My Book of Naruto One Shots...

By YunaSaya

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One shots for the Naruto Characters ~From Yours Truly Erin/Mya More

My Book of Naruto One Shots!!!!!
Kiba-It Was You
Sauske- You Know You Do
Naruto-My Little Fox
Deidara- Saving a Life with a Bang
Tobi- Masked
Itachi- An Accident Kiss
Sai- My Shy Feelings
Hidan- Shush for a minute
Kakashi- Please Don't Ignore Me
Pein- I Thought You Left Me Forever........
Gaara- Once I Get to Know You
Neji- I saw right through you (Modern One-Shot)
Shino- Studying (Modern One-Shot)
Shikamaru Song shot- Right by my Side
Sasori - Dreams

Suigetsu- I'll Be There....And Not Just On Your Birthday

2.8K 39 8
By YunaSaya

Name: Hitomi Yuki

Age: 15 (but turns 16)

Looks: Lavender hair to her mid-back that she keeps in a high ponytail most of the time, aqua colored eyes,light pink lips, dark blue tank top, golden necklace with her clan symbol on it (a real ice crystal that never melts as long as it’s around her neck), black short shorts, black ninja shoes and a gold ring on her right pinky.

~Story Start~

                “Thanks Sasuke!” I said as Sasuke handed me a pair of silver earings for my birthday even though it’s tomorrow. Sasuke and me have been dating ever since he set up Team Taka. Suigetsu is pretty cool, he isnt annoying to me at all. Karin oh now she’s a little bitch always flirting with Sasuke. Sasuke and me always tell her that he doesn’t like her but she just keeps pushing it. Juugo he was nice never really talked much but he has a little anger issue but Sasuke handles it. Anyways everyone was on our way to a hotel to rest for our mission tomorrow. Sasuke said we are going to steal a scroll tomorrow.

                Everyone entered the hotel  and Sasuke paid for everyone. Sasuke and Juugo shared a room, Suigetsu got his own room while I shared a room with Karen. We all went in our rooms and settled down. I was setting down my things when Karin called my name. “Hitomi?” “Yes?” I asked politely. “Even though I don’t like you that much happy birthday.” She said handing a white box that said Ice Princess in blue but it was in cursive. I took the box and opened it and it had a whole bunch of pretty jewelry and make up. “Even though I don’t like you that much either thank you!” I said giving her a small hug.

                I let go of her and she exited the room. Since I was bored I decided to follow her. She entered Sasuke and Juugo’s room and I snuck in and Suigetsu was in there. “Hitomi stop hiding I know you’re there.” Sasuke said but I stayed hidden. Then someone grabbed me by the waist. “Why were you hiding?” Sasuke whispered into my ear sending shivers down my back. “It’s fun even though you find me everytime.” I said blushing. He turned me around and pecked me on the lips and then he begin tickling me. “Stop that tickles.” I said laughing a bit. He picked me up and put me down where everyone was. “Ok so today is the day we get to know more about you!” Suigetsu said and I smiled. “Why are you guys doing this and it’s not even my birthday?” “Tomorrow is a mission so we’re doing it today.” Sasuke told me and I nodded. “Here.” Suigetsu said handing me a bracelt. It was white with a diamond shaped charm on it. “Thanks.” Juugo handed me a small gold box. I opened it and it had two charms in it. One was a blue H and the othere was a key. “Thank you.”

                “So what’s the first question?” “Um do you know what you’re name means and why it was given to you?” Karin asked and I nodded. “Hitomi means pupil of the eye. I was named that because my mom said my eyes were a pretty shade of blue.” “Well I think you’re eyes are pretty too.” Suigetsu said and Sasuke just sighed. “Um what do you like to do in your spare time?” Juugo asked. “Dance, Sing, Listen to Music, Read and Write.” “Can you dance or sing for us?” Sasuke asked and I smiled. “I’ll sing a song by AZU.”

~After Singing (srry to lazy to get the lyrics :|) ~ 

                “Wow your voice is beautiful.” Sasuke said and everyone else nodded. “Thanks I don’t like singing that much though…..” I said sighing. “Well two more questions to go.” Juugo announced. “Ok I’ll go.” Suigetsu told us and we looked at him waiting for him to ask the question. “What’s your full name, and the meaning of it all?” he asked and I looked at him surprised. No one has ever asked me that. “That’s a good question she didn’t even tell me that……” Sasuke said a little sad. “Well you never asked.” I told him and he nodded. “So answer the question.” Karin said and I nodded. “My whole name is Hitomi Ayame Shiori Yuki.” I told them. “The meanings are?” Suigetsu asked. “Hitomi means pupil of the eye, Ayame means iris flower, Shiori means poem and Yuki means snow.” “What’s up with all the names.” Juugo asked and I shrugged. “Don’t really know.”

