King Arthur at Hogwarts

Від OliviaHathaway

226 14 1

What happens when Arthur wakes up at Hogwarts.... without Merlin? A Merlin Harry potter crossover fanfic Більше

Not in Camelot anymore

226 14 1
Від OliviaHathaway

I was in the through of battle. I remember it clearly, we had been pushed into the cells, fighting the un dead army. Gaius had said that they were here because of the cup of life, Merlin and Lancelot had gone to ring the warning bell. And then in the middle of a losing battle, the un dead soldiers suddenly exploded, And that's when the light came. It was blinding, and nauseating. and then i woke up on the ground outside a castle, i know wasn't home.

Camelot was light and strong. This castle was dark, with large towers on towers. It seemed to radiate a kind of feeling i couldn't put my finger on. I was terrified. Not only was I in what looked like a nightmare, I had no idea if my home was safe, if my family was safe. And then i couldn't breath, The thick dark fog was suffocating, and when breath did come, i tried to control it to no avail.

"Shhhh, I think i hear something." I heard a girl whisper close by. I tried to quiet my breathing, but i had only just managed to bring the air in. I heard foot steps, and then saw, or at least i think i saw, three children, in dark robes.

"Merlin's beard! Is that a real knight!? Bligh-me." Said a red headed boy. Merlin, did he know him... what Merlin didn't have a beard, this was all wrong. If Merlin was here i needed to find him. AS soon as i knew my breath would support words i tried to ask.

"Where is Merlin? Is he here to?" I asked hoping the answer was yes. I will never admit this to him but, Merlin is a comforting constant in my life. Like an annoying little brother i can't imagine my life without. So the hope that he could be here to, helped me take my first steady breath since i woke up in this hell.

The red headed boy looked as if he were about to answer, but the girl hit him and pulled them both to the said. She whispered to them for a short time, and then turned back to me.

"Sir knight, we are not sure where you are from, but this is our school. Im sure our headmaster would love to meet you."

"I am Prince Arthur of Camelot, and you mentioned my servant. If you know where Merlin is... please.." I let the authority leave my tone, "please tell me."

"Merlin's beard..." Whispered the red head, he was then hit by the girl again.

"As I said, I think our headmaster will be the person you should talk to, he might know how you got here." Her voice sounded worried.... it wasn't comforting. but I followed them. We entered the gates of their "school," and the sight that meet my eyes was almost as terrifying as the un dead army i was just fighting. Objects were floating, staircases changed positions, ghosts greeted children. This was sorcery.

"Get behind me children, there is sorcery here." I pulled my sword out ready to protect them.

"We need to get to Dumbledore now." The black haired boy said.

"We will explain everything once we are at the headmasters office." the girl was trying to sound re assuring im sure, but it wasn't working. " You are safe, but we are not very good at explaining and our headmaster is very good at it." That's when i saw the children looking at me with expressions of ether shock or fear. A school.... i should put the sword away and followed the three that found me. We entered an office, that if possible, took my breath away even more. The walls were covered in portraits of people who were, like the others i notice, moving. There was an orange bird perched. And sitting behind a desk was an old man with a long white beard, some sort of glass over half his eyes, and his eyes were smiling. He seemed to just know how scared I was, and that made me feel better, not totally, he reminded me of the old sorcerer who enchanted me and Gwen, but he seemed nicer.

"Hello, and welcome to Hogwarts." He paused as i furrowed my brow at the name... what kind of a name was Hogwarts for a school? " My name is Albus Dumbledore, and what may I ask is yours?"

"P Prince Arthur of Camelot." I said, only to be meet with a gasp from the girl with curly hair and wide eyes from Dumbl whats it.

"These three say they found you out on our grounds next to the gamekeepers hut. Do you know how you got there?" He asked. I thought he was supposed to know how the bloody hell i got here.

"No I was fighting an un dead army when a bright light brought me here." The old man's face looked as if he had already left the room. He walked to a book shelf and pulled out several books...

"Interesting... tell me, was the cup of life involved?" He asked one book open in the middle in his hands.

"....yes... how did you."

"Oh interesting... very interesting... Did you hear any words spoken when the light flashed?" He asked, still looking at the book. I tried not to smile, but this old man reminded me alot of Gaius, it was comforting.

