Really Old Stories

By TheSapphireCat

192 15 4

I can explain, honest. I made these when I was hardcore noob in writing. These are infected with run-ons, fra... More

Old Story 1: (FNAF) They're My Friends
Old story 2: Fnaf scenario
Old story 3:Fnaf 2 scenario
South Park: Not All Fun and Games
Warriors: Lost Shadows
Trollpasta/"CreepyPasta": The Mask Sonata
The Mask Sonata

Hetalia: Alive and Dead (Vampire EnglandXFem! Vampire Hunter!Reader)

18 2 0
By TheSapphireCat

Summary: It is said for billions of years that vampires disgusting blood sucking creature. They show no compassion to any living thing human or animal; they only desire to satisfy their lust for blood, and that their kind spreads like wildfire.

This is were the vampire hunters come in, they will defend those who cannot protect themselves. There are many groups of hunters such as, the Holy Axis, the Nordics Blood, and much more.

The Holy Axis has a girl named (Y/n) who is dedicated to her job. However, how strong is her dedication to this profession, when her heart is entranced by a vampire by the name of,Arthur Kirkland.

This will test both of their love for each other and their loyalty to their group, and perhaps the future of vampires and vampire hunters.

Chapter 1

 "(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" Feliciano shook you violently.

You was taking a nap after Ludwig gave the whole team a harsh stereotypical German training. It made you sore and tired since it lasted for two hours.

You opened opened your eyes yawning, Feliciano was acting well like Feliciano. " Feli, what is it? Did we run out of pasta?"

"No worst than that! Luddy got captured by a group of vampires!"

After hearing that you fully woke up you ran upstairs putting on your equipment. You grabbed your friends stuff too. You grabbed Kiku and Feliciano then ran to the car and jumped in it. " Alright give me detail!" you yelled.

"Okay! Okay! Well as we left Ludwig for a bit to get water, until we heard him scream. We ran out and saw this note." Feliciano put the note in your face. Kiku grabbed it as he notice you were swerving; he didn't want his friends and himself to die.

" I think I should read this so we don't have an accident." he stated. Kiku cleared his throat:

 " Dear, Holy Axis, We have one of your friends. If you want him back bring us one person for us to feast on. If you don't we shall drink the blood dry from him.

Have a good day,

The Bloody Allies

PS we're at that old abandoned church. "

"Shit..." you cussed, gripping the steering wheel tightly. " A deal..." you muttered. You sighed two victims to trade for Ludwig. " Alright guys. Here's the plan we sneak it and grabbed Ludwig, and drive like there is no tomorrow."

" That's a decent plan, but I think only one of us should go get him."

"Yea! I agree with Kiku! We can guard the van while you're getting him!" Feliciano, smiled.

"Me?!" you exclaimed. You stopped when you saw the church and braked really hard. " Alright, I'll go." you loaded your gun and checked if your necklace was on then put on your mask. Your mask was supposed to hide your identify from vampires so they wouldn't kill you. The gun had wooden bullets mixed with some metal it could kill any vampire and your necklace was blessed by a priest to prevent you becoming a vampire (yes every vampire hunter wore that necklace). It didn't make sense to wear it though since the vampire would need to drain almost all of the blood of the human or hunter.

Walking slowly into the church you looked around. You could only see with the help of the moonlight. The church was all tore down the cross was broken the pews were dusty and the floors were covered in some brown crusty substance.

" I swear if they don't come with someone for us to eat; I will eat them aru!" a man with a Chinese accent hissed.

Hearing that voice you ducked hiding in the pews. You cough in your sleeve as you inhaled a bit of dust.

" I bet they won't just like what was plan. Of course they know they vowed to protect any mortals and they'll give their life to do so." Another voice added this time it was someone with a American accent. " Man I can already taste there blood already."

"Why bother licking your lips Alfred? There blood is as sour as a vieil homme."

" What's wrong about that? Blood is blood."

" Blood is not blood you fou. Blood is our food, everyone has their own taste like wine."

" I don't care what I eat aru! All I need is something fill my stomach with."

Grabbing a piece of glass you threw it at a wall.

" Ca c'était quoi?!" the french man yelled, you heard some boots make impact with the ground , and you concluded he was startled.

"Don't know. Let's go check."

