By favourakpofure

1.2M 34K 2K

A legend was written years ago of two white lycan made to be mates, to love-hate, fight but also made to be t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Charpter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapater 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49(THE END)

Chapter 9

28.6K 814 69
By favourakpofure

Kate pov :

I wake up to the sound of someone knocking on the door, who could that be by this time

Deciding to ignore whoever is behind the door by getting comfy hoping the person leaves.

Not having the pleasure of returning to sleep because of the consistent knocking on the door I groan angrily plodding towards the door to have an intense conversation with the pesky individual behind the door.

I pull the door open to find grandma dressed in her workout gear with her irate stare directed at me.

Oh, moon goddess training I forget about the training today because I was hoping she would forget all about it but I guess not.

"Good morning grandma, how was your night?" I ask innocently opening the door wider to let her in.

"Don't, we have training go get ready," she states refusing to take any step into the room.

"Okay ma," I say closing the door at her face while stuffing a yawn with my hand.

I enter the closet deciding to skip bath until after training.

I pull together a black sports bra, black matching leggings from my new set of clothes then pair it up with a colored jacket and black sneakers.

Satisfied with my look I walk out closing the room door behind me facing the angry look on her countenance " let's go I was able to get the map of the mansion. Here is the training room" she says showing me the map pointing towards a little box circled in red marker with a letter under indicating the training room.

We follow the direction on the map, once again this mansion is so big.

We got to the training room in no time.

The room is beautiful with exercising equipment everywhere, this place is well equipped with things unknown to me but I am willing to try every piece of equipment here.

Ma places her bags on the bench by the corner of the room before stretching her hands and legs " let start with cardio" she announces clapping her hands together in an ordering manner.


Right now I am currently laying on the rug of the training room tired and thirsty my muscles aching.

Ma did push me over my limit today teaching me different attacking strategies, but with Tiara, still angry with me is not happening at all.

She made her way towards me looking all sweaty but relaxed "take this. You are through for today since you are already so exhausted "she says handing me a bottle of water.

"thank you," I say sitting up glugging the water within seconds before pushing my weak and aching body from the training room to my room.

Feeling all sweaty and stinky I got under the shower before doing my morning routine.

I wrap a towel around my body walking into the walk-in closest deciding on a white tank top, black pencil jeans and strap black and red button-up shirt.

I leave my face bare of any makeup letting my hair fall on my shoulders then paring my outfit with a brown leather boot.

Feeling satisfied with my look I walk out of the closet planning on finding something to eat.

I walk out shocked to find Lillian sitting comfortably on my bed with her signature smile in place.

what does she want now? I need a less dramatic day today, "no offense but can I help you ?"I ask watching her cautiously.

She smiles excitedly looking up at me" I came to get you for a tour around the house " she explains before walking towards me" I can see you ready let go" she announces dragging me out of the room.

Goodbye to my less dramatic day.

While walking through the hallways my stomach growls loudly gaining her attention and some pack members walk by.

She turns towards me trying not to laugh" it looks like we have to feed you first, come with me" yeah captain obvious, how embarrassing.

We walk towards the second wing where the private kitchen is located, walking in to find the kitchen empty.

She directs me to take a seat on the kitchen stool by the counter before watching her prepare scrambled eggs and bacon while she continues chattering about things I have no interest in.

I sigh audibly as she dishes the scrambled egg and bacon into a plate before placing it on the table"eat up now I have places to show you" she says filing a glass with strawberry yogurt before taking a seat on one of the stools.

"Yeah, I can't wait for that, "I say Sarcastically.

I eat silently while Lillian screws through her phone.

A tall beautiful girl with red-dyed hair dressed in wash ripped jeans paired with a crop top showing off her well-toned belly.

"hey, Britta, "Lillian says with a fake smile while watching her every move cautiously.

"How are you doing?" She questions ignoring the wary look on Lillian's face before casting her judging gaze on me " and who is this?" she inquires giving me a once overlook not looking pleased.

"she is the new girl," Lillian informs her before standing from the stool, "let's leave," she says walking with fast steps out of the room expecting me to follow her.

I place my empty plate and cup before dashing after her "who is that girl?, and by the way, this new girl has a name" I say catching up to her.

She looks tensed up" that was Britta. stay out of her way okay," she says still refusing to slow down.

Weird but I let it go anyway I will surely find out who she is to Lillian.

"So where are we going now?" I question awkwardly sounding lost.

"to watch a movie or anything you would like to do," she says returning to her cheerful self.

"Okay, I think we should watch a movie," we made our way towards the private Tv room.

We walk into a big hall with large plasma and chairs around, a center table well decorated with flowers, and the walls painted with gray, black, and white bringing a comfortable vibe.

I watch her walk towards the plasma taking the Tv controller from the receptacle below the plasma "so under which genre will you like to watch" she says switching the Tv on.

"maybe horror," I shrug taking a seat on one of the couches.

she looked at me in a way that says I just killed her favorite movie actor " are you serious, no way are we watching that. let watch a romance movie instead, " she says placing herself on the couch closer to me " I love romance movie" she announces smiling widely.

"Why then did you ask me if you already made up your mind ?"I question glaring playfully at her.

"I thought you would say a romantic movie not horror " she shrugs.

"typical girls things, " I say rolling my eyes at her, she ignores me deciding on a movie.

I am liking this movie, a few minutes into the movie a man walks gaining our attention.

He has short brown hair, black eyes looking like he is just in his twenties.

Lillian surges towards him sensing his presence pulling him in a tight hug "how have you been Lillian, miss me?" he inquires showing his perfect white teeth.

"Elder Mathias! fine and yes I missed you a lot" she says going in for another hug.

"and who are you, pretty Lady?" he questions looking towards my direction letting go of Lillian.

"Kate David, "I say standing up from the comfy couch.

"Okay then you must be the one who was sent to us from Alpha Janes," he says stretching his hand for a handshake " nice to meet you dear" I accept his hand in a handshake feeling a fatherly comfort from him.

He smiles with a knowing look in his eyes "Lillian please take me to your father" he says looking serious and in a business mood.

"okay. Kate sees you later" she calls leaving the room with him walking behind her.

I think this movie is over for now.

I should go see what grandma is up but I don't know where her room is located.

"you can use her scent," Tiara suggests making herself known.

"Thanks and I am very sorry for yesterday," I say apologizing.

"I am sorry too," she mumbles cutting the mind link.

I followed the scent up towards the last wing is located before locating her room.

Not taking my time to knock I push the door open locking my eyes with something I will forever regret seeing.

Standing in front of me is my so-called mate and the girl from earlier called Britta making out with his hand wrapped around her waist while her hand kept around his neck pulling him closer to herself.

He must have felt my presence because his eyes open locking with mine in an emotionless stare.

I refuse to look weak in front of him I raise my chin up closing the door leaving them to enjoy each other company.

I don't know why I followed his scent instead of ma's own but I wish I didn't.

So this is the reason he refused to acknowledge me as his mate because of that girl but I won't let him get to me. Never.

I hope Tiara sees clearly that he doesn't want us.

I decide to walk towards my room instead while making different plans on how to get back at him.

The game is on.

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