Snapchat (Liam Payne)

Autorstwa QuigleyPuff17

130 3 1


chapter 1

130 3 1
Autorstwa QuigleyPuff17

slut!" a blonde girl screamed at me from across the bio room

"whore" another brunette screamed

"fat arse!" everyone was joining in, names after names being shouted at me

" casey you aren't worth anything, kill yourself now you'll be doing yourself and everyone else a  favor!" brandon the hottest guy in my school screamed, I had a major crush on him, even though he treated me like dirt

"No one loves you! your a disgusting monster who is just wastes air!" a girl  who was clinging onto brandon screamed

I couldn't look up, the tears were starting to fall out of my eyes 

"no"  "no" no" no" I relatively said

this was like a nightmare

that I couldn't wake up from

"STOP!" I screamed and covered my ears, I couldn't take all this hate I didn't want to hear anymore I have nightmares every night , everyone hates me and wants me dead

the bell rang and everyone got up and on their way out they made sure to make an effort to go out of their way to go by me and shove there fingers into my sides and laugh . life is hell.

lucky it was 9th period and I got to go home , I'm a senior at willowbridge high school the worst school on this planet, everyday I get bullied I get beat up by other girls and screamed at by any one who sees me. I live in a foster home with 5 other children 2 boys and 3 girls all younger than me, they get treated like princess and princes  while me, well let's just say im the ugly step sister

on my way home I was thinking about everything everyone said

"kill yourself you aren't worth anything, you would be doing yourself and everyone a favor!"

that replayed in my head over and over

maybe there right, maybe I am just a waste of space,I mean no one likes me, my parents left me when I was a baby I have no if I'm gone no one will miss me...

I swiped a stay tear that I didn't know had fallen till I felt the wetness on my arm.

I pulled up to house and parked my car on the side of the road

I walked into the House going straight to my room that I shared with my younger sorta brother James he's 10 his parents died when he was younger but Patrick and mary (the foster parents) told him that his parents were just working across seas and that one day they will be back for him...I feel bad knowing that that boy has so much hope and then one day like all to come dreams will be crushed and hope Wil be lost forever.

I walked into the room throwing my bag to the floor by the door and plonking in my bed, it wasn't that comfortable but hey it was something.

I opened my phone checking the notifications like I do everyday but nothing's ever there...what's the point of having a phone but no friends.

I suffer from an extreme case of depression,I cut every night. my thighs and arms and covered, sine scars faded but in some light you can see them all. they just add on to the fact that I'm an ugly monster.

you know when you hear things enough, you really do start to believe them.

I set my phone down beside me on the bed

"will my life ever get better?"I sighed and closed my eyes

*ding ding*

my phone made a noise which caught my attention and made me snap my eyes open,I reached for my phone and swyped the passcode

*snapchat from Payno1993*

"who's that"I whispered to myself in confusion

I opened the app and held down the snap

it was of a boy with brown hair and lovely brown eyes, his smile was flawless

"hey " the message said

who was he and how did he get my snapchat user?

I sat up and took a picture of my floor

"who are you?" I typed into the snap box and pressed send

minutes later he snapped back but this time it wasn't a picture of his beautiful face it was a blank white wall

"oh im sorry love wrong person"

I frowned reading the message, for some reason I hoped he wanted to talk to me but nope it was all to good to be true

I took picture   of me this time and replied

"oh it's fine :/"

I sent the snap and put my phone down

it would have been nice to have someone but you know it's never good enough

a tear slipped from my eye

I got up and walked into my bathroom , going through the medicine shelf I grabbed diooxycodotris a medicine which is a sleeping pill

I poured some in my hand ,

no one would miss me I said as i took one after another and after a while i blacked out. 

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