"No just a light." I paused. The children made it sound as if this man would know the answer to my questions so i asked the one no one had answered yet. "... The small red head had said the name of my manservant.... is he here... is he safe?" At this the old man looked up at me with a questioning look, then he looked at the children. The girl cleared her throught.

"Ron said... Merlin's beard.." she shot dagers at him, then looked down. The old man sighed.

"Ah." He said. He then looked at me with a smile and... was that sympathy? "You wish to know of Merlin?"

"He had left to ring the warning bell, but then the boy said his name... is he here to?" the look in the man's eye gave me pause, but i had to hope... hope Merlin had made this journey with me, as he had made all the others. The old man paused again, put down his book and walked over to where i stood.

"Children, would you give us the room?" The children left, not looking up. And the old man looked at me.

"Prince.." He said the smile in his eye lessening. "You are not yet king?" it was a question.

"No..." I said, not sure what this had to do with where Merlin was. He nodded.

"By now im sure you are aware that you are in a place of magic. I am aware of the laws in your kingdom while your father was king, and im sure our school has unnerved you." I paused...

"This is not Camelot. Other kingdoms do not have the same laws." I said quickly. If this was a place of magic, I was seriously outnumbered. I had also seen magic do good. I am not my father, and i hoped this man knew that. He smiled.

"Indeed..... I must inform you that although i am aware of many time spells i do not know what brought you here. I can tell you where and... when you are though." When what did he mean when. my confusion must have shown.

"The light must have been a spell, you are in the future." He said carefully. Ok i had heard of magic that could take you though time.

"how far?" I asked. not sure i wanted to know the answer.

"Almost one thousand years." The mad sad sadly. It was as if all the air in the room had been sucked out. My legs almost gave out on me. One thousand years, All I knew was.. gone... I had to get back. But Merlin was here to right, he was stuck here with me.

"Does Merlin know yet?" I asked concerned... maybe I should tell me. But the old man only looked at me sadly.

"The people of magic have been in hiding for a thousand years, we have created our own world, and as you can see, our own schools." He paused. what did this have to do with Merlin? He then walked over to one of the portraits on the wall, and motioned for me to join him. He looked at the old man in the picture. and i did to. I knew him, it was Dragoon. He was sitting in an old chair and looked as though he was asleep. "We have had peace with non magical people for over a thousand years because of him." He looked at the old man in the picture. I was getting nervous. Why were we looking at a picture of an old sorcerer? The professor sighed.

"He lived for a little over 900 years, longer than any wizard before or since him." He smiled at the surprise on my face. "He had become the most famous warlock of all time, he is responsible for the peace we know, and even helped build this school." "I truly am sorry. Im sorry if you did not know this part of him." Wait what?

"Do I know this man?" I asked confused. He didn't answer.

"Some say, he lived as long as he did, because he was waiting for you.... His name is known by every child, whether they come from a wizarding family or not. It is known in relation to yours, although in our world he is known in his own right." My breath quickened, I was scared of where this was leading. "His name has even become an exclamation." He laughed a bid. "It is generally used when surprised or in teasing..... From what I have heard of him, he would approve of that.....That is why you heard Ron say his name." He looked at me carefully. "He has been gone now almost a hundred years, but if you wish.... I can take you to where he is resting." His voice was kind. The boy said Merlin's name.... but Merlin was not a sorcerer... Merlin was younger than me... Merlin was not gone!

"No.. no That is not Merlin! I just saw him, he was fine, he had black hair and huge ears, and he went to go do something stupid. He was supposed to come here with me, and call me a prat, and tell me i'm being ridiculous! This is his form of a joke, inst it!?" I din't want the tears in my eyes to escape. The old man simply put a hand on my shoulder.

"Would you like to see him?" I paused but nodded. He smiled.

"This may be disorienting." Before I knew it i felt a feeling like i was being pushed through a hole that was to small. And then I was standing at the edge of a lake, and in front of me was a large stone.

In Honor of the Great Merlin. For all he has done for us, he will never be forgotten, and his name will live on. Rest well in Avalon.

NO... no that's not right, Merlin cant be gone. It wasn't right. Merlin had a stubborn persistence to stay alive.