You explored more the church showing more of it's broken interior.

" You know, I have a feeling your teammates won't bring one person for the trade. However, I'm fine with that. There's a chance they'll give us that girl in your group that everyone's been talking about" an English man mentioned.

" If you touch her you British pest - I swear I'll-" you could Ludwig being cut off.

" You'll do what? Tell me mortal I'm all ears." Ludwig did not respond. The man chuckled evilly. " Just like what I thought." you began to hear footsteps approaching you hid near a box full of wine. The footsteps stopped. You froze and heard a chuckle, " I know you're here." the British man said. " Why do you bother hiding?" he asked. Your heart was beating fast.

" Sorry. So how was the prisoner Arthur?"

" He was fine, Alfred." Arthur claimed. " He's very pissed when I mentioned their new member. Anyways, I need some fresh air." The footsteps walked away from you. Your heart was still pounding you got up and and went in the room.


"Shh." you hushed him. " I'm here to save you." you untied his arms and legs. You opened the window and jumped out landing in a pile of hay. Ludwig followed suit. You and Ludwig ran and into the van.

"VE! (Y/n) you did it!!" Feliciano hugged you.

You blushed in embarrassed you were sitting in the back Ludwig was driving. Kiku saved you from Feli's deadly affections.

" Please, Feliciano-san. Save your gratefulness at home."

"Okay!" he said smiling.

You felt your eyes close as the car began to move. Leaning on Feliciano's shoulder you could feel the sense of euphoria. This felt like you were living a normal life. But, this feeling would not last for long.

Chapter 2

Feliciano prepared pasta and you and Kiku were setting the table. Germany was making sure the weapons were intact.

" (Y/n)-chan, are you okay?" Kiku asked, placing a plate on the table.

You nodded, " Yea. It's just.. I know I'm new to the group, so if we agree to trade with them to get Ludwig back would you guys," you paused, " Would you guys use me for trade?"

Kiku's eyes widen he shook his head violently and animated, " No! We would never do something that is so desperate. (Y/n)-chan, why are you thinking this?"

" Those monster said you guys would not use any humans, since you guys vowed to protect them. So-"

" Forgive me for cutting you off, yes we are loyal to our vows. But, like what I said earlier we would never, you're like family to us and family stick together."

You smiled, " Thanks, Kiku; I feel much better now."

" Okay! Dinner's ready!" Feliciano exclaimed. He ran in the dinning room with a pot full of steaming hot sauce and noddles. " Luddy!" He called out.

Ludwig walked downstairs wearing glasses. You sat down and ate.

After dinner, you went outside to have a some fresh air. Feeling the cold crisp air on your soft skin. The moonlight was glistening on your eyes and hair. All you felt was peace and silence. You sat down looking at the stars and moon.

" What a night." you muttered under your breath. Going back into the house you went upstairs Opening your room you changed into your bed-gown it was a light pink. You jumped in your bed covering your body with warm blankets. Closing your eyes you felt yourself falling into a sleep.

"Y-you killed them!" you were shaking. " Yo-you k-kill-killed them."

"(Y/n), wa-wait I'm sorry I wa-"

"Don't touch me! You're a horrible creature! I hate you!"

"Please hear me out.."

" Let go of me!"


You felt blood run down your face. There was a slash on your right cheek," Y-you hit me.." you whimpered.

" I'm s-so sorry! Here let me-" you ran as fast as your little feet could take you. " N-no! Wait!"

You never stopped to look at him your face was stained with blood and tears.

You woke up in fear. " Wh-what's going on?" you shook. " Just why am I dreaming these things" you asked yourself. You have been dreaming these odd events for a while, but you never told Ludwig, Kiku or Feliciano.

Walking into the woods you were humming a tune to yourself. You were going to your favorite area in there. Of course your parents warned you about a vampire in the woods. Then again the were probably lying to make sure you don't get kidnapped. After all they were overprotective since you were their only child.

Finally, reaching your favorite place you sat down splashing the water in the pond. You giggled running to the trees which were safe to climb. Climbing on the trees you carefully checked if any of the branches were strong enough to hold your weight. You looked around everything under you was small. Just when you were going up you foolishly forgot to check the branch.


