The Final Battle (Living in a...

By Polarbear2200

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Chapter One: Mountain Climbing
Chapter Two: Gryphons
Chapter Three: Fire Birds
Chapter Four: Italy
Chapter Five: The Phoenix
Chapter Six: Exposed
Chapter Seven: Collateral Damage
Chapter Nine: Hellhounds
Chapter Ten: Hellish Fights

Chapter Eight: Greece

488 33 8
By Polarbear2200

I stood at the gate waiting to board the plane. This time we were headed to Greece. We were looking for Hellhounds but it literally felt like we were looking for ghosts. Element had agreed to take Carlotte and Brian on, they'd got on a different plane to head to Canada and meet up with them. Theo hadn't agreed with my desicion to allow humans into our war and he'd chewed me out for it but I stood by my decision. We had to let them make their own choices, they were right this was their world as much as ours.

"Passport?" The lady at the gate shook me from my thoughts. I handed her my passport and boarding pass. "Miss, could you take off the hat?" She asked raising her eyebrow. I fought the urge to roll my eyes. Most of the time I didn't have a problem with wearing a hat. People could still tell it was me. It had been such a pain go get the passport in the first place, the photographer took forever to take the picture and I'd almost passed out from trying to force my ears in. I sighed and begrudgingly took my hat off. Concentrating quickly to pull in my ears. "Alright you can pass." The woman said after a minute. I put the hat back on quickly and took back my passport and boarding pass.

"You alright?" Dylas questioned, he stood waiting just inside the gate. I nodded, deciding not to mention the headache I felt coming on. We waiting for the rest if us to get through the gate before heading down the tunnel. Theo came in last repositioning the hat on his head.

"Well I'm going to have a headache for the rest of the day" he sighed. He rubbed a hand across his forehead and narrowed his eyes at me. I thought he was going to say something snippy but instead he just tossed me a pill bottle. "I knew you'd forget some." He said and headed off towards the plane.

"Alright my ass." Dylas muttered. I sighed and walked away.

We boarded the plane and i headed for my seat, sitting down next to the window. I instantly rested my head against the window and closed my eyes. I was asleep within seconds.


I awoke to someone tapping me lightly on the shoulder. It was Dylas.

"We're here." I sat up straight and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. The pounding in my head and subsided to a dull ache but I must have looked worse then I felt because I could see the worry in Dylas' eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, for real this time." I assured him. I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

Movement from across the aisle made me look up. Theo was rubbing his face. He looked like shit. I sighed to myself knowing I probably did too. I waited in my seat while the people around me stood and scrambled to get into the aisle first. The sound of bags and suitcases being hauled from the overhead compartments filled my ears, making my skin itch to get off the plane already.

After what felt like hours the doors to the plane finally opened and passengers began to slowly shuffle out of the plane. I sighed with relief and stood up, inching out of the seat after Dylas and grabbing my bag from the overhead bin. I shuffled slowly after Dylas, nodding to the flight attendant as I ducked through the door.

"Alright." I announced as we all stood outside the airport. "Where the shit are we doing to find a bunch of demonic dogs."

"Demonic dogs?" A voice sounded from behind us. "I think I can help you there." I whipped around to find the source of the voice. A man stood behind us, leaning against a pole. He had pitch black skin and dark purple eyes. His hair was short and black, two twisting horns protruded from the top of his head. A long tail that was pointed at the tip twitched quietly on the ground. Though I'd never admit it to Dylas, he was extremely beautiful.

"Are you a demon?" Amber asked curiously, her voice quivering slightly.

"Of course." He grinned stepping forward. "I'm very good friends with the Hellhounds you seek. We got the message from your alpha about what's going on. They've agreed to meet you tonight at your hotel, though I myself think they should fight by your side I can't speak for the so guess you're on your own." He shrugged unceremoniusly. "Though personally I can't be bothered with any of it. I'd much prefer watching it."

"I didn't even think demons actually existed." I muttered half to myself.

"Legends have to come from somewhere." He grinned again. "I'm not from this world. And no I don't mean hell. Just a different dimension." I raised my eyebrows in disbelief at him. "You can literally turn into an animal. Broaden your horizons." He growled and turned around. "Buh bye." He waved and melted into the shadows behind him.

"Well now." Theo piped up. "That guy was hot."


A bit shorter this week sorry. I've been having a lot of personal issues and haven't been able to write but that's mostly dealt with now so it's all good. Enjoy.

- Polar 

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