One Piece X Reader||Starduster

By XKingyochanX

44.3K 1.2K 416

××I own nothing other than the story!All pictures,music or the anime,belongs to its rightful owner!×× PLEASE... More

Freshman,Fresh Start
My First Duty
Patient Or Patience?
The Doctor Is In The House
Is Red Symbolise Heart Or Embaressed?
There's More Than Meets The Eye
A Flash Of The Feline
A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed
The Animal Lovers
A Friend Or A Rival
Cry Of A Friend
Angry Because We Cared
The Deal
Pet Day Care
Study In The Night
Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover
Words Spread Faster Than Act
The Leader Of The Gang
More Merrier Double Fun
Living Louder
Aftermath Of The Party
Uncomfortable Feelings
Suspicious Arose
Behind The Pink
A Little Talk Over A Game
A King Protect Its Queen
Mission Saving Torao!
The Tears of Relief
Family Love
A Bird Always Drop A Feather
Where The Tide Rises
Sleeping Therapy Party!
Home-Made Food Is Our Favourite
🌸Author's Note🌸
It's All A Trap
You Can Never Tell Inside The Sea..
The Price I have To Pay
The Cat That Got Out
The Devil Fruit's Origin
Your Tea Is Getting Cold Dear
Miracle Always Happen
Author's Favour From Anyone
The Burden of The Captain
💬Important Announcement💬
Whitebeard The Big Man
The Unfazed Feelings
The Daughter of Whitebeard
The Broken Truth
All For One, One For All
『Author's Moment』
The Crafty Puzzle
The Burning Fire Within
Mountain Trials 1
Mountain Trials 2
Villains Behind The Scene
Black King Protects The White Queen
Azu- Gravity Gravity Devil Fruit
Cero- Natural Natural Devil Fruit
A Goodbye Present
Author Final Notes

Spying Mission

740 30 2
By XKingyochanX

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Oh,Hancock,you're back.Thank you for everything"I smiled at her as I took the jar of new water from her hand and placed at the nightstand.

"Kid is asleep now so I guess there's not much to do"I told her as she just gaze at the sleeping form infront of her.

I noticed her expression and she seems to be zoning out.She seem..sad?Or is she thinking something?I couldn't make it out her expression but somehow deep inside my heart,its telling me that she is somewhat in trouble or so I thought.

"Umm,if you don't mind,we could trade info about each other?"I broke the silence and I saw that she seems a bit shocked as she realisef that she was spacing out.

"Trade info?"she ask as she raise her eyebrow at me and I nod my head excitedly.

"Yep!Like,what we like,our hobbies and stuff like that"I chimed happily as I smiled at her and she just stood there,debating with herself on whether she want to do it or not.

"Alright,if kills this boredom now"she sighed as both of us took a seat at the chair near the window while the sun was getting ready to hit the day.

"Okay,so what is your favourite thing to do?"I ask her as I look at her face.

"Hmm,well I don't have any favourite in particular but I guess I like talking a walk,baking and reading"she said.

"Oh!Me too!I like to do those things too!I'm not good at baking though but I like trying them!"I exclaimed happily like a kid who is high with sugar.

"Well,if you like,I could teach you how to bake when we have some free time?"she said with shyly as her gaze constantly watch me back and forth.

I just stare at her with a bit shock took over me and I without I realised,I smiled as big as I can like a bright sun.

"You will?!Thank you!I'm looking forward to that time!"I took her hand in my hand and shake her hand up and down as I laugh.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
♡ ♡

I was surprise by her reaction and mostly my reply of course.I don't know why but I feel really comfortable around her.I barely knew this girl yet she seema to radiate with a unique and fun aura around her.

I couldn't help but to smile as I let out a small laughter while joining with her cheery's laugh.

Just then,a flash of the image runs through my mind which make my laugh die down.I didn't realise that my grasp on her hand started to loosen as I was lost in my thoughts again.

Again..That event that I don't want to remember again..How I despise it so much..

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realise that the doctor notice something was off.

"Hancock?What's wrong..?"she ask me and I snap back to reality.

"Ah..It's nothing,really..Just got lost in thoughts for a bit.."I told her as I smile a bit at her but her face holds doubt but I manage to cut it off before she presses it more.

"Well doctor,I need to go now.It is getting late and I really had a lot of fun time with you today even though it's just a moment.."I smiled at her as I stood from my place.

"Aww,already?Hehe,okay then but don't worry!I'm sure we'll meet again somewhere!Take care now!"luckily she bought my words and I nod my head at her as I head towwards the door to return back home or not..

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
♡ ♡

I just watch Hancock's figure dissappear after she slide the door from her back.

Something seems off.She looks..troubled..?It's the same expression she give again and it's been the third time now.I don't what is going on with her but my senses are telling me that something is up and it's really not good.

"Hey,(R/N),can you get me some water..?"a voice called out to me and I turn around only to see a sleepy looking Kid who is just awake from his slumber sleep.

"Hehe,sure sleeping beauty"I laugh at him as I went towards the nightstand to pour some water from the jar into the empty glass besides it.

"Thanks,so where is that lady?Did she went somewhere?"Kid said as he take a sip from his water,realising that Hancock is absence.