You were falling. You screamed as you were falling to your possible doom. Everything was moving so slowly as your heart was pacing fast. It was like you were in Alice In Wonderland. You know when Alice falls under the tree as she followed the White Rabbit.

Just when you were 10 feet to the ground you saw a blurry figure take you in it's arms. As thing happened darkness engulf you. Waking up you you found yourself in someones arms looking at your savior.

" You're awake." the man said, soothingly. He petted your soft (h/c) hair his eyes calming you. Though to be honest it was hard to see them with a hood concealing his face.

"T-thank you." you squeaked.

" You're lucky I was going to this area to only find you falling." he claimed. " Are you okay?"

" Y-yes." you hugged his arm. " I'm (Y/n) and you are?"

Chapter 3 

" (Y/n), wake up." Kiku said. " We have to check the church if those vampires are there."

You yawned getting up, " Okay Kiku."

Kiku smiled and left the room., " Be done in five minutes." you nodded.

You got up and went to your dresser and put on your clothes. Grabbing your gun you went to look for your necklace. It was not there. "Where is it? It's usually next to my gun." you sighed, walking downstairs.

" Yay! Come on, (Y/n)!" Feliciano

" (Y/n), where's your necklace." You shrugged.

" Dunno, I couldn't find it."

" Now that you mention it. (Y/n)-chan was wearing it when she went in the church, but wasn't wearing it when she saved Ludwig-San."

" Guys it's not a big deal. We'll find it."

" Big deal? There are vampires that might suck most of your blood and leave you to turn."

"Please Ludwig. The chances of vampires leaving for turning is only thirty five percent."

" But, still you can become a vampire."

" What would you do if I did?" you asked.

" Never mind that. Let's go.

Ludwig stopped the car, you and the others walked calmly out. Splitting up you went into a bedroom. The room had the scent of earl gray tea. You looked under the bed and every creaks of the room. Knowing that there was no one there. You walked were Ludwig was you squinted your eyes as something shined in your eyes. " Yes!" you exclaimed. It was your necklace you put around your neck and smiled. Looking around the door slammed shut.

" So, you were the one that broke out that German man." that familiar voice purred. Quickly you put on your mask. You turned to see blood red eyes and white fangs with a mask covering his face like you did. You backed away from this vampire. " And, your the new member of there team." as you were almost in the window. With a evil laugh the vampire slammed you on the floor. Your eyes widens, but instinctively you grabbed your gun pointing it at him. Just when you pulled the trigger he pointed the gun away from himself.


  " (Y/n)!" The Ludwig, Kiku and Fe yelled running to the sound. 


"Ge-get off me!" you yelled.

" I'm sorry, love, but I'm feeling famish. So I need you to help me." He hissed unsheathing fangs. He nuzzled your neck lovingly, " So soft." he cooed. Licking your neck you shuttered as the hot saliva turned icy cold. " Now, this will hurt you more than it will hurt me." his hot breath hitting your neck. You gasped as you felt the vampire's fang sink into your neck.

" P-please s-stop." you whimpered. He did not respond he just continue to suck on your neck. You cried as the pain seeped into your senses.

" (Y/n)! Are you okay!?" the trio yelled banging at the door.

Just when you were about to call out for help he covered your mouth. You were breathing heavily and was seeing white, until you were hit with darkness.

Your gasped getting up. You couldn't remember what happened.

" (Y/n)-chan, you're awake." Kiku said calmly.


" Feli, Feli, I'm fine." you petted his hair and avoided his curl. If you hit that curl that's the gateway of Feli losing it.

" Do you recall anything?"

You sighed thinking a moment. Then it came to you. That vampire was drinking your blood. "A vampire... A vampire bit me..."

The trio gasped and they jumped on you pinning you down.

"What the flipping hell! Get off me! "

I don't see and bite marks." Ludwig pointed out getting off you.

" A-are you sure?"

"Ja, look for yourself." he handed you a mirror. You looked at your neck checking every angle.

" You're right." you said shocked,"I guess I have dreaming.".

" Maybe! You should have told us you didn't have enough sleep!" Feliciano chirped cheerfully.

" I'm sorry. Anyway any signs of any vampires?

" Nien, it seems like they left." he sighed. " Hopefully they moved to the town were the Pure Nordics are."

" Y-yea." you nodded. You got up, "Any ways I gotta go to work."

