The Bad Boy's Girl{Currently...

By Kiki_fresh_

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Teynana is insecure and think life would be better without her. Her stepfather beats and rapes her. Keenan is... More

The Bad Boy's Girl
Chapter 1: A Morning
Chapter 2: Help me...
Chapter 3: The bad boy's brother
Chapter 4 : Let Me Love you..
Chapter 5: It All Just Hurts
chapter 6: Heartache
chapter 8: Finally
Chapter 10: Sleepover!
Chapter 11 : Back To School
Chapter12: Just listen to me!
Chapter 13: Sunshines Seizer..
Chapter 14: Victoria
Chapter 15: Brave Face...
Chapter 16: Missing
Chapter 17: No Love
Chapter 18: I'm Home
Chapter 19: I have a brother?!
Chapter 20: Sunday
Chapter 21: Finally happy
Chapter 22: High School With Christian
Chapter 23: My Big Sister
Chapter 24: The bad boy's girl
Final Chapter 25: Birthday Abduction
Good News!!!
Chapter 26: Inner angriness
Chapter 27: Dunegon
Chapter 28: Nightmares and Flash backs
Chapter 29: I got Sunishine On a Cloudy Day
Chapter 30:Oh How I Missed You.
Chapter 31: You Mad Bro?¿
Chapter 32: I Am Sorry
Chapter 33: Kidnapping the Kidnapper
Book 2!!!
Well if ya dont know well now ya know!!

chapter 9: Highway to hell

2K 42 6
By Kiki_fresh_

Finally I can get out of this damn hospital box. Me and Jacob was told we were out cold for a full week. Then the following week we couldn't visit our friends. So now that  this week we can get out I am nothing but happy. The doctor didn't tell me why Jacob was in the hospital tho. They said he'll tell me, so now I have to figure out how I can get him to spill.

Folding up the last piece of clothing I went by Jacob.

"Hey sleeping beauty." He smiled at me making me notice his deep dimples. Did I say how much I love dimples on a human being?!

"Hey skinney minne." I smiled back at him.

Jacob closed his suit cast as I sat on his bed.

"I can't wait to see everyone."  The bed dipped next to me as  he sat down. Our legs brushed causing electric shock to shoot up my stomach.

"Me too, I missed them so much." I smiled.

Jacob looked away deep in his thoughts and I thought maybe it was the time to ask.

"Jay." I whispered. Jacob eyes swooped down to meet mine.

"Yes?" he softly questioned. It was so hard to look away so I didn't. The way his eyes caressed mine caused me to choked up.

"I was ..... well.... I wanted to know... and.... yea so.... ummm" I looked down searching for words. A Large warm hand held mine as Jacob lifted my chin to meet his gaze.

"what is it, tee?" he asked.

" Did.... Did my dad shoot you?" I asked. Jacob let out a hard sad sigh.

" no but I wish he did." he said softly.

"Then--?" He cut me off.

"tee, you were losing alot of blood and the doctor said you weren't going to make it because you  lost way too much. I... I gave 5 pints of blood to u." he said. My eyes grew big as I studied his expression.

"my god jackey." is all I could say. "thank u so much." I pecked his cheek and laid my head on his muscular yet fragile chest when the door opened and the doctor walked in.

"Hey guys. How ya feeling?" he asked smiling with all straight yet white teeth. I smiled and lifted my head from Jacob.

"good." me and Jacob said together.

"great your friends should be here any minute. but while we have a little time we need to discuss sum rules about your health."  Jacob I nod understanding.

" ok so you guys both are still weak from surgery. you guys, don't put to much pressure on your selves it'll take at least a month to fully recover. Here's the rules.

No drinking. No swimming. No wind pressure can be put apon u. that means no fans closed to you in ur sleep. Try avoiding the cold.  Heat flashes, dizziness,and hunger is all side effects to the pills you will have to take all month. Take the pills after lunch breakfast and dinner. you have to eat all three meals. Go a lil low on the sweets. go low on salt. eat lots of fruit. 8 hrs of sleep every night. And exercise little less. I recommend jogging 2 miles every day no more no less. football is a no show untill your recovered I'll right a note. Any questions?" we shook our heads no and he smiled when there was a knock on the door.

When he opened the door they all charged in to me. yelling laughing and smiling they ran to Jacob.

"Go easy guys Jacob is still weak."I smile. When they ease up the door swings open and two officers ask for me and Jacob. We walked out the room to another room much more empty. A man was sitting down his arms crossed.

“ Hello. Ms. McKinney. Mr. Brown." He motioned for us to sit down.

We sat across from the man and I sat up straight trying to match his posture.

“I'm sure you wondering why u are here."

we nodded.

“I'm professor Perkins and you are....." looked at some papers and smiled back at us crossing his hands back. “Teynana McKinney and Jacob Brown, correct?"

we nodded again. Gosh this is taking way to long and it's pms time I don't wanna sit here to long.

“ So I come with news." He makes a long sigh. I can her the clock ticking some where as he slowly releases his breathe makes me click.

“ not to be rude but I can't sit still for along time and I'm practically itching to get home. I've been in this hospital for way to long. I need some real food before I die in starvation. So can we find the time to hurry this up?" I ask.

“ Okay I understand. I just wanna come in slow. But lets jump into it." He opens some papers and scans them be for looking up.

“do you know these two women." He held up two pictures.

"yes this is my mom and sister.“ I reply.

“ your dad is the man we arrested?"

stepdad." I corrected him.

“ well your stepdad is a murderer.“ he informed.

"I don't care and it don't surprise me. He's a monster." I said.

"well you should care look at these." he said. I knit my eyebrows at him when he handed my and envelop.

