
بواسطة maxine247

291K 8.5K 12.6K

America is the world's number one superpower. We all know that. And to be a superpower, you gotta have a stro... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
A/N: 10k
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 15

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بواسطة maxine247

Ecuador stared up at his ceiling. Another day that they had to make it through. He sighed and sat up, yesterday had been a nice relaxing day. Too bad it couldn't last. 

Alfred seemed to be making progress. Hopefully that would continue. Getting him away from the rest of the world seemed to be helping.

But he couldn't help but feel extremely guilty, things shouldn't have gotten to the point that they did. It should have been stopped before his cousin reached his breaking point.

The breaking point in which he tried ending it.

They were nations, so they would come back to life, but it still didn't make things any better. If America had succeeded in killing himself, he would have been brought back to life, and been healed physically.

But mentally…..

And emotionally…..

Ecuador laid back in bed, even if it seemed like Alfred was making progress…… They still had a long way to go.

He just hoped that they were making the right calls.


“Morning guys,” Canada greeted as the rest of his tired cousins came down.

A shirtless Brazil stretched and purposely fell onto Maria who was laying on the couch.

“What the?!-” She kicked him off of her and onto the floor.

He groaned, “Don't be like that, Mexi.”

Maria rolled her eyes, “Boys…”

“Al’s not down yet?” Argentina asked looking around.

“Nope,” Diego responded. He started to think, “Do you guys think it's okay that we've been leaving him by himself. With everything that's happened?”

“Well…… he's been making progress. Plus, we removed his lock and took out the mirror in his room.” Colombia said, “Plus we're watching the knifes and threw out all razors. I think we should be fine.”

“He's been making progress when it comes to talking to us more. But only a little in eating,” Paraguay said, “The little bites he's been taking aren't nearly enough.”

“But we can't force him,” Venezuela said, “Or else, he's not gonna want to eat at all.”

“I think-” Canada was cut off by ringing. He looked at a phone that was on the kitchen table.

It was America's phone. He had taken it away from his brother so he could focus on healing and keep out of contact with nations who would interfere with the healing process.

He walked over and picked it up.

“Oh shit.”


“Should we say what we think?” New Zealand mouthed to his brother.

Australia thought about it for awhile better taking deep breath, “Dad, are you sure that they would even let you see Al?” He asked, “I get that you want to make things better but with everything…..?”

France shook his head, “I agree with Angleterre. We messed up very badly and Matthieu made it very clear that he didn't want us seeing America yet. But we have to make this right. We need to show him that we care, we failed as parents. And need to fix this.”

“But-” New Zealand tried to argue.

England sighed and nodded, “We did more damage than anyone, boys. There has to be a way we can help.”

That was true but Australia wasn't sure, he thought things would be better if his father didn't interfere at all.

"Maybe you can help by just respecting Mattie’s wishes.”

England was not expecting that, “You don't trust me around Alfred?”

New Zealand sighed, “No, it's not that. I just think things would be better off if you did what Mattie said. We don't know how things could go if you jump in now.”

England looked at France who looked very conflicted. He sighed and walked out the room.

France sighed and turned to his boys, “It may not seem like it, but he really does want to make things better. You two should understand that.”

“We do!! It's just that…..” Australia sighed. He and New Zealand  looked at each other, they didn't mean to seem like they were taking sides or anything.

That was exactly what they were afraid of.

Was it a crime to just say what they thought?

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