"Oh,she already went home.It's late night now after all"I told him as I take a seat beside him.

I just look down at my hands as I recall back on Hancock's expression.I was so deep in my thoughts that even Kid notice something was wrong with me.

"Hey,what's wrong?"he spoke up after seeing my gloomy and serious face.

"Huh?What?Ohh,its..nothing...I was just tired that's all"I lied to him and he gave me this doubtful look.

Before he say anything,he bonked my head and I whined in pain.

"Oww..!What was that for..?!"I cried a bit as I rub my head in pain.

"You know you're bad at lying.I know you who you are even though its not for long but I'm not gonna easily buy your words when I know that you're the passionate person who rarely whine about something they like"he told me and I just lowered my gaze to my lap.

"Okay..I'm sorry.."I sighed as I realised that he had a point.I wouldn't never whine for something that I like so my lies were really not that good.

"Exactly..I've been thinking about Hancock.."I admit to him and he just arch his eyebrow in curious.

"What about her?"he ask even though he try to control his annoyance towards her but its still visible in his voice though but not much since he understand the situation in hand.

I take a deep breath and let out another sigh.

"She seems..a bit off today exactly..I don't why but I keep noticing her sad expression or..more like troubled expression but I just can't bring myself to ask her because I'm afraid that I might offend her or be rude without meaning to.."I said with sad hinted in my voice and Kid just gaze at me as he was thinking of an idea.

Without saying anything,he suddenly stood from his bed which gains my attention.

"K..Kid?What are you doing..?!You're still hurt ya know..!"I was panicked as I try to sit him back down but he refuse.

"Is she your friend?"he suddenly ask me and I was taken aback by his sudden question but I nod my head at his question even though I was hesitate at first.

He then just smirk at me as he took my hand in his.

"Well then,if she is your friend,then she is my friend too so we gotta help our friend"he said as he drag me out from the room.

I was amazed by his action and I just smiled as we went out from the room.
Well,Law is surely gonna kill me after this but it is his third day now so technically speaking he can charge out by now and since I'm a doctor,well not officially though but I am still his doctor right?So maybe I could tell him that I charge him out.

Well,hopefully that idea works or I have to prepare some cotton buds for my poor ear that is gonna recieve some serious talk with Law and I don't want to know how its gonna end up if I get on his bad side.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Haa..!That..!was a close one..!Haa..!"I pant hard as I rest both of my hands on my knees for support after that long run.

"Haa..Haa..Haha..Yeah.."Kid laugh as he lean his hand to the wall.

We're at the alleyway now and thanks to some of Hancock's friend,we know where she was.

"Hey,Vivi,Bonney!"I waved at them as I went towards them while Kid was hiding behind a wall.

"Oh!Hey (R/N)!"Vivi waved back at me and Bonney too.

"How are you guys doing?"I ask them as I try to open a conversation with them so as to not raise any sudden suspicion.

"Boring as always...I wish I have something to eat.."Bonney whined and Vivi and me just sweatdrop.

"How about you (R/N),anything happend today?"Vivi smiled at me while Bonney was leaning her head lazily at her left hand on the desk.

"Not much,just met with Hancock today that's all.Oh yeah,by any chance,do you guys know her?"I ask them trying to get some info out of them.

"Hancock?Of course we do!But I'm not that close compared to Bonney,they're really close friends"Vivi told me as she glance toward her friend beside her.

"You do?"I ask her and she just nod her head lazily.

"Why?Is there something going on with both of you two?"she ask as she glance at me curiously and I just let out a nervous laugh.

"Oh,its nothing!I was just wondering that maybe you know where she lives or where she usually go after her work..?"I ask her and she gaze at me with curiousity.

She stood up from her seat and suddenly drag me away from the counter.I was a bit taken aback by her action and Vivi just gaze at us with curiousity and surprise.

"Woah,woah..!What's wrong Bonney?"I ask her as we were hiding behind a wall where no one is passing by luckily at this time.

"You're going after her isn't?"she suddenly ask me and I was busted.

I didn't know what to say but before I could say anything she cut me off.

"Please help her.."she plead to me with her sad expression and I was left with shock.

I didn't know what to say or ask her but I do know one thing.

"I will,don't worry so I want you tell me where she goes now Bonney"I ask her with a serious expression and she wipe a single tear that is trying to escape from the corner of her eyes.

"She is usually meeting with someone at this road and you need to get there fast before you are out of reach to her"she told me and I nod my head.

"Got it,thanks Bonney"I thanked her before I went to meet Kid but she held my wrist,stopping my movement.

"Please be careful,I know this is selfish of me but I believe you're the only one who can reach to her"Bonney advice me and I just smiled at her.

"Don't worry,I'm sure we'll make it out somehow,believe it"I flashed her a bright smile before I dash out to meet with Kid who is waiting for me.

"This is it,the Trippy Hotel.."I breath out the name which almost send a shiver of cold through my spine but I just shrug it off that it might just be the cold wind tonight or maybe not..

"Shh,there she is.."Kid hushed me down as we were hiding behind a wall nearby and there we saw her,confronting some group of men that is surrounding her.

This is bad.I don't why but this is bad.I hope we'll make it..Please..

= = = =

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