Rose the space warrior

By dylanrenz1993

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Sequel to Eric's space adventure that stars Rose and take's place 5 years later. More

Part 1 Five years later
Part 2 The hunt for Abby
Part 3 back to space again
Part 4 The Man named Z
Part 5 Sandiaga
Part 6 A costly mistake
Part 7 The End Of Sandiaga
Part 8 I'll be In your heart
Part 9 An Old Face
Part 10 Madam Yuma's Slave Camp
Part 11 An Angry Cat
Part 12 Escape
Part 13 Greg's Farwell
Part 14 Rose's New Arm
Part 15 ERIC!?!?!
Part 16 Abby End
Part 17 A Time To Relax
Part 18 It's Back
Part 19 Asmara
Part 20 Rose's Awakens
Part 21 Reunion
Part 22 I can't be your father
Part 23 The Masked Person
Part 24 No Home
Part 25 Rude Awakening
Part 26 He's Back
Part 27 The Truth Get's Out
Part 28 Valerie Walls
Part 29 A Gut Feeling
Part 31 Forgiven
Part 32 Back to Space
Part 33 Prisiner
Part 34 The End
Part 35 epilogue 30 Years Later

Part 30 Valerie Vs Rose

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By dylanrenz1993

                                                                                         Rose's Pov

I glared at them and spat on the ground.

Why the fuck would I go with you three ? I Asked Them

Well If you don't come willingly then will have to force you. The Main one Said

How about I beat the crap out of all of you and maybe I won't kill you all. I Said

Z looked shocked.

Your not taking them all on by yourself I'm helping. Z Said

I sighed and looked at Z. 

Fine. I Said

I'm helping to I won't let my daughter do this alone. Eric Said

All the of them looked confused.

Wait how old Is he ? The Main one Asked

I'm well sixteen physically. Eric Said

WHAT THE HELL THAT MAKE'S NO SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!! The Main one Yelled

Calm down Valerie. The Black haired man Said

So the main one's name Is Valerie. I thought


Calm down just take some deep breaths. The Brown hared women with one arm Said

Valerie started breathing In and out and sighed and smirked at me.

Ha Rose you thought you could trick me to catch me off guard thanks Kaelyen for that. Valerie Said

I ran up and punched Valerie and she flew backwards and landed on the ground shocking everyone.

Hey what the hell you bitch we were not ready.Black Said

Z ran up and punched Blake and Blake went back a few feet and smirked.

Nice try asshole. Blake Said

Don't call my girl a bitch. Z Said

                                                                            No one's Pov

Kaelyen looked at Blake and started walking over to help him.

HEY BITCH YOUR FIGHTING ME!!!!!!!!!!!! Ellen Yelled

Kaelyen turned to face Ellen and clenched her fist.

Fine you wanna go let's go cunt. Kaelyen Said

Kaelyen ran up and punched Ellen In the gut and Ellen fell to her knees.

Ha only one punch and your already down. Kaelyen Said

Ellen persecuted Kaelyen and punched her In the face and she grabbed her noise.

What the hell I think you broke my noise. Kaelyen Said

That ant all I'm gonna break. Ellen Said

Ow I hurt all over ok guys I think I wanna leave now. Valerie Said

Valerie got up and crawled out of the crater to see Rose standing there waiting for her.

Valerie tried to punch Rose but she grabber her hand.

Let go of my hand. Valerie Said

No I think I'm gonna break It unless you take your friends and leave us alone. Rose Said

Valerie started crying.

P....Please don't I'll tell them to stop and will leave I promise. Valerie Said

Good now tell them and I'll let go off your hand. Rose Said

Valerie looked to see Black fighting Z and Kaelyen  fighting Ellen.

GUY'S STOP WHERE LEAVING OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Valerie Yelled at them

Everyone stopped fighting and looked at Rose and Valerie.

What you can't be fucking serous right now. Blake Said

Yeah I am and as your boss I'm ordering you to stop. Valerie Said

Blake and Kaelyen started laughing.

W...What's so funny ? Valerie Asked Them

Sorry but we wan't the money. Kaelyen Said

No I'm your boss you have to listen to me. Valerie Said

Well where taking over we aren't taking orders from you anymore you moron. Blake Said

What did you call me ? Valerie Asked Blake 

You heard me you are a moron and useless you can't do a single thing on your own. Valerie Said

Valerie started crying even harder and Rose let go of her hand.

Ok that's enough she's your fucking friend. Rose Said

Friend ha I can't stand that bitch she can die for all I care. Blake Said

Same goes for me. Kaelyen Said

                                                                       Rose's Pov

I looked down at Valerie to see she was looking down and crying and I felt bad for her.

I sighed and looked at Blake and Kaelyen.

I'm going to in joy killing you both. I Said

I'd like to see you tr. I ran up and punched Kaelyen In the gut to shut her up then kicked her In the face and she fell over

About time you shut up. I Said

I glared at Blake and walked up to him and punched him In the face and he fell over and I smirked.

Any last words. I Said

Moron. Blake Said

I suddenly felt a sharp pain In my back and feel over and looked to see Kaelyen smiling and Z aiming a gun at her from behind and ready to shoot.

You really should make sure I was down before you turned around and your boyfriend better not try to shot be from behind or I'll shot you hear and now. Kaelyen Said

Z lowerd his gun and sighed and Blake got up and picked me up.

                                                                       Z Pov 

I was fucking pissed watching that basted pick up Rose.

Let's go we got what we wanted. Blake Said

One more thing If any of you follow us will kill Rose got that. Kaelyen Said

Y...Yeah we got It. Noah Said

I looked at Noah shocked.

Noah you can't be serious right now. I Said

Kaelyen and Blake looked up to see a ship fly over and land and they got on and flew off and I looked at Noah and punched him.

You asshole this Is your fault. I Said

Z stop I've got a plan. Noah Said

What you do what Is It ? I Asked Noah

Well I put a tracker on Kaelyen when she was fighting Rose and we are going to follow them. Noah Said

But what If they kill her. I Said

They won't they need her alive for the bounty on her head their bring her to Asmara. Valerie Said

Dammit we have to move fast. Noah Said

You'll need a ship. Someone Said

We turned to see benito who was alive somehow.

                                                                                            End of chapter

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