Chapter 4

You were at a maid cafe. Yes a maid cafe and you worked there as a singer. You were wearing a pastel blue maid uniform. Sofia helped you put on your mic on your head. Maria was the eldest sister of two siblings and she had huge boobs. *cough*. Correction, breasts. Of course Natasha worked here too. She was a deceiving little she-demon. She loathes to be in some guy's embrace, and she always threatens to hurt you if you ever talk to him. Then again, you don't know who he is.

" Awwww you're just so cute! I can just eat you up!" Sofia cooed, her boobs-I mean breast bounced making drum like sounds.

" Yea...please don't.."

" Alright, you're on in three."


You looked at the mirror, " You can do this, (Y/n). You've hunted vampires and killed them, hell you've were able to save your friend from bloodthirsty monsters."

" (Y/n)! You're on!"

" Coming."

You walked out with a guitar smiling. No one was paying attention which you preferred. Sitting down on a chair you sat down. " Um, hello.. I'm (Y/n) and I'm singing Safe and Sound."

After you were done singing you looked timidly, " Any request?"

No response.

You sighed and walked away, " That was amazing, (Y/n)!" Elizabeta exclaimed. You blushed looking red like a tomato.

"Thanks but I don't think I did my best."

" Don't be so insecure! You have a lovely voice."

You looked down weird that you can handle vampires yet not humans. " Maybe I should gain some confidence."

Elizabeta smiled and smacked your back. " That a girl!" she exclaimed. " Now go on, I'll cover you."

" Um..Okay.."

You were sort of on break you guessed. You wanted to go somewhere quit and isolated. So what else than the place were you were bitten?! The church! Well the garden.

You were nervous that the vampire would bite you again. But still you could have been dreaming, and for safety you put on your mask. Walking into the garden you walked near the pond letting the child that was once in you came back and you played with the water. Next you rolled around the grass. You enjoyed the sun warming your skin and the fresh grass was relaxing you. " Okay...." you took a deep breath. You closed your eyes thinking of a song, until. You somehow fell asleep. Jeez what's up with you and sleeping?

You cried in pain. You covered your hand that was bleeding. " Mom! Dad!" you sobbed. The fresh blood oozed from your wound. But no one came to your aid. Being a child you curled up in a ball and cried. " (Y/n)?! What's wrong?" you looked at him and cried.

"M-my hand."

He looked at it, " Damn, it's bleeding badly." Looking at you he exhaled. " Alright, (Y/n) this will hurt a lot, but it'll feel much better." he put his mouth on your wound and sucked on it. His eyes began to turn bloody red. Pulling away he smiled happily, his lips coated with your crimson blood. It was a mix of kindness and morbidness. Looking at your hand the wound was gone; it didn't even hurt even more. You hugged him but he pulled away. " I need to go."

" Bu-bu-"

" Once a I taste human blood I'll want more. I can't do that to a child like you."

You once more woke up in the garden. Your phone are buzzing and your head was hurting from laying down in an odd position. Oh yea it was a a text:

'Hey! (Y/n), it's me Feli! Kiku and Luddy are going to be out for a while, so don't be shocked if we're gone!'

' K'

Turning off your phone you and froze as arms snaked around you. Blinking your eyes they were gone. Breathing in relief you cleared your throat and throat of a song.

" I remember this song! I think..."

" My heart is pierced by cupid... I disdain all glittering gold; there is nothing that can console me, than my jolly sailor bold" you mumbled the lyrics. It was a song you remembered since you were young and it stayed with you like it was part of you. but just as you were going to sing a you heard something in the grass move. You flinched at the sound pulling out your gun and grouched the area. " Who's there?"

No response.

" Fine." you growled lowly. You walked away and looked at the sky still day light. Wow what a long day for you.

" You know it sounds very unladylike to growl." You turned around and pointed your gun.

" It's you." You hissed. " What do you want?"

" All I want to know is how you know that song?"

" I just do. Doesn't everybody know it? " you snapped.

" No. That's a song that's thousands of years old and only I- never mind " he responded. " Unless..." he muttered. He grabbed your hands and looked at you with his also masked face. " What do you remember about your childhood?!"

You gave him a odd look, " Why should I tell you? You're a vampire! Wait a nosy vampire!"

