Grey's Anatomy Imagines {CLOS...

By all_time_fandom

273K 3.7K 298

Hey guys! The other day I started watching Grey's Anatomy. Just to see what all of the fuss was about, but on... More

Bar Meeting (Alex) [1/2]
Bar Meeting (2/2)
Devastation (Alex) [1/5]
Devastation (2/5)
Devastation (3/5)
Devastation (4/5)
Devastation (5/5)
Alex's Best Friend (1/3)
Alex's Best Friend (2/3)
Alex's Best Friend (3/3)
Foursome? (Alex & Izzy) [1/3]
Foursome? (2/3)
Foursome? (3/3)
Mishap (Derek & Mark) [1/3]
Mishap (2/3)
Mishap (3/3)
Consolation (Burke) [1/2]
Consolation (2/2)
Why Me? (Bailey) [1/2]
Why Me? (2/3)
Why Me? (3/3)
After Math (Owen & Bailey) [1/3]
After Math (3/3)
The Tragedy of Seattle Grace Mercy West (Jackson) [1/4]
The Tragedy of Seattle Grace Mercy West (2/4)
The Tragedy of Seattle Grace Mercy West (3/4)
The Tragedy of Seattle Grace Mercy West (4/4)
Study Time (Jackson) [1/4]
Study Time (2/4)
Study Time (3/4)
Study Time (4/4)
"Where Would I Be Without You?" (Jackson) [1/3]
"Where Would I Be Without You?" (2/3)
"Where Would I Be Without You?" (3/3)
Sorry Guys...
The Affair (Jackson) [1/5]
The Affair (2/5)
The Affair (3/5)
The Affair (4/5)
The Affair (5/5)
I'm Back!!!
Kids? Not A Chance! (Alex) [1/2]
Kids? Not A Chance! (2/2)
Meeting DeLuca (1/2)
Meeting DeLuca (2/2)
Them (DeLuca) [1/5]
Them (2/5)
Them (3/5)
Them (4/5)
Them (5/5)
Escape (1/2)
Escape (2/2)
Heartbreak (1/2)
Heartbreak (2/2)
Mini Rant
Bottom Line Is...
Unexpected Love (1/2) -Requested-
Unexpected Love (2/2)
Secret Affairs -Requested-
Tough Decisions -Requested-
Oh Shit -Requested-
Long Time Regrets -Requested-
Mistaken Love -Requested-
This is Officially Goodbye

After Math (2/3)

2.3K 46 2
By all_time_fandom

"Dr. Y/L/N?" A smooth, velvety voice states.

"Yes?" I say looking up from my charts.

My eyes meet a pair of baby blue eyes attached a really attractive man. He smiles his pearly white smile to me once he realizes I'm admiring him.

"I'm Dr. Avery, I was assigned to your service today." He states.

I return my focus back to my charts before I say:

"Oh really?"

"Yes, I was always curious about blood-related diseases and how they affect the human body. I-I was also curious about the structure." He states.

I glance over at a nurse who is giving me the girl-don't-you-dare-fall-for-that look. I look up at Dr. Avery.

"You want to know I think, Dr. Avery?"

"Call me Jackson." He says.

"You want to know I think, Dr. Avery?" I repeat, completely ignoring his request.

"I think that you and your male friend made a bet based on if you can get into my pants or not. That's all good and great, because I've had men who were smarter, better and more clever than you, and I still didn't spread my legs for them. You're not the first person who tried, and you surely wont be the last."

"Dr. Y/L/N, I can assure you..." He trails off once he sees that my index finger is raised.

"I'm not finished... I think it's cute that you think you have a shot. I am a beautiful and intelligent woman, who has just gotten out of rough patch. I have a lot of baggage that you want nothing to do with. And most importantly, I'm not interested." I finish.

He presses his lips together and nods gently.

"Room 1604 needs a C.T. scan and a M.R.I. Page me once you get the results." I direct as I hand him the chart.

"I can handle baggage." He says looking into my eyes.

I put my hand on his shoulder before I say:

"You can't handle my baggage."

I walk passed him to check on one of my critical patients.

"That only intrigues me more!" He shouts as he sees that I'm not looking back.

"That's your problem!" I call in response.


Lunch time finally came and I just got out of the food line. I sit down at a random circular table and start eating my sandwich. I am about take my first bite when I see Avery sit down next to me.

I put down my sandwich to say:

"I though that Mercy Westers don't eat lunch."

"We don't, normally. I just came by to say that; I'm going to take you out to dinner." He says.

I scoff at him before I say:

"What point to 'I'm not interested' do you not seem to understand?"

"What point of 'that intrigues me more' do you not seem to understand?" He contradicts.

"No, I will not go out on a date with you." I say.

"Well that's too bad 'cause uh.. a little birdie told me that you are single. And that same birdie told me where you live; if you don't show up to the dinner reservation, then I will bring the dinner to you." He says.

My mouth gapes open at his words.

"Well I would like to know who this birdie is." I say.

"That's for me to know and you to find out.." he says before he takes a sip of my water.

"I may not know you, but I know that type. You think that if you bat your eyelashes or give a girl your a charming smile, that they will anything you want. You probably did that to get where you are now. But I am not going to fall for the same trick that you pulled on every girl in this hospital. I-"

This time he puts up his index finger, telling me to shut up.

"I'll you tonight." He adds before steals one of my fries and walks away.

Soon after he left, Bailey sits down next to me.

"He won't leave me alone." I whine.

"Do you really want him to leave you alone?" She asks.

"Y- Yes, I do! I don't want a relationship right now. And clearly he can't take the hint. I told him that I am not interested in him and that I didn't have time for relationships. He blew me off and said he is taking me out to dinner. Then he said that if I don't show up to dinner reservations, he will come my house and bring me dinner. Why would he do that?" I rant.

"Cause he wants to get your attention, and clearly he's got it." She says.

"What? No he doesn't!"

"Oh he really does." She says before she steals one of my fries.

I groan and lean back into my chair.

After spending most of my day glowering at Avery, I decided to go grab a drink at Joes.

The minute I sit down, I rest my cheeks on the palm of my hands.

"You okay, Y/N?" Joe asks.

"No, I'm really not." I say.

He pours me a cup of bourbon before he says:

"You wanna talk about it?"

I gulp down my bourbon before I say:

"Today was my first day back at work, and instead of having and easy breezy day, I have this guy on my service named Jackson Avery and -"

"I heard my name?" I hear him say behind me.

"Oh my God, why?" I say under my breath.

I light press my forehead on the counter and huff in annoyance.

"Come on, I'm not that bad. There are girls who would kill to get the attention from a guy like me." Avery says.

"Yeah? Will do me a favor and give your attention to one of them, and not to me." I say with my head still resting in the table.

"Why would I do that, if I have you?" He asks.

I look up at him and send him a glare.

"I'm really not as bad as you think I am, let me buy you a drink." He suggests.

"No." I say sharply.

"Just one. Small. Drink." He persists.

I take a minute to look at him, I mean actually look at him. His well shaven peach fuzz that connects to his side burns. His perfectly tanned skin that emphasizes his dark pink lips, pearly white teeth and amazing blue eyes. He is wearing a black V-neck that shows off his muscular biceps, making me wonder just how fit he really is.

No doubt, he is a hottie. But I don't want to be some trophy that he can hold up on some pedestal. I deserve more than that- I am more than that.

"What do you think, Joe? Should I give him a chance?" I ask.

"I think if he is bending over backwards to get your interest, that you can at least let him buy you a drink; maybe even tell him some things about yourself." He states.

I bite my lip in thought before I turn to Avery and say:

"Fine. One drink."

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