Fallen Angel

By StoryTellerByFire

30.2K 2K 1.4K

The sequel to 'Earth Angel'. Sean is adjusting well to life on earth, but something lately about him is off... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21

Part 7

1.3K 99 36
By StoryTellerByFire

Mark was almost afraid to look away from Anti. Raising his hands slowly, he told Anti calmly. "A plague? Why would you do that"? Anti's eyes were cold and merciless, when he stated out sternly. "That's simple. This world. These people. Are mine to toy with". Mark inched closer, telling him casually. "Anti, think about this. You start a plague and you'll kill off a lot of people. I won't be able to protect you". Anti vanished and Mark froze to the spot. When Anti appeared in front of him, Mark swallowed nervously. Anti raised a hand to trace a black nail across his cheekbone, asking in a venomous voice. "What makes you think I need YOUR protection"? Mark kept himself very still, locking eyes with Anti, answering confidently. "Trust me. You don't know this world like I do". 

Anti's hand suddenly gripped his throat tightly, sneering back into his face. "I don't trust anyone. I am eternal. You can't get rid of me. No mortal can. So, here's a question for you... Why should I keep you alive, Mark"? Wade and Bob climbed to their feet and Anti's attention jerked in their direction. Hoping to draw his attention back, Mark put a hand on Anti's wrist, speaking to him so softly. "Anti? If you kill me... Sean will never let you take control again". Anti's eyes drifted back to glare at him, his voice distorting with both sarcasm and fury. "You think he just LET me take over? I kill you and Sean goes away permanently". Mark straightened up to confidently call his bluff. "If you think I'm wrong... Alright. Do it. We'll see who's right". Anti's grip tightened on his neck, but not enough to choke him.

Mark never broke eye contact with Anti. He honestly didn't know what would happen... but he was trying to see if Anti was willing to take such a big risk. If not, Anti would kill him anyway. Anti's grip stayed tight for a minute, before he removed his hand, giggling out inches from his face. "I think I'll let you live. The torture that will cause the both of you, will be... that much... sweeter". Mark catch a glimpse of Bob reaching for the emergency firemen's axe and quickly gestured with his hand discreetly for Bob to stop. Anti's eyes narrowed on him for a second, then turned to look where he had. Bob quickly dropped his hand, acting like he hadn't moved an inch. Anti's face turned expressionless, telling both Bob and Wade in a very serious tone of voice. "You two are making me uneasy. Keep it up and I'll kill you".

Mark added in to them calmly. "No sudden movements, guys". Anti looked back to lock eyes with Mark for a brief second before walking back toward the infected man. The man was bent over the floor, groaning with his hands pressed to his temples. Anti leaned down next to the man, telling him loud enough for everyone to hear. "Agent Hans? You should go back to your agency now. You should give them my gift and tell them that Antisepticeye sends his regards". The man sat back on his heels, asking in a strained voice. "What gift? What did you do to me"?! Anti grabbed his jaw, leaning closer as he started out wickedly. "I'd hurry. You don't have a lot of time to live. You shouldn't have come to Pax. You've caught the worst case of Pax Pox in history".

Bob inhaled sharply, muttering out to Mark and Wade. "The last signing. His going to infect them all". Anti rose back up to his feet, playfully chuckling back over his shoulder. "Yolo bitches"! Anti started to walk down the hall as Wade snapped out. "We've got to stop him"! Bob shrugged, snapping back. "What do you want us to do? I'm open for ideas"? Mark ran after Anti, sliding to a stop in the adjoining hallway, calling out. "Anti, wait! Let's make a deal. My life for theirs"! Anti came to a stop, slowly turning around to say nonchalantly. "Why would I want you? I've got everything I've ever wanted. You have nothing to offer me. Enjoy Pax, Markiplier". Anti started to walk again, when Mark ran up closer to practically snap out at him. "I'm worth more than you give me credit for! Let me prove it to you"!