" Just do it."

" Fine. My parents died in a car accident. I was raised by my aunt."

" Be more detailed."

You cussed and sighed, " I'm an only child. My parents died when I was ten and my aunt raised me for ten years. I don't remember much about a my early childhood if that makes sense. Then later I met my friends the and I wanted to become a vampire hunt-

" That's all I need to know." he cut you off, he walked near the pond. He removed his mask and walked to you, " Do you remember me?" he asked. You stared into his emerald eyes you flinched as he ripped off your mask.

" Well, I do remember that you bit me."


" Is something wrong?"

" It's worse than I thought." he muttered. Quietly he laughed, " And I never thought that would work."

You backed away, " What are you talking about?"

" Your memories were wiped, (Y/n). Do you understand?"

Your gripped your gun tight, " You're lying." you turned your back and began to walk away, but he grabbed your shoulder and turned you around. " Let go."

" Look at me" he turned you around and pulled you closer. " You never remember a single thing when you were ten besides the fact you only remember when your parents died."

" Probably have bad memory."

" That is the most stupid thing I ever hear, and I'm twenty one thousands year old and I still remember things even when I was fifteen thousand." you just stood there annoyed you really wanted to use your gun and shoot him. " At least tell me if when you're sleeping you have dreams of you being a young kid."

You thought for a moment and pondered you were having dreams of you as a ten year old and a vampire. " Yea, I do."

He sighed in relief, " Good at least it's wearing off." he walked away from you. " (Y/n), don't tell anyone you talked to me or saw me and I won't do the same." just as he a was going to leave you stopped him.

" W-wait. I'm just wondering. Why are you coming here?" you asked, picking up your mask.

He looked at you with a smirk. " This garden is my favorite place to visit. It carries many memories. So many happy memories." he softly added the last part. " But don't worry, (Y/n); I'll return."He then disappeared into a black blur.

  Chapter 5  

"Did I just let that happen?" you said in shock. You looked at your gun. " I am a dumb ass for not shooting him" you sighed. You walked out of the church. You decided to go to the maid cafe so you could at least get it out of your head. Though what will stay in your head was about your memories. Were part of them wiped? And your connections with that vampire. He seemed different from the first time. Maybe vampires aren't that ev-wait. It could be that he wasn't hungry and he didn't want to feast on your blood. After all the first time you crossed paths with him they were red, while his eyes were emerald the second time. As you were thinking you were forced out of your thought as you heard a scream.

"S-stay away from me!"

You growled putting on your mask and ran to the sound. In the alleyway there was girl with cute short blonde hair and a green dress. " But you're so cute aru." the voice cooed. " I could eat you up." he hissed lowly.

  "No! Stop!"  


" Ow! What the hell!" the vampire growled. Though he was shot many times it was not in the heart which would have killed him.

" Leave the girl alone." you threatened.

" Make me."

"I will." You pointed your gun and shot him in the heart. As the bullets made impacts the vampire fell down on the ground. " Are you okay?" you asked the frightened girl.

She nodded as she was shaking. " T-thank you."

" Yeah. Be more careful next time these parts are often places were vampires like to rip their prey from the eyes of others." you warned her.

" O-okay." she responded. As she got up she looked at the ground shyly. " C-can you walk m-me home?" she requested.

You thought for a moment, looking at the up the sky was beginning to gave a tints of dark blue. It was getting late," Sure thing kid."

"Um.... It's Erika.... Erika Vegol."

" Well it's a pretty name. Names, (Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n)."

" It's over here, Miss."Erika pointed out. She gripped your hand as she ran to her house. The house was a fair size if that makes sense. In sort, not to big and not to small. As you two were close to the door steps there were gun shots.

" Erika get away from this person." A man commanded, he was pointing a gun at you. The gun was a rifle. Swiftly you grabbed your pistol and pointed it at him.

" Drop your gun." you hissed. You looked at Erika who was very frightened.

" Why don't you do the same." he snapped, " I will pull the trigger."

" Same here."

" W-wait! Big brother! (Y/n) isn't a threat to you and I. She saved me from a vampire in the alley."

He dropped his gun and you did the same. He glared at you, " Thank you." he quickly said. He shook your hand firmly his green eyes were glaring at you harshly. " My name is Basch Zwingli."

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