Yukio x Rin

Kitten1134 द्वारा

49.1K 1.1K 765

(Title will be changed when I think of a better one) Blue Exorcist AU What if... Rin and Yukio aren't blood... अधिक


~ Prologue ~

12.4K 230 59
Kitten1134 द्वारा

It was the most horrific thing to ever happen in True Cross's history.

Every exorcist had burst into flames. Their screams of agony and fear could be heard. Many lives had been lost that night. Yuri Egin, a beautiful young woman with flowing brown hair and blue eyes had been tied to the stake. She had been labeled a witch and was to being burned to death for siding with Satan and becoming impregnated with his spawn.
Just as the flames licked her feet, she cried out to Satan for him to rescue her.
Satan heard her cry all the way from Gehenna.

As soon as he heard her call out to him he immediately made his way to save his human lover. Out of all his past love interests, she was the one he had truly cared for.

Within minutes he came out of the portal which had lead him straight to Assiah. He had reached Assiah only to find that it was impossible to reach Yuri, for he did not have a vessel to possess. It would be relatively easy to find a host for any other demon, but not for Satan. His flames were too powerful, which meant that every vessel he possessed was doomed to die.

Very few bodies were immune to his powerful blue flames, he only had to find a human who was able to contain him. He jumped from vessel to vessel as quick as he could, each one bursting into flames and burning alive. He was running out of options, Yuri was screaming in agony as she was slowly being burnt to death, her legs were already on fire.

If he didn't hurry, Yuri would vanish before his eyes, and so would everything they worked for. They had dreamed of a world where demons and humans could coexist. They would prove to the world both beings could get along, starting with their child; who would have the blood of a human and demon. He would be the proof that both humans and demons could get along. But if he were too late, then all of that would disappear. This was the first thing he was ever passionate about.

Yuri was special to him, she was the only human, let alone exorcist, who would give demons the time of day.

There was only one last vessel he could try, Ernst Egin.

Yuri's father.

It was his fault that this was happening in the first place. He couldn't find it in his heart to accept their relationship. He thought anyone who associated themselves with demons, especially Satan, where wicked witches possessed by evil spirits. And were to be locked up or executed. He had arranged for Yuri, his own daughter, to be executed.
Satan possessed Ernst, only to find it was a perfect vessel for him. He made his way to Yuri as fast as his vessel could take him.


"Satan! Satan is that you?"

"Yes, hold on my dear."

He untied Yuri from the stake and escaped with her, leaving his unconscious host. They had escaped into the forest.


Later on, Yuri gave birth to her and Satan's child.
He was a lovely baby boy with little blue hairs. Satan, left without a vessel, could only watch his child be born from a distance, but Yuri understood.

Shiro Fujimoto, paladin and member of the true cross order, along with the demon king of time, Samael, who went by his alias Mephisto Pheles. Had been sent by the Vatican to execute the spawn of Satan and Yuri Egin, who had escaped from the execution. Deep down, it pained Shiro to kill the girl he had grown quite fond of. She was so young, so free spirited, he cared for her like the daughter he never had or wanted.
But as paladin he had to follow the Grigori's orders.

He had found her resting on blankets and pillows in a cave.

"Rin." She said holding a little blue bundle which was engulfed in blue flames. "I'll name him Rin."

Shiro held the sword, Mephisto gave him a look that said 'well, on with it.' He grasped the sword, ready to strike. Yuri smiled down at her baby with tears threatening to leave the corner of her eyes. Yuri had passed out shortly after, in critical condition. Her legs were badly burnt and her breaths were short and raspy.

Shiro picked up the child to execute it. Now was his chance, there was no struggle. That was when baby Rin looked right at him and smiled an adorable, toothless smile and giggled.

In that moment, something in Shiro changed.
He couldn't find it in him to kill this child, or Yuri. Mephisto noticed his quick change in actions.

"I can't do it..." Shiro said softly.

"Can't do what exactly?" Mephisto asked even though he already knew the answer.

"We can't kill him, even if he is the spawn of Satan. He's only an infant." He had the smile of an angel, something so cute and pure couldn't have been evil.

"Well then, what are we to do with them?" Mephisto asked. Being the demon king of time, he already knew.

"I'm going to help take care of him." Mephisto took the kurikara from Shiro and said a chant, the baby's flames went into the sword.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm sealing his flames into this sword. If we're going to hide him from the Vatican we can't have him shooting flames from his body."

Shiro nodded in agreement. He took the child in his arms while he ordered Mephisto to carry Yuri. They would be hiding the two of them in his monastery, to protect them from the demons and exorcist who would be coming for them without a doubt.

"Rescuing another child all within the same month, how are you going to raise the two of them?" Mephisto asked, he had rescued another baby who's family had been killed by demons. The poor child lost his parents and received a temp taint from the demons who tried to kill him. Shiro exorcised the demons and rescued the baby, deciding to raise it as his own. The child's name was Yukio. He had teal eyes and small dark brown hairs. 

