The Truth, The Lies, and the...

By Directioner5340

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The Truth, The Lies, and the Love~ Slowly Fading book 3 (Sterek)
Chapter 1: The Truth, The Lies, and the Love
Chapter 2: What The Hell Happened Between You and Stiles?
Chapter 3: Atlanta Here I Come
Chapter 4: Flashback
Chapter 5: Cheesy Werewolf Bobble Head
Chapter 6: Marco's Back
Chapter 7: How Stupid Do You Think I Am?
Chapter 8: Oh are you in pain? You poor thing.
Chapter 9: I'll see you soon
Chapter 10: Happy Birthday Banshee
Chapter 11: I don't want to live in a world without you
Chapter 13:I need to talk to Deaton
Chapter 14: Falling
Chapter 15: Please Wake Up
Chapter 16: Don't Ever Leave Me
Chapter 17: Who are you?
Chapter 18: Deal With a Demon
Chapter 19: 66 Pure Souls
Chapter 20: What Have I Gotten Myself Into?
Chapter 21:Blue like a Soul
Chapter 22: Not all hope is lost
Chapter 23: You gave us quite a scare
Chapter 24: You Called?
Chapter 25: I love you.... your sourwolf loves you
Chapter 26: Something that only you would know
Chapter 27: Time To Find A Necromancer
Chapter 28: The Funeral
Chapter 29: A familiar face
Chapter 30: You Seem A Bit... Upset?

Chapter 12: DAD!

1.4K 71 9
By Directioner5340


I paced back and fourth outside Stiles door as I bit my lip.  He'd been locked away in there with Derek for about a week now.  The only time he ever came out was to eat or use the bathroom.  I missed my best friend.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed to door open to find Stiles sat on the ground below the big window.  He had a larch cup of coffee beside him on the floor and his laptop on his lap.  He had bags under his eyes as if he hadn't slept in days... or in a week really.  It killed me to see him like this.

He needs to get out of this room, get some sunlight shining on him.  His skin was starting to lose its light glow.  He needs to stop driving himself crazy searching for a cure that doesn't exisit.  He needs to accept that pretty soon..... Derek's going to be gone as much as I hate to say it.

"Stiles" I stated softly but he just kept his eyes glued to the laptop screen as if my presence had gone unnoticed.

"Stiles!" I chanted a bit louder and he finally looked up at me with the most heartbreaking eyes.  They had lost almost all the shine that they once had.

"What?" Stiles asked curiously, his eyes flickering down toward the screen every once in a while as if it was the most important thing, which it probably was to him.

"I-it's your birthday Stiles" I stated worriedly "I thought we could go out and celebrate.  Your dad bought a really nice cake."

"I-I don't really know Scott.... I'm not" he stated as his eyes scanned the screen once again "I'm not really in the party mood."

"I know you want to research for a cure Stiles.... but it's just one night" I begged, nibbling at my lip.

"Yeah, one night that I'm closer to losing him Scott" Stiles whimpered out in exasperation "I can't."

"Yeah, but you can't waste away your life in here looking for a non-existent cure either Stiles" I snapped but immediately regretted how harsh it sounded.  Stiles slowly looked up from the screen at me with hurt evident in his eyes.

"There is a fucking cure Scott just" he was shaking his head as tears beaded in his eyes "just get out."

"Stiles I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" I started but he cut me off.

"Just leave Scott" he yelled.

"Stiles" I whimpered and he glared at me.

"I said leave!" he yelped desperately and I frowned, but slowly backed out of the room, closing the door.  I leaned back against the door as tears slowly slid down my cheeks.  How could I let it get this far?

"Scott?" Jackson asked coming around the corner "how'd it-"  He stopped immediately as he saw my tear stricken face.  His face softened as he walked over and wrapped his arms around me supportively.

"I don't know how else to help him Jackson" I cried, finally letting go and sobbing.  I slowly pulled away to see Jackson had his lips pursed in a thoughtful look.

"I think I have an idea.... but I don't think Stiles is going to like us for it" Jackson stated, looking very conflicted.

"I'm open to anything at this point as long as it doesn't hurt Stiles" I shrugged in hope that somehow I can help him.

"It requires taking him by force" Jackson admitted "he needs to get out of that room and have some fun as hard as that is to say with Derek dying.  If he won't come out willingly, I think we'll have to force him."  I pursed my lips as I looked to the side.

"I can't do that to him Jackson, I don't want to force him into anything" I sighed.  Suddenly there was clunking of boots up the stairs and Mr. Stilinski came around the corner.

"How's it coming along with Stiles you guys?" he quizzed with a sad look in his eyes.  I frowned up at him.

"I think we're just going to have to try again tomorrow" I sigh as I began walking down the hall toward the stairs.

"Wait one second" Mr. Stilinski chanted and I turned to see him putting a small wrapped gift outside the door "I just hope he gets this."  With that Mr. Stilinski joined us at the top of the stairs and we all began heading down.  At the bottom I looked up to see Mr.  Stilinski still at the top gazing down the hall longingly.

"Hey" I chanted up to him and he looked down at me "don't worry, we'll come back and try again.  We'll find a way to help him eventually, you can trust me on that."  He just nodded and he started to decend the stairs but I noticed it to late.... his foot missing a step.  His body starting to tumble.  His head hitting the railing.

"Mr. Stilinski!" I yelled as I rushed forward and grabbed him in my arms, but there was only one voice ringing throughout the house.

"DAD!" Came Stiles ear peircing scream as he rushed down the stairs.


Hey guys, here is chapter 12.  I hope you all enjoyed and I plan on updating again real soon.  ^_^

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