“Last question is me.” Sasuke said. “What’s your most prized possesion or possesions?” he asked and everyone began to stare at me. “Um my clan necklace, my heart, my writings, my music and my life.” I answered. “Wow you have a lot of special stuff!” Juugo said with a smile. “Yea I know, but if any of those things were lost or broken I would cry even though I’m not a crying type of person.” “Wow we learned some interesting things today.” Sasuke said hugging me from behind. “Well it’s night time and we better get some rest.” Suigetsu said standing along with me and everyone else. Karin, Suigetsu and I all left and went to our rooms. I layed down in my bed and fell asleep.

~Next Day~

                I woke up and took  a shower. When I was done I put on a pair of my silver diamond shaped earrings that Sasuke gave me and I made sure I had on the bracelet and a little mascara. I looked around and saw that Karin wasn’t in bed. So I exited our room and went into Sasuke’s room. Juugo was asleep and the door to Sasuke door was shut. I heard moaning from the other side. When I opened the door Sasuke was on top of Karin kissing her. Her glasses were on the dresser, and the only thing she had on were her bra and panties. Sasuke only had his boxers on as he held her waist. “S-Sasuke!” I yelled as a tear escaped my eyes. My mascara that I had just put on was probably going to get messed up.

                He looked at me in surprise and got off of Karin. Karin sat up and smirked putting her glasses on. “What’s going on?” I asked whiping my tears away. “Uhh it’s what it looks like.” Sasuke said. I took of the earing he gave me and threw them at him. “It’s over!!” I yelled to him as I smacked him hard in the face making his face turn red.  After that I ran out of the room slamming the door behind me. Suigetsu had opened his door and saw me run out of Sasuke’s room. I was running down the hallway till Suigetsu grabbed me and hugged me. I looked up at him and he smiled at me. “What happened?” he asked leading me into his room. I ripped my clan necklace off not breaking the latch just melting the crystal, the water from it melted on the floor and made a puddle. We both sat on the bed and I laid me head on his shoulder. “S-Sasuke he cheated on m-me with Karin, I thought he loved me but I guess I was just a fool to think that.”I told Suigetsu.

                “Wow he did not respect about what you said yesterday night but Hitomi I have to tell you something.” He said and I looked up at him. “What is it?” “I’m in love with you and I always will be. When I said your eyes were pretty i meant like because your eyes complimant your face which make you so beautiful. I love you and your beautiful smile and everything about you.” He explained. Everything got quiet as my eyes grew wide. Suigetsu was sitting here confessing his love for me. “U-uh I don’t know what to say.” “It’s ok if you don’t love me back It’s just nice to know that you know how I feel.” “Well I’m just confused and hurt, I don’t want to be hurt like that again…..” I began but then Suigetsu kissed me.

 “Hitomi?” “Yes?” “What about your necklace?” he asked and I frowned. “I would like it if you helped me make it again.” I told him and he looked at me strange. “What?” “Again?” “O yea it broke when I was fighting a ninja.” “O, so what do I do?” “You need to wait till I make the crystal then I will add a hole so you can make water enter the crystal so I looks like it usualy does.” I said to him abnd he nodded. I made the crystal slowly so it cold be perfect and I added a hole. Suigetsu made the water enter the hole filling the crystal.I made ice cover the hole and I was finished. After I made sure I was stable I put it around my neck so it wouldn’t melt again.

“Anyways Hitomi I would never hurt you ever because I love you ok?” “Ok.” I said.  “Suigetsu-kun kiss me.” I told him and he did what he was told. He licked my lip and I opened my mouth. Our tongues fought for dominance and of course he won. His tongue roamed my mouth not missing any inch of it. I pulled away for air and began blushing. “Hitomi will you love me?” he asked and I nodded. “Also I want you know I’ll be there…… and not just on your birthday.” He said and I nodded as he kissed me.

OOOOOO THAT BASTARD SASUKE! Excuse me I’m sorry I meant SAS-GAY! Lol  (Seriously though I never liked him only Hitomi he just had to be in the story because of Suigetsu :|)









                ~Erin/Mya <3

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