Anti whirled around, grabbing Mark's throat and slamming him back against the cement wall. Mark groaned, but stayed still. Anti stared him down with heated eyes, snapping back. "You're weak. Just like them. There is nothing I want from you. Now, fuck off"! Anti threw him to the ground and began to head for the door again. Mark sighed heavily, climbing to his feet as Bob and Wade rounded the corner calling out his name. Mark had already made up his mind though. He had the best chance to slow Anti down. Jogging up behind Anti, he slammed into him to firmly press him up against the door, growling into his ear. "Sean doesn't feel for them, what he feels for me! Or does controlling Sean through me still hold no value to you"? Anti looked over his shoulder with unfazed eyes, stating disinterested. "Thanks to you, I have his body and his power. I control him. You are worth nothing to me".

Mark smirked, answering in a much softer voice. "I don't hold value to you... but to him". To emphasize this, Mark slipped his hand up the back of Anti's shirt to brush his fingers over his wings. Anti shivered against the door, then vanished. Mark fell into the door without Anti to lean on and turned around just in time to see Anti appear. Anti stared at him with a strange look that seemed to be frustrated curiosity. When Anti didn't say anything, Mark straightened up off the door to say bluntly. "It's like you said. You have his body. A body that is effected by me. Now, tell me I have no value, Anti". Anti didn't move an inch. He didn't even appear to be breathing. He just stared at him with a stone cold expression. After a moment, Anti inhaled slightly, before reluctantly saying in an undertone. "You proved your point. State your terms".

Mark felt some relief as he gestured to the door, telling him bluntly. "You leave the fans alone and you can do what you want with me". Bob's voice bellowed out in the hallway. "Mark, what are you doing?! This is crazy! It doesn't solve anything"! Mark ignored him, watching only how Anti would react. Anti shot a glance at the door, then moved in closer to Mark. In a low eerie voice, Anti whispered to him. "Is your life so meaningless that you'll throw it away so easily"? Mark lifted his head, proudly stating. "I'm saving them from you. One life for the safety of millions". Anti shook his head slightly, before leaning in just inches from Mark's lips to answer firmly. "Done". Mark didn't get a chance to be relieved, because Anti pressed his lips to his. Unlike the kiss where he lost his soul... This one felt heavy. Almost like he had weighed him down in chains.

When Anti broke the kiss, he whispered to Mark wickedly. "Oh, I almost forgot something. Did I mention that Agent Hans is extremely contagious"? Mark's eyes lit up in horror. He was about to shout the news to Bob and Wade, when a weird 'Pop' rang out in the hallway, followed by a soft smash of glass. Anti jerked in surprise, before letting out an ear piercing scream. Anti fell to all fours and Mark stepped back confused. Anti's back was starting to smoke and his black shirt was melting away. As he watched, Anti's black tattooed wings started to ripple with different bright shades of red like they were burning! Mark looked up from Anti to see agent Hans, lowering a weird white gun. Mark's heart was racing a mile a minute. Whatever the stuff was could be killing Anti and Sean!

Bob yanked the gun from agent Hans, his voice barely audible amongst Anti's screams. "What did you do?! You could have hit Mark with that shit"! Anti's screams softened into strained pants as he staggered back up onto his feet. Agent Hans shoved Wade off him and tried to take the gun back from Bob as he yelled out. "Get back! I know what I'm doing! Let me do this"! Anti gritted his teeth, raising his hand toward them with murderous intent on his face. Mark jumped forward to stop Anti, but Anti fell to a knee weakly. Mark touched Anti's shoulder, asking really worried. "Are you alright"? Anti inhaled through a wave a pain, grabbing Mark's wrist and vanishing. The last thing Mark heard, before a deafening rush of air was agent Hans screaming out. "NO! Don't let him get away"! Mark felt like his hand was stuck to a rocket! He was flying so fast through rushing air, then suddenly it all stopped.

Mark fell roughly into a mass of soft warm sand. The impact knocking the last of his air from his lungs. Gasping for air, he stiffly sat up to see that he was on a beach with a huge rocky cliff on one side and nothing but ocean on the other. He didn't get to take anything else in, upon hearing a loud 'Splash'. Mark's eyes drifted to the ocean, spotting Anti staggering up onto all fours as the waves crashed over him. Anti managed to stand up, only to have the next wave knock him back down and this time it was for good. Mark forced himself to run out and carry Anti out. Laying him out across the sand and checking for a heart beat. Anti was alive, but he looked to be in pretty bad shape. Whatever that stuff had done to Anti, it had made him really vulnerable. What made this whole thing worse... He didn't know where Anti had tried to take him. Or where they had ended up. To Be Continued...   

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