Lies Don't Hurt


21.2K 391 58

No g!p No boyfriend and girlfriend No vegetables (maybe there are some) Yes gay Yes smut Yes swears Yes yes More

chapter 1
inside of the house + cars
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Resume of chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapther 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 5

1.3K 26 0

Lauren pov

I walked down the staires and saw y/n punching a wall. I ran to her. Blood was everywhere streaming out of her fist. I called 911 and yelled hoping someone would her me. Alec came running down in a fast tempo.

"What happened"? Alec asked.

"I don't know I came inside and saw this". I explained holding y/n in my hands.

"Y/n I need you to stay awake". Alec said to y/n. I heard a loud bang on the door I ran to it and opened it. I saw medical people running in towards y/n. Alec seems calm she knew what to do like this happened before. Y/n was now carried away to the hospital car. One of them asked who was coming to sit with y/n. Without looking to Alec I ran inside. I grabbed y/n hand as we drove away.

"She is loosing to much blood". One of the paramedic said. Her heart stopped beating.

I cried as the were giving her CPR. I grabbed her hand and prayed to god that she would not die not now.

I heard a beep going in a tempo. When I opened my eyes I saw y/n lying there in her bra. She got red circles around her breast.

When we arrived at the hospital I needed to let go of y/n's hand. I wanted to go with her but the nurses wouldn't let me. I broke down on my knees crying when I suddenly felt a arm wrapped around me. Without looking I lay my head and cried.

"Family of miss Garritsen". I looked right op and saw Alec and Lisa talking to the nurse. Alec her arm was wrapped around Lisa her waist like they were a thing. I walked over to them and heard what the nurse wanted to say.

"She is now I surgery she broke 4 knuckles, her wrist, her under arm and 3 ribs". We all looked confused. How could she break her ribs if she punched a wall.

"Excuse me but how could she break her ribs by punching a wall?" Lisa asked. When she said that I remembered that she flat lined on the ride.

"Miss Garrtisen had a heart attack on the way here". She explained. I thought she lost to much blood. "If she wakes up you can come see her". I felt relieved. "Only relatives can visit". She said and walked away. Damm it. I sat next down to Dani who had tears in her eyes.

"Hey Spice don't cry it is going to be okay". I said to Dani.

"Here you guys will need it". Alec said to us holding two cups off coffee. We both grabbed the coffee and drank it.

"This isn't the first time". I said to Alec who was sitting down next to me.

"No it isn't. Every single time a ex calls Y/n, she breaks". I sipped my coffee as Alec continued. "Y/n has never been in a relationship where everything came from both sides. She works hard for a girl of 17. When I saw you guys together today I saw y/n happy. She has never looked at this since she was 3." Alec said she drank her coffee and looked at me. "Don't hurt her please". Alec said looking me right in my eyes.

"I would never". I responded to Alec. "If we are both being kinda honest. I really like y/n. I think I might love her". I said to Alec who was now smiling.

"See, no one ever said that. No one ever said that she loved y/n really besides me. That's what makes you different." Alec then walked away to buy another coffee. A nurse walked to Alec when she came back I asked Alec what that was about.

"She is awake". She said and drank her coffee.

"Why won't you go see her than". I didn't really understand the point why she wouldn't go.

"I want to take you with me because you mean a lot to y/n". Alec explained.

"Just go don't worry about me". I said to her. She walked to the door and walked in.


I walked inside and saw y/n laying there attached to all kind of tubes.

"So what's up little one" I said to her hoping to responds.

"Where is Lauren"? Y/n asked.

"That what you are worried about". I responded. She looked with a serious look. "She is not allowed her". I said.

"Is she a dog" I shook my had meaning that Lauren isn't a dog. "Tell them if she doesn't get in I will buy this hospital and fire everyone". She was angry. What had they given y/n. Some angry pills.

I walked out and saw the nurse I explained everything. I even said to the nurse that y/n will buy the hospital if Lauren didn't got in. The nurse walked over to the girls telling them that they can come in if the want. I saw Lauren and the rest walking towards me. Lisa walked to me and hugged me.

"Before we get in y/n is really angry so you might want to take a step back" I said to the girls. They all nodded. I opened the door letting everyone one in.

"Look who's here y/n". I said to y/n. She looked right up.

"Hey guys how are you doing". Y/n said really cheerful. I was shocked.

"We are mostly shocked". Khatrine said.

"I know sorry about that". Y/n looked at Lauren. I think that was a sign that we need to leave.

"I think you guys could youse some alone time" Lisa got my signal and let everyone out except for Lauren. I closed the door and sighed.

"I need to do some paperwork to let y/n out as soon as possible". Lisa walked over to me. "Could you guys do me a favor" I asked the last 4 girls standing in front of me. They all nodded. "Could you check the news to see if y/n is on it". They all said yes as Lisa and I took of.

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