Satan watched the exorcist and his second eldest son, who had betrayed him and sided with the enemies, leave with his youngest child and unconscious lover. Without a vessel there was nothing he could do about it. He'd get the two of them back some day.


~five years later~ 

A young boy ran around outside just beyond the monastery in a small town. He had unnatural coloured dark navy blue hair and sapphire eyes. He was around the age of five.

"You'll never catch me Yukio! I'm too fast for you!" He giggled, he and another little boy were playing tag. The other little boy had teal eyes, dark brown hair and a few moles spread across his face. We wore big round glasses over his big round eyes. He was struggling to keep up with the other, he traveled at an unnatural speed for a regular kid their age. He huffed and puffed cutely as he ran as fast as his tiny legs could take him.

He felt himself bump into something hard sending the small boy flying backwards. He fell on his butt making a small 'oof!' Sound.

He looked up to see another kid. He was very tall, and older than the small boy with glasses. His name was Kosuke, he was in the third grade, he appeared very tall and scary looking to a five year old. He had blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Well well well, if it isn't the FOUR EYED BABY!" Two others stood behind Kosuke, one of them he recognized at Reiji Shiratori, the same age as he was. He was tough for his age. So he was seen hanging out with the older, tougher kids, at school. Yukio trembled in fear and crawled backwards.

"Awe, is the little baby scared?" He asked in a mocking cutesy tone of voice. He laughed and kicked him in the side. Yukio, being the sensitive and small boy he was, started crying.

"Hey!" A small voice yelled. "Stay away from him!" In a flash, he was on them, punching and kicking them with all his might. The blunette was very strong despite his small stature. He took on all three boys and sent them running, crying for their mommies.

He ran over to the other brunette and kneeled next to him. "Yuki! Are you ok?" He asked worried for his friend. Yukio nodded, still with tears in his eyes.

"I'm fine Rin." Rin gave Yukio a hug, then helped him up pulling him toward the monastery.


Although Yukio was the one kicked and pushed, Rin had received most of the injuries from fighting the other older boys.

Shiro cleaned his off his cuts and bruises. Rin winced at the pain.

The older man sighed. "Rin, what did I tell you about getting into fights?"


"Well?!" Shiro raised his voice.

"Not to." He said softly with a guilty look. "But it wasn't my fault this time! Promise! He started it!" Rin defended himself.

"That doesn't matter. You know you're a lot stronger than them, and it's never ok to hit others."


"No buts!" Yukio peered at them from bathroom door, he watched his father clean Rin's cuts and scrapes. He felt kind of guilty, Rin got hurt protecting him...

Shiro left the bathroom. Rin sat on the closed toilet seat. Yukio hesitantly entered the washroom.


Rin looked over at the door to see his friend.

"YUKI!" His face lit up like a Christmas tree.

Yukio walked closer to Rin, Rin noticed something was wrong.

"What's wrong Yuki?" He asked concerned. Yukio had a frown a furrowed eyebrows.

"I'm sorry Rin!"

"What do you mean? Sorry for what?"

"You're hurt b'cause of me!" Yukio cried. Rin pulled Yukio into a hug.

"No, I was saving you from them."

"You didn't have to do that."

"Yes I did."


"Cause I love Yuki!" He giggled and squished their faces together whiles hugging him tighter.

"I love you too Rin." He said hugging him back.


"Awe~ isn't that cute." Shiro chuckled. He had taken a picture of the two boys hugging.

"It sure is." Yuri said standing next to Shiro.

She had scars on her legs from being burnt that night, she could never walk the same after that, but she was making a slow recovery. Yuri was quite ill, she became sick after giving birth to Rin. Her illness didn't seem to be getting better though.

They were all very close, Yukio and Rin were like brothers. Yuri was like Yukio's mother figure and Shiro was Rin's father figure.

Yuri hardly left the monastery since she and Rin were still in hiding from the Vatican. For all they knew, they were dead. Satan had barely any contact with Yuri. Shiro was good at keeping him away from his family.

Rin was aware of his demon heritage, he didn't yet know of his powers, since they were sealed off. Shiro was against Rin learning about his true family, but Yuri felt it was necessary for Rin to know his father. She and Satan worked hard for this, for Rin. It wasn't fair to him if his own son knew nothing about him. Despite what people thought, the demon God could be kind.

Rin only met Satan once, Shiro felt that once was enough and created strong seals and barriers to keep demons out. Rin being half human could make it through the barriers.

Satan never quit trying to get his family back, but Shiro was strong willed and had the strength to keep Satan away.

Yukio and Rin were playing in the room that they shared together. Those two boys were inseparable. It would be that way forever if they could help it.

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