My Sister, Taylor Swift

By Niallismyirishmofo

63.6K 1.3K 301

Taylor Swift is one of the worst sisters you could possiby have! She took everything away from me, my family... More

Hi I'm Lottie
Going shopping
Meeting Taylor and Harry
Hi I'm Jessie
Getting ready to watch the Interview
The Interview
Hi I'm Lorna
Watching the Interview
The drive back
Shopping and Concert
Hi I'm Shannon
Meeting Fern
Hi I'm Fern
Authors note
Authors Note
The winning ticket
Meeting One Direction and Taylor
Author's note
At their house
Lottie and Louis's joke
getting to know each other and movies
Chap. 16
Hi I'm Sidney
Chap. 46
Chap.50 part 1
Chap.50 part 2
The Photo
The Magazine
The Fight
Lorna's apology
The unknown is named
The confrontations
Dani's surprise visit
Tiredness and Sickness
Talk with Harry
Lottie's worst nightmare
Lottie's second day missing!
The Evidence
The Final Piece of Evidence
Two days after


690 24 16
By Niallismyirishmofo


This is the story over *sniffs* *wipes tear* I just want to say thank you everyone for reading, commenting, voting and following me it means a great deal but a story must come to an end and this is the end of this one. I just want to say a special thank you to:

daniii49893 for being here from near the start and commenting on every chapter since thank you so much for commenting it made my day reading your comments thank you! And thanks for giving me the idea for Dani in the story.

Heyyana13 even though you weren't here from the start your comments were brilliant and I am sorry that you may miss this because your school doesn't allow phones or anything!

Tateradest your comments were also amazing and thank you for commenting nearly every chapter.

sidney_music who commented at the start and gave me the idea for Sidney in th story thank you!

And thank you to everyone else who read this and voted it's amazing I can never thank you enough!

Sadly I won't be writing another story but feel free to messgae me if you want to talk I am always open and theres a 99.9999999999999% chance I will reply :)

(And for the last time) Love you all

Lorna xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

*3 years later*

Lottie's POV

"Lily can you run inside and bring me some more paper cups darling?" I asked my youngest daughter who was now 3 years old (made as soon as I got out that damn hospital). Harry and I decided to host a garden tea party with the rest of the crew and their children. We are married and have two children, Lucy Lorna Styles and Jake James Styles who is half a year old. Harry and the boys split up last year and so did Little mix. Everyone was devastated

"Lottie! Niall and Lorna are here!" Harry shouted from the kitchen where he was cooking.

"Ok thanks," I said picking up Jake who was playing with the grass at my feet. I opened the front door and jake immediantly squealed streching out his tiny arms at Niall.

"Hello Jakie," he cooed taking Jake out my arms.

"Hi Lorna. How are you?" I turned to Lorna.

"Good thanks," she replied.

"Aunty Lolo!" Lucy said running in her best toddler run towards Lorna.

"Wheres Jodie?" I asked looking for the little girl.

"She's ill we left her with Mum," she explained.

"Poor thing is she alright?" I asked.

"Yeah just a tummy bug," Lorna explained. Lorna and Niall are married with Jodie their 2 year old. Jodie got Lorna's blonde hair and Niall's bright blue eyes.

"Hello!" Jessie yelled coming down the path.

"Hi Jessie and Liam!" i said back laughing. Jessie and Liam finally got together and are now married with a little girl on the way.

"Hows the baby?" Lorna asked as Jessie arrived next to her.

"In good health her due date is Augut 20th," Jessie said.

"Well come in everything is in the back garden," I said and we all went to the backgarden. I kissed Harry on the lips as I passed.

"Eeewww!" I heard behind me and I turned round to see Lucy and Lorna sniggering behind me. I raised my eyebrow and they laughed some more before running outside to join everyone else.

"Anyone else to come?" Harry asked.

"Yes. Sidney and Danny, Dani and Mark, Louis and Eleanor, Shannon and Olly and Zayn and Perrie," I said. Just as I said this there was a knock on the door and Louis, Eleanor, Zayn and Perrie came in with their kids.

"Hi!" they chorused. Louis and Eleanor have been happily married for about 2 and a half years with a little boy called Benjamin (2 years old) as are Perrie and Zayn with a boy and girl called Charlie (2 years old) and Abi (1 year old).

"Hello," I said picking up Charlie.

"Lollie!" Abi said stretching her arms up to me.

"Theres my little Abi," Harry came over picking up Abi from behind. Abi squealed in delight.

The door sounded again and Sidney and her boyfriend Danny was there.

"Everyone's out the back," I told them and they hugged me hello before going to join the others. It's only Dani, Mark, Shannon and Olly to come.

"Everything will be ready in about 5 minutes," Harry said when I walked into the kitchen.

"Thanks for everything Harry," I said kissing him.

"Your welcome sugarpie," he said.

"Whats with the nickname?" I asked.

"Just thought you're so cute," harry answered kissing my nose.

"Mummy, Shannie is at the door," Lucy said coming into the kitchen.

"Thanks love," I said kissing her head as she ran out to play with everyone else.

"Shannon!" I said hugging her.

"Hey wheres my hug?" Olly pouted. I hugged him. If you're wondering Olly and Shannon got together after about 3 months of Olly pleading and many fights later when Shannon finally forgave him and now they are happily engaged.

"Everyone's in the back garden," I told them and they went into the back garden. Now just Dani and Mark to come they better hurry foods about to be served! Just then another knock sounded and I opened it. First thing I saw was their dog jumping up at my legs but he was so small he only reached about mid thigh.

"I basically haven't seen you without Jasper since you got him," I said pointing to the wee dog.

"What can i say I love my Jasper!" Dani said picking up her dog.

"Jasper!" Lucy gasped before running to pet the small dog. Lucy ran off with Jasper to the back garden.

"Hi Mark how are you?" I asked him.

"good really good thanks you?" he answered (picture of Mark and Jasper on the side).

"Good thanks," I said and we all went into the back garden. After MANY hellos harry brought out the food and set it on the table. It was mostly salads and pasta with a few special star and dinosaur ham sandwiches for the kids.

I fed Jake his bottle of milk as we ate as did some of the other mums with their children.

We talked about everything before lunch was finished and Harry and I started tidying up.

"You stay out I got this," harry said.

"No you've been cooking all day you stay out and talk," I persuaded, "Go!" i pushed him out the doors. I cleaned everything up with the help of Perrie and we just talked.

"Remember what a disaster the first tour you came on with us was?" Perrie said.

"Could never forget especially since Shannon and I's sisters got locked up like they deserve!" I said.

"That was one crazy tour!" Perrie laughed.

"Definitely," I agreed and we walked back out into the garden. I walked out into the garden to see all the couples cuddled up next to each other with the kids playing in the sandpit together.

"I suspect they are going to be great friends when they are older," Eleanor said guesturing to the kids.

"Yeah they definitely are," I said watching Lucy help Charlie make a sandcastle.

"Guys Mark and I have something to tell you," Dani said as she and Mark stood up. We all looked at her as if to tell her to carry on. She merely held up her left hand and on her ring finger was a diamond engagment ring. I screamed and ran to hug her. We felt all the other girls hug us too. The boys were calmly saying "well done mate," how can they be calm in these situations well apart from Louis who was now screaming 'They're getting married!' and dancing on the grass. We broke apart and saw the kids were now crowded round louis watching him and giving their baby and toddler laughs.

I guess some people never do grow up.

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