textbooks // newtmas au

By bookara

93.8K 5.2K 3.4K

newt is a reserved british boy with a past worth escaping // thomas is a track star who also excells academic... More

Fresh Starts and Big Dreams
Welcome To The Glade
Psychology Maybe
Its's Not A Date
Movie Nights and Harsh Realizations
Crowded Isles
Lowkey Disasters
Unneeded Protection
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Hungover and Heartbroken
Lay Down Your Arms
I Think I Fell In Love
Big Step
Wait What
Road Trips
Newt's House
Thomas' House
Back to Normal
That's When My Whole World Fell Apart

Twist The Knife

3.4K 217 131
By bookara

Newt didn't care about Teresa. He didn't even like Thomas anymore! He was over his beautiful face and flawless personality. He didn't care about their fight. Newt was perfectly fine...except all of that was a complete lie.
Newt stopped talking, Gally could barely get a sentence out of him. He refused to answer Minho and Alby's messages. He only ate when he was extremely hungry. And, of course, he skipped Psychology. He just couldn't bear to see Thomas' face. It was heartbreak at its finest and Newt needed help.
"Newt get your ass up," Gally stood over Newt's bed shaking him roughly.
"I'm sleeping." Newt mumbled as he tried to roll over, but a big hand stopped him. Suddenly he was being lifted out of his bed and thrown onto Gally's shoulder, he was carrying him like a fireman.
Newt squirmed and hit Gally's back. "Put me down you bloody mad-man, I was sleeping!"
Gally ignored him and walked him to the bathroom. He put him in front of the shower and crossed his arms. "Get in there."
"You're insane. I'm going back to bed." Newt tried to walk around Gally, but was stopped by the bigger boy's arm.
"Newt if you don't get in the damn shower by yourself I will force you to and that's just gonna be weird for both of us."
Newt glared at him but slowly obeyed, pulling the curtain back and stepping in. He pulled it shut again so he could strip without terrifying Gally.
"I'll get you clothes, if you're not still in there when I get back I will actually kill you."
Newt scoffed but gave in and turned on the water till it was warm. He ran a hand through his hair, it didn't feel too clean. He sighed and stuck his head under the water. He closed his eyes and tried to turn off his thoughts of Thomas as he scrubbed himself clean. He shouldn't be as upset as he was. Thomas wasn't his, he wasn't Thomas'. Thomas could fuck whoever he liked, they weren't boyfriends. His heart ached at the thought of Thomas on top of the brunette girl. He shook his head, trying to banish the images from his brain, but his imagination started wandering to dangerous scenarios of Thomas on top of him. He couldn't get over the boys beautiful eyes or chocolate hair that he just wanted to tangle this fingers into. Thomas should come with a warning label; he was gorgeous and Newt hated the fact that he couldn't hate him.
Newt waited until the water ran cold. Once he couldn't stand it anymore, he dried himself off and got dressed in the clothes Gally had balled up on the floor. He put on dark washed jeans, his university hoodie and warm socks. He didn't want to admit how much better he felt.
Dressed, he went back to the dorm. Gally was sitting on the bed.
"Hey, you look good." Gally grinned which caused Newt to roll his eyes.
"You're going to Psychology today."
"I don't want to." Newt crossed his arms.
"You're letting Thomas ruin your life! I'm not just gonna sit here and watch you waste away because you fought with a stupid guy!"
"He isn't stupid!" Newt snapped then bit his lip, as if trying to pretend that he didn't say that.
"You need to talk to him at least." Gally sighed and patted the spot next to him on the bed. "Come here Newt."
Newt obeyed, his gaze staying locked on the ground. He didn't deserve Gally. His roommate shouldn't care this much about his stupid issues.
Gally slung his arm around Newt's shoulder and pulled him slightly into his side. "You two will make up."
"I don't deserve you." Newt snorted out a small laugh as he looked up at Gally.
"Is that your way of saying thank you?" Gally laughed back as he lightly pushed Newt away from him.
Newt nodded and smiled at him. "Really though, I'm sorry for bloody moaping around the dorm for the best few days"
"Hey, 's alright. But your moaping is why you're going to Psychology today." He paused and looked at the clock. "You better start walking."
Newt groaned but grabbed his backpack and slipped on his sneakers. Gally smiled and patted Newt's back as he got up and headed to the dorm room door.
"Thanks Gal," Newt whispered as the door clicked shut behind them.