Jacob rested his head on my shoulder to get a look. I pulled out a bunch of papers.

Three minutes of reading police reports and sorts  I came across two brutal pictures of my mom and sis. I covered my mouth shaking uncontrollably. I stood holding the pictures in my hand shaking I drop the pictures and ran out the room.

I found a perfect place by some abandon stairs. I rolled in a ball refusing to cry. My heart hurt as the pictures of my mom and sis popped back in my head.

(the pictures)

A pool of blood surrounding her head. Her face purple and swollen. A bullet hole to the head.(picture1 Teynana mom)

A red ring around the neck. Bruise under the left eye. 3 stab wounds. 1 in the right side of stomach. There's one on her belly beneath the belly button. The last wounded on the left leg thigh. (picture2 Teynana's sister)

I felt warm soft hands wrap around me breaking me from the horrible visions. I looked up to see Jacob red eyed  as he inhaled slowly closing his eyes. He rocked back and forth as he caressed my body. I notice then I balled my self into him. His warm body sending chills up my spine. I couldn't cry which pissed me off. Ugh! life sucks!

“come tee. we have to go we'll talk later the guys are waiting for us."  he said exhaling as if he was holding his breathe. I nodded and he stood reaching for my hand. I grabbed his hand and he helped me up. when we got outside our friends were waiting for us. I smiled at them and got in Johnathan car all the way in the back. Keynna sat next to me.

"Hey Teynana! " she hugged me "I missed you." she smiled which warmed my heart.

"I missed you to sweetie."  I hugged her small little body. I remember when Avery was her age. That thought made me wanna ball all over again. Keynna squeezed herself between me and the seat and snuggled against me. I wrapped my arm around her and held her in position knowing she'll fall asleep sooner or later.

"daddy and me day is  Monday and I wanna bring some one." she said. "but I don't have a real daddy." she said glumly.

me neither kid is what I wanted to say but of course I didn't.

"do you have any one in mind?" I asked her. " I'd come but im not a daddy. I hope." I joked and she giggled.

" I have it all mapped out. First ill ask Jonathan and if he says no or he's busy then I'll ask Jacob and if he says no or if he's busy I'll ask keenan and if he says no or he's busy than I'll ask the janitor to disguise himself and be my dad." she giggled. I chuckled lightly at the janitor part.

"well I'm sure all would go if they could so you wouldn't need the janitor." I smiled.

"I'm nervous I don't wanna ask him" she frowned.

"aww why?" I asked.

"he might think im wier... weri.....weird." she stuttered trying to pronounce weird.

"Jonathan loves you. I see it in his eyes when you hug him. He would go I promise." I raised my pinky up for her to shake.

“Okay." she smiled sleepily and yawned.

"go to sleep sweetie." I told her she nodded.

"can you sing softly to me  like Sunshine used to do? it  help me sleep better." she pouted. And I chuckled again lightly to myself.

“okay let me see." I stroked her head and sung.

     " I'd like to say we gave it a try.

I'd like to blame it all on our lies maybe we just weren't right.

but that's a lie. that's a lie. and we can deny it as much as we want.

but in time our feeling will show. cuz sooner or later we'll wander why we gave up truth is every on knows.

ohhh almost. almost is never enough.

so close to being in love. if I would've known that u wanted me the way i wanted you......"

I felt her purr  her sleep and I turn to look at her. I have her a small kiss on her fore head be fore looking at the hood of the car and falling asleep.

"come on Teynana wake!" Jonathan voice  covered my ears. I slowly opened my eyes and saw sunshine giggle and Jonathan's scowl.  I pat his cheek.

"poor baby." I smiled giving him an fake pout. His scowl deepened and I laughed and hoped out the car. I grabbed my suitcase and walked to my door to find an envelope.

I grabbed my keys from the flower pot and opened the door placing the key back in the soil of the flower pot. I walked inside and rolled my bag up the stairs into my room.

"tee!?" Jacob's voice bounced of the walls.

"up here!'' I  yelled in response.  I opened the the letter sitting on my bed.

Nyalen Paker

September 3rd 2014

Mango de galo st 234801

  Dear Teynana Brown,

To make matter short..I know your mom has passed. I'm truly sorry for your lost she was a good and hard working women. Sadly she paid my rent and I'm not  sure u can.  That's not good. I give your till the end of this week evacuate the premises. Thank you for your cooperation.


       your landlord Nyalen. ;)

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!" I screamed. I totally clicked out. My world crashed on me all at once. I'm fucking homeless with a dead mom sister. A psychopath step dad and a brother all the way in Ohio! God, why do you hate me!

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" anger boiled in side me. I threw stuff every where completely tearing up my room for to reasons. 1 It's pms time very emotional and 2 my life sucks.

Next thing I know muscular arms grab my hand and stops me. My eyes are closed and I'm still screaming.

“ Teynana plz stop screaming!" Jacob voice matches the volume of my screaming. I stop screaming but my eyes are still closed

"open your eyes." he said softly again. I couldn't if I open them I'll cry. I don't wanna cry.

“plz" his  hands still on my wrist I can sense how close he is to me. I slowly opened my eyes welled with tears that I didn't want to fall. His eyes soften and his hands dropped to my waist as he pulled me close taking away the lasting space that kept us from touching.

"Gosh km on a highway to hell jakey." I murmured in his chest able to push the tears back up..thank goodness I didn't wanna cry.

hey lovies! kisses! did you like?.......... really!?.......... shall we join hands and sing kum by ya? lol okaaayyy... well hope you like thanks for reading. vote add comment! I really would appreciate it. Thanx people!!!! Xoxox :) <3

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