His Baby Girl

By Falling4_HarryStyles

133K 2.3K 239

Harry Styles and Bethany Hills have been madly in love for two years. They are considered the 'famous, perfec... More

His Baby Girl
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Merry Christmas/ Holidays!
Thank You!
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Thank You and Sorry! XOXO!
My Summer, and Apologies
Chapter Eighteen
Just So You Know! :D
Chapter Nineteen
4.46K reads and OVER 100 votes?!
Chapter Twenty
Phones suck
Chapter Twenty-One
Harry Styles Imagines?
All of the Updates! :)
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Thank You!!
My Life
Update! :)
Chapter Twenty-Four
Shameless Plug lol
I Can't Even!!
R.I.P Buster
Thank You! Update!
Wattpad Shat on Me.
Chapter Twenty-Five
20 K, Thank You, & Quick Update!
Chapter Twenty-Six
I Am Stupid -_-
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Heads Up! :D
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Getting Something off of My Chest!
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Sad Update|Prayers Needed
Feeling Better/ Updating Story Tomorrow!
Surprise?! 😱😲😍🐶

Chapter Nine

2.7K 58 2
By Falling4_HarryStyles

"What do you want, babe?" I asked Bethany.

  We were at a local cafè, that Bethany said was very good. The cashier waited patiently for us to order, while some of the baristas stood behind her, staring at me.

"I'll have a mocha with foam, sugar, and extra cream," She ordered.

"I'll take unsweetened tea," I said.

  I paid for the drinks and we sat down at a two seated table.

"Do you think they noticed?" Bethany whispered.

"Noticed what?" I asked.

"My bump."

  If I was drinking my tea, I would've spit it out.


"Didn't you notice it?" She asked, surprised.

  I shook my head.

"Well, it's tiny, but it's slowly getting bigger," She whispered.

"How far are you?" I whispered.

"Almost a month."

  I nodded.

"Well, you're wearing a thick jacket, so I doubt they chould see it," I responded.

  She nodded and looked outside the window. She groaned.

"Don't say it. Let me guess: paparazzi and/or fans?" I guessed.

"Paparazzi," She sighed.

  She looked at me and grinned.

"So, Mr. Popstar, have you figured out how to get the supplies we need in order to make the...room?" She asked quietly.

  I nodded.

"I thought of it last night. I'm going to ask the boys to grab the supplies we need late at night, and deliver it to us in boxes; as if they have gifts for us. In case the paparazzi is watching the house," I explained.

"Then we'll store them in the garage. By the end of the week next week, we should have eveything we need and we can make it."

"Brilliant!" Bethany praised.

I shrugged nonchalantly.

"I know. I'm just smart like that," I said, calmly.

She laughed.

  We got our drinks and started drinking them.

"So, what about the baby shower?" She asked.

"Oh, that's a good question," I said.

"We can always invite Eleanor, Pierre and Sophia. I can trust them about the news," I suggested.

"Good. Cause they're my only friends, and I don't want them to miss it," She said, relived.

  I nodded and drank my tea.

"Will the boys come too?" She asked.

  I shrugged.

"Baby showers are kind of a girls thing, aren't they?" I asked her.

"May be, but it'd be nice to see them," She stated, shrugging.

"I'll see if we can make it 'manly' for them, I guess," I said.

  She laughed at my gruff voice when I said manly. We finished our drinks and and we left the cafè. The cameras flashed at us, but we ignored them. I grasped my hand into Bethany's firmly and we got into our car. We started driving away, and made it to our house without any paparazzi following us. When I parked the car in the garage, I closed the door and locked it.

"Harry?" Bethany asked.

  I walked into the living room with her, holding her hand.

"What?" I asked her.

"Do you think it's going to be a boy, or a girl?" She asked me.

  I looked her and shrugged.

"I dunno. I think it's going to be a girl," I said.

"I think it's going to be a boy," She smirked.

  I smirked back at her.

"Okay then. how about a bet? If I'm right, I get to name it. If you're right, you get to name it," I suggested.

"I don't know, Harry. I feel like you naming the child will be as good as your jokes," She said, weary.

"Excatly! So are you in or not?" I asked her.

  She looked up at me and grinned.

"Fine. But only because I don't back down from bets," She stated.

We shook hands and made it official.

"But you have the advantage, cause your 'little friend' determines the gender," Bethany muttered under her breath.

  I laughed and kissed her cheek.

"You never know, Beth," I said, shrugging.

  She nodded and went upstairs into our room. I put some cat food in Munchkin's bowl, as well as water in the other. He came running down the stairs and ate the food. I stroked his orange and white fur and went upstairs into the room.

  Bethany was in some fuzzy pajama pants with horses on them, and a thin, white, long sleeved shirt. She was relaxing on the bed, feeling her stomach.

"You alright?" I asked her.

  She looked up at me, back down at her stomach, and nodded. I lied down next to her and kissed her cheek.

"Harry, what if..." She faltered.

  I looked up at her, waiting for her to finish her sentence.

"My family has always had pregnancy problems with the first child. What if... what if I get a miscarriage?"

  I looked up at her, stunned. She's never told me this, and quite frankly, leaves me feeling a bit uneasy.

"You won't."

"But Harry, it's-"

"It's not going to happen. Not while I'm here," I stated firmly.

  She looked up at me, uneasy with my answer. I sighed and rubbed her arm reassuringly.

"Look, there might have been problems like that in the past, but this is the present. I believe that baby will be strong enough to make it. Don't think of the bad things. Think of the good, and how amazing it'll be to be a mother," I encouraged her.

  She was quiet. She finally nodded and looked down at her stomach.

"You're right. It's not going to help me-or the child-if I think negatively," She agreed.

  I smiled at her when she looked up.

"Good. I love you, Beth," I said.

  I kissed Bethany's cool lips.

"I love you too, Hazza."

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