The Diary of Sicily in Venice

By -slythefox-

169 17 10

Sicily Johnson has just arrived in the beautiful city of Venice, where he plans to enjoy the sun and get the... More

The Diary of Sicily in Venice
Chapter 3 ~ Goodbye Elizabeth
Chapter 4 ~ Sicily's Birthday
Chapter 5 ~ Best night Ever

Chapter 2 ~ Elizabeth's Claim

26 3 0
By -slythefox-

July 20, 1952

"Laine and I have grown quite close, we've even shared a bit of our past with each other. He was born here in Venice and often travels the world, picking up slang here and there.....which explains the word "cool". I didn't have anything interesting to say, just that I was born in Poland but my parents are originally from Britain. I could've also told him that my Dad was the leader of a mafia gang but...I think that would be too much information. All we usually do is talk and play volleyball, which he is extremely good at! Sometimes I just like to sit and watch him play with his other friends which he so kindly introduced me to. He has this one particularly close friend named Elizabeth whom (Whom? Who?) I fear is his girlfriend, but I try not to think too heavily on it. Just being his friend is good enough. I think I want to take a nap in the sand now, BYE"

July 21, 1952 (afternoon)

"Okay, this Elizabeth is seriously getting on my nerves! She's been pestering me with ridiculous questions like "How come you're so tan if you've been living in Poland?" and "Why are you so short if you're actually14?" and other stupid questions. I think Laine's noticed that because he comes to my rescue every time by diverting Elisabeth's attention to him. I'm almost certain that they are, in fact, together. I've seen them hug and kiss on more than one occasion. And each time I feel as if I've seen something I'm not supposed to. Today, I saw them on the beach, sharing their ice cream and laughing like any couple would. I don't think I felt any jealousy toward Elizabeth, just deep anguish. Laine can never be mine."

July 22, 1952 (close enough to evening)

"My parents are meeting Laine's parents! This is absolutely disastrous!! I can only imagine the kinds of embarrassing things my parents will undoubtedly spout to them! Oh what a cruel world this is. I just HAD to tell them about my new best friend! Good job Sicily, good job (sarcasm). What's even worse is that we're going to have dinner together and Laine's brought Elizabeth!  I'm writing in here instead of dressing myself, hopefully I'll write until they leave me behind....wait never mind, My mother just yelled at me to hurry up. Gosh darn!"

 July 22, 1952 (a little past midnight)

"The dinner couldn't have gone worse! Elizabeth sat between me and Laine (I just don't know what that girl's problem is) and she made sure to diminish any conversation between Laine and I by rudely interrupting us. My parents were no better, at first they were acting normal, then they got comfortable and started talking about me. Why me!? I cannot even explain it like gossip. Here's how the dinner went

My parents rented an expensive automobile just to show off (which I didn't mind) and we drove to the restaurant where we found Laine, Elizabeth, and Laine's parents waiting for us. I think Laine noticed the way I looked over at Elizabeth because he pulled my sleeve, leaned in close, and whispered an apology.

"I don't even know how she found out about it" He had said. Of course with him being so close to my face, I couldn't even pretend I was still angry so I just nodded and sat down next to an empty seat. Elizabeth hurriedly pulled Laine down next to her so that she would be in between us. Evilness. She really intended on keeping us apart and I had no Idea WHY. She already has him year-round and I only have a summer with him. Some people are just so darn selfish.

 As soon as our dinner was placed in front of us, everyone dug in...except Elizabeth.

"Lizzie dear, why don't you eat?" Asked Laine's mother. Elizabeth took a disdaining look at the food and shook her head.

"I do not wish to embarrass myself in front of Laine" she said. She would be a pleasant girl if not for that haughty voice of hers...and that nasty attitude. Mr. Ferrari, Laine's father, laughed so hard he started to cry and soon everyone was laughing, even I was laughing. Although my reasons for laughingn were different. Just the look of red on Elizabeth's face was enough to make my slap my thighs and hoot and holler.

"I-I don't see anything funny about the situation" Elizabeth feverishly tried to intervene. Laine was the first to get himself under control, he put his arm around Elizabeth's shoulder while still wiping some tears.

"Of course there's nothing funny about it Lizzie, we were only trying to make light of this gathering" He explained himself. Elizabeth's expression softened a little and she gave into Laine's magic arm resting on her shoulders.

My parents sighed simultaneously. "Young love.." My mother said with that look in her eyes. Then her eyes fell on me and I knew exactly what she was thinking, but it was too late to stop her.

"So Sici" (My family's nickname for me since BIRTH) "Have you met anyone you fancy" she asked casually. Suddenly, everyone was waiting. They were waiting for my reply, as if it was something spectacular to behold.

I wanted to say "Yes! YES! I fancy LAINE!!" But i didn't...I wouldn't dare to even dream about it. I'd probably be hanged or arrested or shot a billion times! On top of all that, it's a sin, an awful sin. I couldn't tell my parents that i'd turned into a horrible sinner. No way. So I said this instead:

"No." that was it. No romantic poem about the girl I've fallen for, no spontaneous speech about her beauty, no nothing. Because I haven't fallen in love with a girl and my parents don't need to know that.

Everyone seemed to release an in take of breath and they sat back in their chairs. My mother looked extremely disappointed. Elizabeth was the first to speak.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were" She paused and smiled. "Gay" and that was it. I'd had enough of her. I stood up and walked away, ignoring My father's "waits" and my mother trying to calm me down "I'm sure she didn't mean it like that, gay can mean happy too!". The last things I heard before i left the resturaunt was Laine's reprimands toward Elizabeth

So that's what happened, and now I'm secretly crying by myself (Thank GOD for my own room). That damn Elizabeth's going to PAY, I swear it.

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