Trans Peter Parker (bxb)

By Expre33oDepre330

431K 12.4K 12.3K

Tony and Steve adopt Peter from an abusive orphanage. They don't know he's trans but his boyfriend Wade does... More

Meet everyone & sad Wade
School with my Bf!
Part 2 In The Shower
Bonding with Loki
Spidey is Back!

Happy Birthday

18.5K 600 559
By Expre33oDepre330

And to my sister who made me write this for her birthday, Happy birthday bitch.

"You got me a detention Parker" Flash growled, throwing Peter into the girls dressing room. "Your gonna regret the day you were born tranny faggot(cringe* sry).

Guys lets get Page into more comfortable clothing" Peter flinched at his dead name. When Flash's goons started undressing him, Peter started to hyperventilate to the point of nearly passing out. After he was nearly undressed, leaving him in his boxers and binder, They pulled out a dress and tried to force Peter in it.

"No!" Peter struggled in their hold. "Stop" he whimpered but it was no use. They slipped in on and laughed and Peters sobs. The dress was locked on in the back so Peter wouldn't be able to get it off without help.

They left shortly after beating him some more and once he was sure they left the building, he started searching frantically for his phone. When he found it he blindly  punched in Wade's number and tried, failingly, to quiet his sobs.
"Babe?" Peter heard Wade say and he let out a sob of relief.
"Oh thank God you answered"
"Peter what's wrong?"

"W-Wade I need you to come get me. I'm-Im in the g-g-girls locker room at school. Please hurry"
"I'm on my way"
he heard Wade rush around until he heard the door close.
"Please don't hang up Wade."
"I would never"

Peter waited silently while Wade rushed to him, whispering comforting words into the phone.
"I'm here baby. I'm here" Wade said as he rushed in the locker room. He froze however, when he saw what Peter was wearing.
"Who." Was all Wade could spit out. Peter felt the tears re-emerge and let them fall freely.

"Flash" he whispered, "I can't get it off"
Wade gently pulled Peter into his chest and ripped the back of the dress clean off. Peter let Wade take the rest of the death trap off and saw Wade looking around for his clothes.

"Where are your clothes?"
Wade asked Peter gently
"F-Flash took them"
Wade growled "I'll. Kill. Him."

"I agree but Not now. I wanna go home" Peter whimpered. Wade nodded and slid his hoodie off and onto Peter.

"Are- Are you sure?" Peter asked hesitantly, "I know how much you hate your skin being shown"
As Wade slipped his hoodie on Peter he said, "I would rather you not walk around naked.

Too many eyes on my baby" Peter giggle quietly and let Wade take him home. He ignored the stares and focused on Wade's comfortable hoodie, snuggled around him like a blanket of warmth.

He was so lucky to Wade in his life. Wade was just too perfect.
Peter was so caught up in his thoughts he didn't realize he was home until he heard his dad yelling.

"What happened?!" He heard dad shout, "Was it that Flash kid again?! I swear to God-"
"Dad" Peter interrupted
"I'm fine-"

"The HELL you are?!"

Wades voice shocked Peter.
Wade then focused on Tony and said, "It was that Flash kid and practically the whole damn school is in on it" Wade then sat down on the couch and Peter nestled into his lap.

Tony looked horrified.
"What have they been doing exactly"
Peter stayed silent.
"Peter what-"

Just then the elevator opened and Peter snapped at Tony, "The schools been dead naming me okay!"

Tony looked confused but Natasha, who was in the elevator with the rest of the avengers, rushed over to Peter and put her hands on his shoulders. "Who" her glare was fiery but Peter knew it wasn't directed at him.

Little tears dribbled down Peters face as he said, "Everyone. The teachers the students everyone calls me tranny or my dead name. Today Flash and his gang cornered me in the locker room and forced me into a d-dress" Peter started sobbing into Natasha's arms(mind you he's still in Wade's lap). "I will kill those ублюдки" she growled.

"Okay what's going on here?" Tony asks, rather rudely. Peter wiped his eyes and looked at the rest of the team. "I suppose I should tell you. You deserve to know. I'm transgender." Peter looked at his lap dejectedly "it means I'm really a-"

"It means Peter was born in the wrong body" Bruce spoke up. "Don't ever put your self down like that Peter"

"So the teachers have been calling you the wrong name?" Clint spoke up, catching up to what was said.
Peter nodded and Tony put the pieces together.

"Am I the last to know about this?"
Peter froze and didn't respond.
"Tony" Steve said softly putting his hand on his husbands shoulder but Tony shrugged him off.

"Am I really so unreliable that you would tell everyone but me?"
At that peter looked up panicked. If he didn't say something he was afraid he would lose his father figure forever.

"I-I was going to tell you. But Loki and Clint didn't know! I swear I was going to tell you!"
Fearful Tears poured down Peters face. He was terrified that he was going to lose the only father figure he ever had.

"Please" Peter cried grabbing on to his dads shirt. "I didn't want anyone to know. But it was never my intention to make you the last person. Please forgive me Daddy I'm so sorry"

Tony stood frozen while Peter sobbed out apologies. Finally his eyes softened and he pulled his son into a hug. Of course after Wade reluctantly let go.

"Peter, son, in sorry for how I reacted. I'm not angry, I wish you would have told me sooner but I'm not angry at you"

"Oh thank you" Peter sobbed, "Thank you! I'm sorry. I didn't know how you'd react so I was scared to tell you. And the only reason I told papa was because he thought I was sick. I was going to tell you when I was ready really"

"It's ok Peter lets just try and be honest from now on Kay?"
Peter smiled and looked up at his papa and dad "Kay"

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