Every single time the door opened to the classroom Newt jumped.
He was sitting in his normal seat, assigned next to Thomas but he got there first. He hadn't been to class in 4 days.
Newt bounced his knee nervously and chewed on his lip. He started zoning out as he kept his eyes locked the front board. He wasn't exactly too sure why he was so terrified to see Thomas. He assumed it was because he couldn't stand to look at Thomas' face if all he saw was Teresa.
He was snapped out of his gaze by a voice behind him.
Newt snapped around in his seat to see none other than Thomas.
"Uh...yeah, hi." Newt smiled weakly.
"I'm surprised you're here." Thomas shrugged lightly as he took his seat next to Newt.
"Uh Gally convinced me to come," Newt admitted, feeling his cheeks heat up. Their fight kept replaying in his mind, he realized how stupid it was. Potential relationship or not, Thomas was still a good friend. Newt didn't want to give that away.
They both started at the same time, which caused them to lightly laugh.
"You go first," Thomas said.
"Look Tommy, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean anything I said...I just didn't want to feel so helpless. You know, it's just a touchy topic okay? I didn't want you to treat me differently because if it, which you kinda did. I guess I just wanted you to still see me as Newt, not the depressed guy I used to be. I shouldn't have snapped at you." Newt rambled, not quite meeting Thomas' gaze. He completely left out the part about Teresa, Newt couldn't risk telling Thomas how he really felt. He could tell the other boy had a soft understanding look on his face though, which was good.
"I was gonna say I'm sorry too. I know you're not helpless. I don't know much about, you know, that stuff. I also know you need space, everyone does, and I'm more then willing to give it to you if it means you'll stop avoiding me."
A soft smile spread across Newt's face. "That sounds good to me Tommy."
"Okay good because it was really lonely and sad getting food by myself after this class."
"I promise I'll go with you today." Newt laughed as he pulled out his notebook and pens.
"I'm so happy we're not fighting anymore," Thomas admitted, sounding relieved.
"Me too."

"Come on Newton!" Thomas hurried down the sidewalk as he dragged Newt behind him.
"Dammit Tommy, slow down I can't walk that fast," Newt hissed, causing Thomas to immediately stop.
"Sorry." Thomas smiled sheepishly, "I'm literally starving."
Newt shook his head and laughed.
"I know it was only four days, but I missed you," Thomas suddenly said.
"I missed your annoying ass too." Newt lightly pushed Thomas' shoulder.
"You're the annoying one, I'm the hot one." Thomas pushed him back.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night."
"You help me sleep at night," Thomas said softly so Newt could barely make out what he was saying.
Thomas froze then pointed to a building in front of them, ignoring Newt's question.
"That's it, come on little kitten, let's go!" Thomas grinned.
"I don't look like a kitten!" Newt frowned as Thomas took off toward the front door.
Once they got inside, Thomas insisted he order something for Newt that he couldn't see because he 'just had to try it', so Newt got them a table. He sat there, staring out the window and thinking of a certain brunette boy till Thomas came back with their food.
"Okay, look, it's frozen hot chocolate and it's amazing!" Thomas shoved a cup and held it so Newt could put the straw in his mouth. Thomas watched him, wide eyed as he took a sip.
"You're right Tommy, that's really good," Newt admitted as he took the cup and happily started drinking the rest.
"I know! I tried it two..." Thomas trailed off as his eyes shifted to the front door.
"Oh! Hi Tom!" He heard a girl yell happily.
Thomas smiled back at her and waved.
The girl was pretty, long black hair and stunning eyes. The freckles that dotted her cheeks complimented her skin perfectly. He wasn't sure who she was but he was already offset by her presence.
Before Newt could process what was even going on the girl was at their table and Thomas scooted over so they could share a seat.
"Newt this is Teresa." Thomas smiled as the girl stuck her hand out for Newt to shake.
Newt slowly took and it and shook for a mere second before quickly letting go. Jealousy swarmed his mind and he clenched his teeth. So this was the girl responsible for his heartbreak. This was his competition.
"It's nice to meet you, Tom has has told me a lot about you." she smiled, showing off her perfect teeth.
Newt was gay, very gay but he couldn't help take in how pretty she was. Of course Thomas likes her.
Newt was silent till he realized they were both waiting for him to say something. "Oh...uh it's cool to meet you too."
"He's shy," Thomas said to Teresa. It took all Newt's power not to scowl.
Teresa's phone went off in her pocket and she pulled it out, reading her screen carefully.
"Ugh, gotta go, Harriet's car broke again." She stood up, gently squeezing Thomas' shoulder as she did. "It was nice seeing you two! I'll text you later Tom."
"Okay!" Thomas called as she left.
Newt silently sipped his drink, then looked up and asked, "are you two a thing?"
Thomas shrugged. "I'm not sure yet. Maybe? I know she likes me a lot but I'm not sure I want to date someone I barely know. I'm just seeing where it goes."
"Good for you." Newt fake smiled. But he felt like his heart was being stabbed.
And Thomas just twisted the knife.

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