now do I?"
I groan at him and keep walking.
We were completely silent besides from the snow crunching beneath our feet.
When we arrived there I was about to knock on the door but Rurik did instead. My dad answered the door and when he saw Rurik a smirk grew on his face.
"Hello there. You must be Rurik" Dad said kinda gentlemen like. I cross my arms and stare at him.
"Yes I am, you must be Cupcakes dad" Rurik said in a fake nice tone. "What is he doing?!" I thought.
"Cupcake huh? Cute.. Anyways would you like to come in for some tea?" Dad says. I mentally bitch slap him with my death glare. Rurik agrees anyways.

"This is going to be a fucking disaster"

Word count: 1113
This was meant to be out yesterday buttttt I was sick so I couldn't finish it in time.

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