"He has requested to be put on a boat and burned on the lake... no one ever knew why." He stood by my said and handed me a book. 'The life of Merlin: the man and the myth.'

"He, spoke of you often..... I will leave you with him." He stepped away, leaving me with the empty quiet and the cold stone in front of me. "no man was worth your tears." But Merlin always was. He had magic... why didn't he tell me? Why didn't he trust me? I knelt in front of that damned stone.

"You know, you are supposed to be here when i find out you've been lying to me, so i can yell at you." I could almost hear him, ' Well tough prat, just let me be dead in peace.' But i couldn't just leave him in peace. Because he left me.... in silence. "I don't think i can do this without you... Im in a magic school," i laughed, "They love you.... told you you get all the glory when you're not around to see it." I tried to smile... he was so mad when i said that. I swallowed. 900 years, that's how old that man said Merlin was when he died. I left him alone for 900 years.

"I'm so sorry Merlin. I left you... I left you alone for so long." I couldn't take it. I knelt at that stone and cried for my brother. When i had cried all my tears i sat next to it and started reading the book the professor had given me. I read about Merlin, all that he hadn't told me... and all that he had. I read how he lived after I was gone.... and it broke my heart. I always knew Merlin was strong but this was a strength that should never have been asked of him. The portrait at the back of the book was the same in the office. It had an inscription that read "The only known portrait of the Great Merlin." I tore it out, folded it, and put it in the pocket of my jacket. It was all I had of him, and i was not going to lose it. When i stood Dumbledore was next to me once more.

"I do not know what spell took you here, but I may have something that can take you back.... if you wish it." He said. Home.... I had forgot going back could be possible. " This is a time turner." He pulled out a long golden chain with an hour glass attached. "You simply put it on, I have spelled it to activate and turn to take you back to your time, you may arrive a day later or a day earlier, but you will be home. I nodded in understanding, and put the chain around my neck. It didn't feel real.. i felt numb, but i did it.

"Thank you," I managed. He simply smiled and bowed.

"It had been an honor your highness." He said, and then the hour class started to turn. The world started to blur around me and i felt dizzy. and then I was in my chambers, looking at my bed. I fell to my knees in relif. I was home. And then I checked my pocket. It was still there, that portrait of Merlin. I looked at me through his long white hair, and beard... Merlin's beard... I smiled. He would hate that.

"We're home Merlin." I said, sitting at the table. And then the door slammed open.

"Lets have you lazy daisy! Up and... oh.... your up." Merlin.... Merlin was barging in his room, wearing a stupid grin... Merlin was his normal young stupid self. His idiotic magical self. I almost cried with relief.

"...Merlin?" I asked, still not convinced he was real.

"...Arthur?" He said letting the sarcasm drip through the word. I stood up and walked over to him... he seemed real. I touched his arm... he felt real.

"Arthur... are you ok, you look as though you've seen a ghost." He smiled and set down the food he was carrying.

"I think I have.." I whispered. I reached out touched his face and smiled, " No beard." I said so happy... this was my Merlin. I pulled him into a hug, screw propriety, I had just seen my best friend's grave, having him here was a miracle.

"Ok, Arthur, I'm ganna go get Gaius, you must be ill..." He laughed, I missed that sound.

"I'm not ill... I just thought I lost you..... I'm so sorry Merlin." I held him at arms length and looked him in the eye.

"Why would you think you lost me?" He asked confused.

"I... went somewhere.... where you had gone... I ...... I saw your grave." I couldn't look at him. I walked away, and sat at the table. It was then i noticed my hands were shaking. Merlin sat across from me, looking somber.

"Where did you go?" He asked. of course he believed me. I'm sure it wasn't the craziest thing he had heard, having magic and all. Magic, the old man in that picture clearly had magic... but this Merlin.... he never told me. I smiled.

"Merlin, one day.... i will tell you. One day I will give you something and that day I will tell you where I was. But that day is not today." I took a deep breath, and smiled at the confusion on his face. "Now, get to work idiot, we don't have all day." His eyebrows went up at that, but then he simply nodded and left the room. When he did I look out that portrait and put it in a trunk under my floorboard with my mother's sidgle. One day, when I was king I would lift the ban, and show him. Today was not that day.... but it would come.

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